But it had a great impact on the marching speed and morale of the army.

On the contrary, Zhang Liao was very proud and told the people around him: "Everyone, don't underestimate this general's strategy.

This is the guerrilla technique His Majesty taught me back then.The so-called enemy advances and retreats, the enemy retreats and pursues, the enemy is strong and we avoid, the enemy is tired and we fight!

There are only sixteen words, but the essence of it is exhausted, you should study hard! "

All the generals nodded unanimously, and at the same time, they worshiped the omnipotent Majesty Liu Ke even more in their hearts.

However, under the restraint of Zhang Liao's guerrilla technique, Sun Ce's army became turbulent and full of soldiers.

Arrange all the cavalry on the periphery of the team for dealing with them.

At the slightest disturbance, the cavalry immediately rushed out to investigate, while the infantry quickly stopped to be on guard.

As a result, the marching speed became slower and slower, and it took less than ten miles in the whole afternoon.

Sun Ce Qiji also sent cavalry to pursue Zhang Liao.

However, if the number was too large, Zhang Liao fled directly, and if the number was small, he was dealt with and wiped out.

In the end, in desperation, they could only strengthen their vigilance and minimize losses as much as possible.

When Sun Ce's main force was delayed, the siege of Feng County finally began.

Now there are still [-] troops in Feng County, with plenty of food, grass and supplies. Coupled with the strong city defenses, it seems that they can hold out until Sun Ce arrives.

But he greatly underestimated Liu Kejun's strength.

It's just that the battle on the first day instantly stunned Cheng Pu.

Zhao Yun, the general who was in charge of the siege that day, did not attack directly after he came to the city.

Instead, he gave courtesy first and soldiers later, and persuaded Cheng Pu to surrender in Kaesong for the sake of the whole city.

But Process Pu naturally scoffed and refused on the spot.

He believed that after receiving his letter, the king would definitely rescue Feng County.

That being the case, there is nothing to hesitate, Zhao Yun gave an order, and the siege officially began.

During this period of time, under the supervision of Zhao Yun, three giant catapults have been built.

When the three behemoths slowly approached the city, the expression of Cheng Pu, who was supervising the battle on the top of the city, changed instantly.

Pointing at the giant catapult, he said in surprise, "This, what is this?"

All the generals under him were also puzzled, but one of them said cautiously: "General, the last general once heard that Liu Kejun had something during the battle of Liangzhou.

A ten-thousand-jin boulder was sent out ten miles away, the sound was earth-shattering, and turned into dust immediately if it was blocked.Could it be this thing? "

When everyone heard this, their faces paled instantly.

Only Cheng Pu said in disbelief: "How can there be such a fetish? It must be spreading rumors, everyone, don't be afraid.

It looks like the thing is bigger than a normal trebuchet, so there is no need to make a fuss, as long as you handle it carefully. "

Cheng Pu cheered up the soldiers, but he himself was also uncertain.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the siege army had already equipped the giant catapults.

With an order, the three planes fired together, and the huge boulder was thrown heavily, and then smashed towards the top of the city like covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Cheng Pu finally saw the power of this weapon this time, and hurriedly shouted for everyone to dodge.

But his ears were already filled with the whistling sound from the boulder piercing through the air, and even the words of the people in front of him could not be heard clearly.

As a result, some defenders who had been stunned by this aura slowed down their reactions by half a beat, and lost consciousness forever.

Fortunately, this is the first launch, and the front sight has not been adjusted in place yet.

Only one of the three boulders was thrown onto the city, while the other two hit the ground in front of the city wall heavily, creating two huge pits.

The splashed stones flew, and some even flew several feet high to the city wall.

"How powerful is this thing? All soldiers must be careful!"

This time, Cheng Pu finally stopped underestimating it, and instead took the initiative to remind everyone.

A moment later, the second round of attacks came again.

This time, three huge stones struck together, directly smashing the erected female wall into pieces, and even the soldiers behind the wall also suffered heavy losses.

Under repeated attacks from the giant catapults, the defenders on the city were only running around, not thinking about defending.

Zhao Yun saw the timing and directly dispatched a large army to attack the city wall.

Originally, in order to prevent the opponent's strong attack, Cheng Pu dug several deep and wide trenches outside Feng County, and led the Han River into it.

The moat formed by the trench is very difficult to pass through. If there is a strong attack, the defenders on the city can attack at will, and the enemy will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

But now that the defending troops are forced to hide by the giant catapults, how can they still have the energy to guard the moat?

Therefore, Zhao Yun's army passed the first wide trench very easily by using the equipment that had been prepared long ago.

General Cheng Pu hid behind the city wall and peeped secretly. After seeing Zhao Yun's army passing easily, he was extremely anxious.

He hurriedly called the defenders of the city to stop Zhao Yun and prevent him from crossing the second ditch and attacking the city.

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