After being attacked by Gan Ning as soon as they fought, most of them were killed or injured in an instant.

Seeing this, the young general hurriedly retreated in the direction of the ambush circle.

But his intention was seen through by Gan Ning, who personally led a hundred people to chase after him.

Gan Ning's insight ability is strong, and he can see the direction of the opponent's retreat from the ups and downs of the reeds and water plants.

So he immediately went straight through another road, and even intercepted the opponent when he reached the ambush circle.

Seeing Gan Ning's sudden appearance, the other party was shocked and wanted to turn around and run away from another direction.

However, before going far, another navy arranged by Gan Ning chased up from behind and surrounded these people in an instant.

There were no accidents in the ensuing battle, and the five hundred decoy troops sent by Jiang Qin were wiped out.

Besides, Jiang Qin was still waiting in the encirclement, only to hear the shouts of killing in the distance, but there was no more movement.

After waiting for a long time, there was no enemy army being lured here, and there was no response from the people sent out, only thick smoke billowing in the distance.

This time, Jiang Qin finally had doubts in his heart.

We had to send another troop to meet them.

When the second navy set off, it didn't take long to follow the thick smoke to the area where the battle was just now.

When the general saw burnt ships and corpses floating in the water in front of him, his expression changed instantly.

"Not good! Go back!"

However, it was too late.

Because here is the encirclement circle specially set up by Gan Ning for them.

Before these people had time to retreat, countless arrows were shot from all directions.

The opponent was caught off guard, and the loss was very heavy.

Only the remaining people tried their best to escape the bow and arrow attack, but they suddenly ran into Gan Ning who had been waiting for a long time.

"Haha, since you're here, don't leave. Stay and accompany your brothers to the underworld!"

After Gan Ning finished speaking, he slashed down with his knife, followed by another merciless fight.

After a while, calm was restored here again.

However, the second navy sent by Jiang Qin also stayed here forever.

The sound of fighting in the distance stopped abruptly, making Jiang Qin, who was always paying attention, look very solemn.

"What's going on? Could it be that this general's strategy has already been seen through by Gan Ning?"

In fact, it wasn't Gan Ning who saw through Jiang Qin's plan, but Gan Ning strictly fulfilled the motto he used when he was a water thief.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Don't be too greedy, so as not to be doomed.

So whether it is the first decoy troop or the second troop to detect the truth.

Gan Ning's target is only them. After eliminating these people, Gan Ning will no longer rush forward.

Under his prudence, Jiang Qin's strategy of luring the enemy to go deep was instantly broken.

However, two naval armies were sent in a row, but none of them returned.

It also made Jiang Qin more and more impatient.

He had already guessed the bad ending in his heart, so he could only lead the large army to attack proactively.

Gan Ning tortured the captives and finally found out the existence of Jiang Qin's army.

Looking at the reeds constantly stirring in the distance, Gan Ning instantly saw that Jiang Qin was coming.

So he repeated his old tricks, setting up the place where he had just set up an ambush for a while before hiding.

With [-] sailors in his hands, Jiang Qin was certainly not afraid of being ambushed by the opponent.

Therefore, he drove straight towards the thick smoke in a mighty way, and finally saw the tragic scene here.

In this water area, there are all subordinates who have been killed by the enemy, and their fate is very miserable.

At this moment, there was a shrill cry for help.

"The thief is going crazy, General Jiang Qin came back to save me! Ah..."

Jiang Qin was already enraged by the scene in front of him, and when he heard the shout, he rushed over there without hesitation.

But as soon as the army was dispatched, Gan Ning, who was lying in ambush among the reeds, started to move.

Because Jiang Qin's [-]-strong army was far away, Gan Ning's target was those at the end of the line.

They were still advancing with the large army ahead, when suddenly a violent rain of arrows shot from behind.

There was no defense on the back of these people, and they suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

Jiang Qin's general, Qin Lang, was in charge of the rear army. When he saw the enemy attack, he didn't have time to report to Jiang Qin, so he turned around and rushed to take revenge.

Seeing his commanding three to five thousand sailors coming, the ambush army arranged by Gan Ning immediately retreated.

Attracting Qin Lang's rear army to pursue, they were getting farther and farther away from Jiang Qin's large army.

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