-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce took the initiative to detour, not only avoiding Lu Bu's interception, but also unexpectedly avoiding Liu Ke's ambush.

Therefore, Zhao Yun was really caught off guard when he appeared outside Feng County from the east.

Therefore, in order to avoid being attacked by Sun Ce's army, Zhao Yun could only temporarily retreat to Liu Ke's base camp and report to him face to face.

"Your Majesty, Sun Ce's army suddenly appeared in the east of Feng County, and the original minister had already knocked down the city wall.

But because of his appearance, Chen was caught off guard, and Chen could only retreat temporarily. "

When Liu Ke heard this, he was a little surprised at first, but it was limited to that, and he didn't have much reaction.

He said in a calm tone, "Zilong, it's not your fault that Sun Ce's reinforcements suddenly appeared this time and failed to take Feng County.

But now that Sun Ce is finally here, it's time for me to exercise my muscles.

Pass down the order, the whole army will be mobilized, and the troops will be dispatched to Feng County early tomorrow morning! "

However, when Liu Ke's army came to the city of Feng County, there was a peaceful place.

Moreover, the traces of Zhao Yun's battle at that time still remained under the city, without any change.

The collapsed city walls have not been repaired, and everything looks very strange.

Zhao Yun was even more puzzled. As a vanguard, he rushed up to check.

Until Zhao Yun came to the edge of the city, he still did not encounter any obstacles.

He boldly continued to walk forward until he came to the damaged city wall.

Standing on the ruins and looking into the city, I saw that the city was empty and there was no one in sight.

Zhao Yun's heart trembled, and he hurried back to report to Liu Ke.

"Your Majesty, Feng County is completely empty without anyone. Sun Ce's army is nowhere to be found!"

When Liu Ke heard this, his eyes narrowed instantly.

Unexpectedly, Sun Ce was a smart man. Knowing that the damaged Feng County could no longer be defended, he took the initiative to withdraw.

This kind of performance made Liu Ke admire his decisiveness.

At this time, Zhuge Liang took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty, Sun Ce's army is large in number, so if we retreat in time, we won't go too far.

And there must be traces, we just need to follow the map to find out! "

"Kong Ming is right. Zilong, go and find out which direction Sun Ce's army fled to?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun did not leave, but directly replied: "Your Majesty, I have just investigated together.

Although Sun Ce created traces pointing in many different directions during the retreat, he wanted to mislead our army.

But judging from Chen's years of experience, he should have gone east! "

When Zhuge Liang heard it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I understand, Sun Ce must be going to Xinye, Wancheng area, to join Zhou Yu who is heading towards Luyang!

Moreover, the road from Feng County to Xinye is criss-crossed with water, and it is difficult to deploy a large army, let alone a heavy weapon such as a giant catapult.

Therefore, Sun Ce must rely on his own navy to fight our army in this environment. "

Liu Ke nodded, approving Zhuge Liang's analysis.

In fact, what he thought in his heart was not much different from Zhuge's appearance. Sun Ce's level of Jingzhou soldiers, horses and land warfare must not be as good as Liu Ke.

But because he was born and raised in Sri Lanka, the strength of water warfare should not be underestimated.

Sun Ce wants to use this advantage to fight against Liu Ke.

It's just that Sun Ce still underestimated Liu Ke.

Liu Ke's ace armies such as Bingzhou cavalry, trapped camp, first climbed warriors, and Baima Yicong are the most powerful armies in the world.

But this does not mean that he does not have a navy.

On the contrary, when Liu Ke attacked Yangzhou back then, he had already created a powerful naval force.

At the same time, there are such powerful naval generals as Gan Ning and Ling Tong.

Since Sun Ce wants to compete with himself in the navy, then Liu Ke should take over.

Anyway, what he likes most is to defeat the enemy in the field that he thinks he is best at.

Only in this way can it be defeated from the heart, causing it to fall into endless despair and fear.

Therefore, Liu Ke immediately ordered: "Xingba, I order you to lead an army of [-] sailors to pursue Sun Ce.

I want to see, is his Jingzhou navy powerful, or my navy is better? "

Hearing the words, the second general quickly took orders and left.

This battle is about Liu Ke's dignity and face, and no one dares to underestimate the enemy.

As a result, the two water armies followed the huge tributary water network densely covered in the Nanyang Basin, and pursued in the direction of Xinye.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was abundant rainfall, so Jingzhou was full of rivers and water veins. The saying that the northerners ride horses and the southerners build boats originated from this.

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