Cheng Pu hurriedly stood up struggling from the mound, commanding the soldiers to resist the opponent's attack.

However, although Cheng Pu worked very hard, now the city wall has collapsed, morale is low, and the defenders are being beaten and retreating.

And because the defensive area is too large, some positions start to retreat as soon as they come into contact.

Therefore, Zhao Yun's attack this time went very smoothly, and he finally managed to break into the city.

Cheng Pu, on the other hand, was covered in blood and bruised, but he still couldn't stop Zhao Yun's attack.

Seeing the current battle situation in the city, Cheng Pu was extremely anxious, but he couldn't restore the low morale at all, and the defenders were completely defeated.

"General, retreat! Feng County can no longer be defended!"

Seeing that Cheng Pu was still gritting his teeth, the generals could only step forward to persuade him.

"You bastard! The king entrusted Feng County to me, how can I discard it? Now that I'm gone, what face do I have to go to see the king?"

Cheng Pu's tone was firm, and he would never retreat.

But courage could not change the direction of the war, and other walls in the city were gradually captured by Zhao Yun.

If you don't leave, I'm afraid you will really be caught by the enemy.

Although Cheng Pu had made a plan to die in the city, he couldn't bear to let his soldiers perish with him.

So in the end, I can only say: "The fall of Feng County was all due to my poor command, and I alone should bear the responsibility.

Take advantage of the fact that Dongcheng has not been breached, retreat quickly! "

All the soldiers wanted to say something, but Jiang Cheng Pu had made up his mind, and the desire to survive in his heart made them leave at last.

In the end, only Cheng Pu and the thousands of soldiers around him were left to fight together.

Cheng Pu only felt that there were enemies all around him, and he kept chopping with the big knife in his hand, even a little numb, but he still couldn't kill them all.

Therefore, Cheng Pu mechanically repeated the movement of chopping and slashing, waiting for the final demise.

However, I don't know how long it has passed, and suddenly there was a shout of killing behind him.

Cheng Pu heard the voice coming from the East City Gate immediately.

The fall of the east gate also shows that all parts of Feng County have been completely occupied by the enemy.

So Cheng Pu thought in his heart that his destiny was finally coming.

He suddenly yelled: "Drink! Come on, let you see the strength of this general!"

At this moment, the shouts of killing behind him got closer and closer, approaching Cheng Pu continuously.

He even heard a familiar shout in a trance.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce was harassed by Zhang Liao's cavalry along the road, and his marching speed was very slow.

But after his active march, he finally appeared in the east of Feng County.

However, when Sun Ce saw the situation in the city in the distance, his expression changed instantly.

There was thick smoke billowing in the city, and the shouts of killing were loud, and one didn't need to guess to know that there must be a fierce fighting going on.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the city gate facing him suddenly open, and a group of soldiers rushed out from inside, fleeing towards him in a panic.

At the beginning, Sun Ce didn't know what kind of power it was, until those people gradually approached, Sun Ce finally saw it clearly.

The clothes of these people are exactly the costumes of Jingzhou soldiers and horses.

So Sun Ce hurriedly shouted: "Feng County is in danger, the whole army is attacking, rush to support as quickly as possible!"

The defenders fled from the city in embarrassment, which already showed that Feng County was in danger and was about to fall.

So Sun Ce didn't care about continuing to investigate the enemy's actual situation, and rushed directly to Feng County.

Except for the defender who reacted quickly at the beginning and escaped to Shengtian, the other defenders wanted to leave, but were chased by Zhao Yun's army.

So a battle started at the east gate.

Seeing that Zhao Yun's army was about to wipe out the defenders and completely take over the last gate of Feng County.

Suddenly a brave army rushed over from outside the city and rushed directly into Zhao Yun's army.

The strength of these people far exceeds those of the defenders who have no fighting spirit, but their morale is high, and the leader is even more powerful than a hundred, rushing into the crowd like a sharp knife.

The sudden powerful force disrupted Zhao Yunjun's position in an instant, and the army at the east gate was finally wiped out.

Then Sun Ce rushed directly to the most intense fighting area in the city.

Because he predicted that General Cheng Pu would not retreat, so he must be there at this moment.

And Cheng Pu, who was about to wipe out the entire army, heard the voice that Sun Ce's reinforcements made during the battle.

So when he was already desperate, he finally waited for reinforcements.

After Sun Ce arrived, he didn't bother to greet Cheng Pu, and rushed directly to the general in the enemy army who was dressed in white but was stained with blood.

This person is naturally the main general Zhao Yun who fought with the soldiers.

He was still exterminating those who were stubbornly resisting, when suddenly a icy cold wind hit from the side.

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