The army marched out overnight, turned eastward, and after preparing to avoid Lu Bu, turned southwestward to rescue Feng County.

However, if you want to leave, you can't leave all of them, because Lu Bu's army is not far away.

If you see that the situation has changed, you will definitely send troops to chase after it.

You can't go very far overnight, and if you are caught up by Lu Bu, you will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, in order to cover the retreat of the army, Sun Ce took the initiative to stay as a cover, in order to paralyze Lu Bu.

Han Dang, Zu Mao and the other generals wanted to dissuade them, but Sun Ce said, "Lee deems there is no need to persuade them any more.

Lu Bu's goal is to be lonely. If Gu is not there, he will not be good at giving up.

Therefore, Lu Bu can only be delayed if Gu stays in check. If everyone is really worried about Gu, then hurry up.

Gu then rode a fast horse to join the army! "

Under Sun Ce's insistence, the generals could no longer say anything, and could only helplessly accept the reality that the lord left behind.

Together with Sun Ce, there are [-] cavalry. These people are highly maneuverable and can block the pursuers with ease.

So early in the morning of the second day, under the leadership of Sun Ce, he took the initiative to fight Lu Bu.

When Lu Bu heard the provocation from the mountain, he was not surprised, and immediately went down the mountain to fight with Sun Ce.

Sun Ce fought with him for fifty rounds, but finally failed.

But this time he simply ran away from Lu Bu.

While running, he pretended to be angry and shouted: "Pifu, I'll kill you after I have breakfast!"

Lu Bu put away Fang Tian's painted halberd, and replied proudly: "Just go back, and fight again when you're full, so as not to say that this general bullies you! Hahahaha..."

This time Sun Ce no longer cared about face, as long as he held Lu Bu back, he would be successful.

Therefore, after returning to the camp for an hour to repair, they charged again.

After fifty rounds, Sun Ce retreated again.

"Pifu, Gu will kill you after lunch!"

It was several hours later.

"Pifu, Gu will kill you after dinner!"

"Pifu, I'll kill you after I've had supper alone!"


At the last time, Lu Bu finally couldn't help complaining: "Sun Ce, you know how to eat and drink all day long!

Are you an idiot? "

"Everyone, go to the toilet and kill you!"

Lu Bu was finally speechless.

But since the other party has been there, he didn't have any doubts, and he was still waiting on the mountain.

And this day's battle, while Sun Ce was eating and drinking, continued intermittently until dark.

Sun Ce has put on his old face today, and finally dragged out Lu Bu for a day and a night.

That night, without any hesitation, Sun Ce didn't even accept the battalion, and took the rest of the cavalry straight away.

Early the next morning, Lu Bu waited on the mountain for a long time, but still did not see Sun Ce coming to fight.

At first, he thought that Sun Ce was afraid, so he deliberately flinched.

But until noon, there was still no movement in Sun Ce's camp in the distance.

This time, Lu Bu finally noticed something unusual.

He hurriedly sent someone to check in front of the camp, and the news he brought back made Lu Bu instantly furious.

"Sun Ce, how dare you play me? Where are they fleeing? Go after them immediately!"

His subordinates immediately mobilized, and after probing for a long time, they finally confirmed that Lu Bu immediately led his troops to chase eastward.

However, Sun Ce's main force walked for a day and a night, and he had already gone far.

And Sun Ce himself is all cavalry, and his marching speed far exceeds that of Lu Bu's army.

Therefore, Lu Bu chased for forty or fifty miles, but Sun Ce was still nowhere to be seen.

Considering that he himself only has [-] people, the other party did not dare to take the initiative to attack because of his bluff before.

If he pursues now, the details will be revealed completely, and even if he catches up, he can't do anything about it.

Therefore, Lu Bu had no choice but to return in the end.

But Sun Ce set off overnight and didn't stop along the way. It was not until noon that he finally saw the former army.

If the army continues to walk, it will reach the territory of Champion County.

After the two sides converged, they immediately turned to the southwest and rescued Feng County from the side.

This place is less than a hundred miles away from Feng County, and under Sun Ce's rapid march, they can reach it in two days.

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