Until both sides could not hear each other's movement, Fu Jun finally showed his minions.

I saw that the army suddenly dispersed to the two sides and hid in the grass. As soon as Qin Lang passed by, he rushed up and attacked the side and rear violently.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing the attacks on both sides, Qin Lang hurriedly commanded the army to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, the opponent didn't come into direct contact with him at all. After a shower of arrows, seeing Qin Lang chasing him, he immediately scattered and retreated.

Seeing this, Qin Lang was furious and completely lost his mind. He saw an enemy army and chased after him.

However, under the repeated operation of the opponent's ambushes, attacks, temptations, and ambushes again and again.

The troops in Qin Lang's hands were gradually consumed, decreasing bit by bit.

After another ambush, Qin Lang was horrified to find that there were less than two thousand people left behind him.

This time Qin Lang was completely terrified. He finally realized that he had stepped into the enemy's trap and was being led by the nose.

Therefore, Qin Lang retreated in a hurry to join Jiang Qin's main force.

It's just that under the cover of reeds all around, it's not easy to find the other party's trace.

In fact, Qin Lang was not the only one who had the same experience. The other two generals under Jiang Qin were also taken away by the ambushes set up by Gan Ning.

And after continuous division of troops, Jiang Qin's troops became less and less, and at this moment there were only less than [-] troops left.

He finally came to the place where he had just made the miserable cry.

Pushing aside a clump of reeds, Jiang Qin finally saw the man's appearance clearly. It turned out to be the second navy general he sent out.

When the other party saw Jiang Qin, he was agitated at first, and then hurriedly shouted heart-piercingly: "General, be careful, there is an ambush here!"

However, it was too late for him to shout, because after Jiang Qin entered this area, Gan Ning's plan started.

At this time, Jiang Qin's men suddenly discovered that ships were slowly approaching from all directions.

But the enemy was nowhere to be seen on board.

At this moment, the outermost soldiers finally connected with those ships.

The soldiers first stabbed the ship with long guns to determine whether there were ambushes inside.

Finally, it was discovered that there was indeed no one on these ships, but there were more frightening things.

"General, general, the ship is full of sulfur, hay, kerosene and other things!"

Jiang Qin's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "No, go back!"

However, the periphery has been filled with such small boats, and only the road that came just now can be taken.

At this moment, a whistling sounded from outside, and then countless arrows with torches were seen falling on the heads of Jiang Qin's army.

"Quickly dodge and retreat the way you came!"

Jiang Qin was still commanding loudly, but finally a flame fell on the small boats, and the fire ignited instantly.

Under the influence of the current, the fire boat drifted everywhere, and ignited wherever it hit.

In a blink of an eye, there was a sea of ​​flames around Jiang Qin, which not only ignited the nearby boats, but also spread to the reeds.

However, Gan Ning personally led the army, guarding the exit where Jiang Qin retreated, and fired arrows at the people who came out, forcing them back again.

Jiang Qin saw that the exit was blocked, and the surrounding fire was already difficult to control, and he was even more anxious to get angry.

So he took the initiative to lead people to the front, trying to drive Gan Ning back.

"The thieves will quickly get out of the exit, otherwise I will surely cut you to pieces!"

Jiang Qin angrily reprimanded Gan Ning with a knife, but Gan Ning didn't care at all.

He lazily said: "Hahaha, how dare you be so rampant when you are about to die? Do you recognize me, Gan Ning?"

"Gan Ning? You, you are the Jinfan thief?"

Jiang Qin's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and he pointed at the other party and said incredulously.

Jinfan Bandit is actually Gan Ning's nickname when he was a water bandit.

At that time, he was always known by this name, so he had a great reputation in Jiangshang Jinfan thief, and he was the one who rushed out with real swords and guns.

So when Jiang Qin heard Gan Ning's name, he already understood everything.

Jiang Qin had heard about the glorious achievements of the Jinfan thief back then.

When there are only a hundred people in the area, they dare to challenge the military ships of Liu Biao, Yuan Shu and other forces to transport grain and cargo.

If we meet today, it will definitely be a tragic battle.

Jiang Qin felt ruthless and rushed up immediately.

He shouted loudly: "Jin Fan Bandit, let you see Jiang Qin's methods today!"

Standing on the bow of the boat, Jiang Qin rushed forward, slashing at Gan Ning.

Gan Ning sideways dodged the opponent's attack, and at the same time retaliated with a knife.

The two stood on the bow of the boat. Although the boat was ups and downs, they were still as stable as a rock and were not affected at all.

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