Under Cheng Pu's strong request, only one round of arrow rain was fired, causing minimal damage.

The giant catapult from afar was aimed at this place.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The giant catapult is amazingly powerful, and with continuous firing, the accuracy is getting higher and higher.

Originally, Cheng Pu organized the defenders to shoot with bows and arrows on the top of the city to prevent Zhao Yun's siege troops from passing through the moat.

However, his movement immediately attracted the attention of the commander of the giant catapult.

The task of this person is to use the huge power of the giant catapult to suppress the defenders on the city and provide cover for Zhao Yun.

So he aimed directly at Cheng Pu, and three boulders flew over in an instant.

At this moment, Cheng Pu was even in a trance like it was dark.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and quickly dodged to the side, thus avoiding the fate of being smashed into powder by a huge boulder.

It's just that other people's luck is not so good.

After the three hill-like boulders fell, more than half of the original archers on the top of the city were directly lost.

The most important thing is that with this attack, no matter how organized the generals are, no one dares to come out and shoot arrows again.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhao Yun's army finally crossed the last ditch.

Except for a few who accidentally fell into the water and were flooded, there was no loss.

Then Zhao Yun officially launched an attack on the city wall.

Under the bombardment of the giant catapult, many places on the city wall were damaged, so Zhao Yun set his target there.

When Zhao Yun's army came under the city wall, they accidentally injured them, and the giant catapults finally stopped bombarding them.

That's why Cheng Pu dared to bring the defenders out to resist, and the two sides fought fiercely in the gap in the city wall.

The two sides refused to give in to each other, and the casualties were very heavy.

But generally speaking, it is Zhao Yun who has the upper hand.

Because under the bombardment just now, the morale of the defenders has been greatly hit, and they still have lingering fears.

So under the attack of Zhao Yun's lead and men, he finally took down a city wall.

However, Chengpu is not a soft persimmon, and there are quite a lot of troops in his own city.

Since he fought so far, the armor on his body has long been soaked in blood, restricting Cheng Pu's performance, and his movements have become a little slow.

So Cheng Pu simply took off his armor and took the lead in the attack with his upper body naked.

Under his leadership, the morale of the defenders finally returned to its peak again.

The city wall just occupied by Zhao Yun also started a more tragic tug-of-war.

The battle continued until the sun went down, and Zhao Yun still failed to take the city.

In the end, in desperation, he could only retreat temporarily, waiting to continue the attack tomorrow.

Anyway, I have the cover of a giant catapult, and I won't be hindered before I come under the city wall.

However, the attack on this day caused Zhao Yun to lose thousands of people, and this was what made him most distressed.

As for the defenders in the city, the losses were even greater, which was completely inconsistent with the usual offensive and defensive losses.

Although Cheng Pu repelled Zhao Yun, his face was still very solemn.

He didn't care about rest, and hurriedly organized the defenders to repair the damaged city wall. Although it was impossible to repair it overnight, it was better than nothing, and at least it could add a little confidence.

On the second day, Zhao Yun completely changed his plan after suffering a loss yesterday.

Originally, he thought that once he was bombarded, the other party was so frightened that he was powerless to fight back.

But it was only when he attacked the city yesterday that he realized that it was different, which also gave him a new understanding of Cheng Pu's ability to command troops.

Therefore, in order to avoid too many sacrifices, Zhao Yun prepared to continue bombarding the city wall until the opponent was scared.

So three giant catapults attacked in turn, and countless stones roared and flew towards the city wall.

Especially the city wall on the front received the most important treatment.

After continuous bombardment, the scarred city wall finally completely collapsed.

The advantage of Cheng Pu's defensive wall disappeared.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun couldn't help laughing: "Haha, your majesty is indeed right, it's really artillery bombardment, artillery bombardment, after artillery bombardment, the infantry can just charge!

Pass on my order, the whole army will attack and take Fengxian directly! "

The moment the city wall collapsed, the morale of the soldiers behind Zhao Yun also increased greatly.

Seeing that Zhao Yun finally gave the order for a general attack, he rushed forward desperately.

Cheng Pu was originally defending behind the city wall, but when the city wall collapsed, he was caught off guard and buried underneath.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and supported the wall with his weapon, so he was not crushed to death by the city wall.

When they were picked up from the mound by the crowd, Cheng Pu didn't care to slap the dust off his body, and saw that Zhao Yun's army was about to arrive.

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