Especially in the area of ​​Nanyang Basin, the water plants are lush and the reeds are rippling.

It is impossible to look at the truth within an inch, and sneak attack and ambush at every moment.

This time, Sun Ce arranged for [-] sailors to lie in ambush in a water area under the command of Jiang Qin, a navy general.

This area is extremely wide, with a radius of dozens of miles.

There is only one path that winds through, and the rest of the road is swampy and muddy.

However, the various places are connected by waterways, which is very suitable for sailing.

This area is the only way from Feng County to Xinye. If you want to avoid it, you have to detour for at least a hundred miles.

So Jiang Qin took a fancy to this place as soon as he came, and planned to use the cover of reeds and aquatic plants.

Set up water armies on all the main roads, waiting for an opportunity to attack Liu Ke's army.

The special geographical environment here will make it difficult for his cavalry and strong army to move forward, and can only be limited to that small road.

Jiang Qin, on the other hand, can lead troops to shuttle through the water network at will, launching attacks from everywhere.

In this regard, Jiang Qin is very confident.

Because they think that Liu Ke is used to the northern land war, and he must be extremely uncomfortable when he first arrives here.

At that time, Liu Ke will be severely injured, and the arrogance of dealing with him will be suppressed.

However, Jiang Qin didn't know that Liu Ke was able to dominate the world because he had more than just infantry.

Gan Ning led an army of [-] sailors to advance along the tributaries of the Han River towards Xinye.

During the first trip, the surrounding area was calm and there was no abnormality.

However, when Gan Ning saw that the water network in front of him was getting more and more complicated, and the water plants and reeds were getting denser, his brows gradually frowned.

I saw Gan Ning standing at the bow of the ship and commanding loudly: "Send the order, all ships must move forward cautiously, and must report before taking any action in case of any situation.

No one is allowed to attack rashly! "

Gan Ning was a water thief back then, from Jiangzhou to Jiangling, across most of the Yangtze River.

If Liu Ke hadn't snatched Liu Ke's military resources once and was captured on the spot, and finally surrendered, I'm afraid he would still be doing this job now.

However, the experience of being a water thief also greatly tempered Gan Ning's water combat ability.

In addition to this, there is also a keen insight, which can see through the enemy's falsehood at a glance.

After all, those who can operate in the rivers are not good people. Even merchant ships have their own guards.

If Gan Ning did not have these abilities, he would have been wiped out long ago.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gan Ning led his army forward slowly, and finally came to the water area where Jiang Qin was lying in ambush.

When he got here, Gan Ning frowned even tighter.

Because there are overgrown water and grass in front of me, the situation is complicated, and I can't see the surrounding situation clearly.

If someone is ambushing here, even if they are more than ten feet away, they will not be aware of it at all.

Due to his talent when he was a Jiang thief, Gan Ning immediately saw that this place was definitely a very good place to ambush.

So Gan Ning immediately stopped marching and began to think carefully.

Looking at the environment in front of him, Gan Ning began to plan in his heart.

If it were him, he would definitely make full use of the environment here to attack the place.

And the best way is to send a small group of troops to harass and lure the enemy to pursue.

Then bring the opponent into a more complicated environment, ambushes everywhere, and trap the enemy there.

Gan Ning often did this when he met a strong opponent, and he never missed, except for the time when he met Liu Ke.

While Gan Ning was thinking, Jiang Qin, who was lying in ambush deep in the water, finally received the report from the scouts.

He sent scouts to ambush at the entrance of the water area early on. He thought it was Liu Ke's infantry who came, but he didn't expect a group of sailors to come.

However, this only made Jiang Qin feel a little confused for a moment, and then decided to proceed normally according to the plan.

Jiang Qin is very confident, because he believes that regardless of the navy and infantry, Liu Ke is fighting from outside, and it is absolutely impossible to be familiar with the environment here.

Then he, who has a geographical advantage, will inevitably injure the enemy as planned.

In fact, his plan was similar to what Gan Ning had expected, it was also a tactic of harassment and temptation.

So Jiang Qin sent five hundred sailors as bait, and rushed to the periphery in a fast boat.

At the same time, Gan Ning is leading a small group of troops into the waters to first investigate the reality of the following places.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the reed marsh, he ran into the bait sent by Jiang Qin head-on.

When the two sides met suddenly, they were taken aback for a moment, and then a fierce battle broke out immediately.

The army used as bait was only [-] people and a dozen boats, but Gan Ning brought a thousand people.

Moreover, the generals of the lured army accepted Jiang Qin's thinking of underestimating the enemy, and looked down on the Gan Ning navy at all.

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