Sun Ce reckoned that in this way, the lost time could be regained and arrived before the fall of Feng County.

However, the idea is very beautiful, but things do not develop in the direction they imagined.

It turned out that there were three armies sent by Liu Bei to stop Sun Ce.

Tai Shici, as the first line, mainly explored Sun Ce's reality, and left voluntarily after a slight victory, reflecting his coincidence.

Lu Bu used his own strength to force Sun Ce to take a detour, showing his courage.

And Zhang Liao this time embodies his conspiracy.

It turned out that Zhang Liao expected that with Lu Bu's bravery, he would definitely block Sun Ce's army.

But Lu Bu has few soldiers, so he can only block, but cannot take the initiative to attack.

And I can take advantage of this to surprise Sun Ce from the side.

The opponent's attention is all on Lu Bu in front, so he must be negligent in guarding against the side.

According to Zhang Liao's expectation, the other party must be caught off guard, and the casualties he killed were heavy.

However, there are high mountains and steep mountains to the west, and it is impossible to pass through in a short period of time. In the end, it can only bypass the plains in the east.

In this way, it happened to be with Sun Ce's army who avoided Lu Bu's edge.

The sneak attack that was originally planned turned into a narrow encounter in an instant.

Zhang Liao was very surprised to see the banners in front of him from a distance, and thought it was Sun Ce's other reinforcements.

When Sun Ce saw Zhang Liao's troops, he was even more horrified, thinking that Lv Bu's army had caught up again.

Therefore, the two sides stopped in unanimous agreement, and decided to play it safe, to figure out the situation before making a decision.

When the military intelligence that the scouts found came, Sun Ce still couldn't believe it.

"Can you see clearly that Zhang, not Lu, is on the flag of the opposing general?"

"Yes, the little one can see it clearly, and there is not a big banner with the word Lu in the whole camp."

However, Sun Ce was still dubious, so he had no choice but to take the initiative to check.

When the two armies were at war, Zhang Liao came on horseback and appeared in front of Sun Ce's army. This time he finally confirmed that it was not Lu Bu.

Since it wasn't Lu Bu, Sun Ce didn't worry anymore, and immediately rushed up to fight Zhang Liao.

But Zhang Liao is not a good opponent, although he is not as strong as Lu Bu to be invincible, but he still fights back and forth with Sun Ce.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, there was still no winner.

In the end, Sun Ce had no choice but to return, feeling even more frustrated in his heart.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I just avoided Lu Bu, and this time Zhang Liao came again. Is it true that the sky is going to kill me?"

Sun Ce was in a very bad mood. After all, anyone who stopped him again and again would feel very angry.

However, this time he couldn't care less about his reputation.

He stared, and finally said: "No matter what, Zhang Liao's troops are not as strong as our army. Then our army cannot be restricted by him for so long.

After lunch, the whole army attacked together, first with Zhang Liao, and then with Liu Ke! "

When all the soldiers heard the words, they agreed in unison.

An hour later, the army finally started.

The [-] troops swarmed forward, and the momentum was very grand.

Seeing this, Zhang Liao's expression changed instantly.

It seems that Sun Ce has made it clear that he is bullying the few with the more and overpowering others with power.

Zhang Liao had only [-] soldiers and horses in his hands, and he was on the plain, how could he face an army ten times his own?

Therefore, Zhang Liao made a decisive decision and directly decided to withdraw his troops instead of confronting Sun Ce head-on.

But Zhang Liao still has other ways to delay the opponent.

Because the soldiers and horses in his hands are basically Bingzhou iron cavalry, they are excellent on horseback, especially good at riding and shooting.

So Zhang Liao took the initiative to distance himself from Sun Ce's army and ran away.

When the army marched to the battlefield, Zhang Liao's army had long since disappeared.

Sun Ce just wanted to order the soldiers to resume normal marching.

Zhang Liao's cavalry suddenly appeared to the side.

Shooting at Sun Ce's army, he quickly left the battlefield before the opponent could react.

When Han Dang led his men to catch up, Zhang Liao had already disappeared.

Sun Ce was annoyed, but he had no choice but to continue on his way, thinking of the emergency situation in Feng County.

However, not long after marching, Zhang Liao's cavalry appeared again.

It was the same routine as before, although not many people were killed each time.

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