Zhao Yun hurriedly turned the gun and went to meet him.

"Dang!" The spears of the two sides collided with each other, making a crisp cry.

Zhao Yun met Sun Ce with Liu Ke in his early years, so he was immediately surprised: "Sun Ce? You are here?"

"Hmph! Didn't expect that? Since the lonely king is here, all you rats should stay here!"

After speaking, Sun Ce took the initiative to attack, and instantly fought with Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun's army to attack Feng County this time was only [-]. After the fight just now, they had already lost a lot, and the rest were already exhausted.

But Sun Ce came with a new force, both at the peak of physical strength and morale.

Therefore, under the leadership of Sun Ce, the offensive and defensive momentum was reversed in an instant, and the lost ground in the city began to be gradually conquered.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun realized that he might not be able to win Feng County today, so he could only grit his teeth and announce his retreat.

Sun Ce wanted to lead troops to attack, but was persuaded by Cheng Pu, so Zhao Yun finally withdrew safely.

"Demou, why did you stop Gu?"

"Your Majesty, although the enemy army has retreated, they are not in a panic, and there is no gain in pursuing them.

The most important thing is that there is a powerful weapon behind the enemy's army, which can throw ten thousand catties of boulders.

If the opponent is chased and bombarded with this weapon, it will be bad! "

After hearing Cheng Pu's words, Sun Ce's eyes were full of doubts, as if he didn't believe the other party's words at all.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu didn't explain too much, he just pointed to the collapsed western city wall and said:

"Your Majesty, if the last general's words are exaggerated, how can this collapsed city wall be explained?"

This time, not only Sun Ce, but even Zu Mao, Han Dang and everyone who came with him showed a trace of panic on their faces.

The battle was fierce just now, and I only had the enemy in my eyes, so I didn't notice it.

Now after Li Pu's reminder, all the soldiers finally came to their senses.

Zu Mao took a few steps forward, and said with an incredulous expression, "Demou, what's going on here?"

Cheng Pu sighed and said, "Oh! To be honest, this is caused by the enemy's weapon!"

After Cheng Pu's reaffirmation, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

"What? How is it possible? How can such a terrifying power be done by humans?"

Han Dang couldn't help but exclaimed, but the more he was like this, the more bleak Cheng Pu's face became.

Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, Sun Ce was worried that everyone would be intimidated by the power of the enemy's weapons, so he hurriedly said, "There is nothing to be afraid of if you have amazing skills!

How can the majestic teacher of the lonely king be frightened by these things? "

All the generals were good men, and they all understood the meaning of Sun Ce's words, and hurriedly said yes to help stabilize the morale of the army.

Even Cheng Pu tried his best to squeeze out a smile to agree.

While everyone was talking, Zhao Yun's army finally retreated, and even took the initiative to pull out the camp and return to Liu Ke's main camp.

Seeing this, Sun Ce finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he finally had time to look at the situation in the city, his face twitched involuntarily.

Because after a whole day of fierce fighting, the buildings in the city have been completely destroyed.

The area where grain, grass and luggage were originally stored was completely burned down by Zhao Yun.

Coupled with the fact that the city wall has completely collapsed, it is meaningless to continue to hold on to Feng County.

So Sun Ce pondered for a long time before finally saying: "The city of Feng County has been destroyed, and it is impossible to repair it in a short time.

And Liu Ke's army is just around the corner, so he will definitely not give our army a chance to breathe.

Instead of continuing to defend here, it is better to voluntarily abandon Feng County, lure the enemy to go deep, and seize the opportunity to defeat them one by one.

So Gu decided to evacuate Feng County and head east! "

After everyone listened, they all understood Sun Ce's decision.

Only Cheng Pu, who had persisted for many days, had a bitter expression on his face, and even doubted and wavered about his persistence.

However, Sun Ce was keenly aware of his state.

Therefore, after all the soldiers left one after another, Sun Ce took the initiative to come to Cheng Pu.

"General Cheng, this battle has worked hard for you!"

When Cheng Pu heard this, he was flattered, and hurriedly expressed his responsibility and fulfilled his obligations.

Then Sun Ce changed the subject, and began to comfort Cheng Pulai about the battle, only saying that the other party was crying and nodding repeatedly, and the knot in his heart was finally solved by Sun Ce.

After Zhao Yun's army withdrew from Feng County, they returned directly to Liu Ke's base camp.

The battle losses in the past two days were not small, and with the arrival of Sun Ce's main force, they might leave the city to attack at any time.

Zhao Yun, who has always been cautious, simply stepped out to avoid it, and just happened to report the situation here to Liu Ke.

In fact, Liu Ke was planning to surround the spot to send aid at the beginning, but unexpectedly, Sun Ce took the initiative to detour and arrived suddenly.

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