Jiang Qin fought with Gan Ning for dozens of rounds before finally stopping.

And the confrontation just now made Jiang Qin amazed: "Gan Ning is skilled in swordsmanship, he is indeed a difficult opponent.

It seems that it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time. "

Jiang Qin was shocked, and Gan Ning also recognized his strength very much.

However, Gan Ning still had a relaxed posture, because he was not in a hurry, and had plenty of time to entangle with the other party.

But Jiang Qin was different. Although he rushed to the exit, there were still thousands of people trapped in the flames behind him.

So Jiang Qin must win quickly.

So, he took a breath and fought with Gan Ning again.

But after dozens of rounds, Jiang Qin found helplessly that it was still impossible to tell the winner.

The fire behind them was getting bigger and bigger, and the trapped soldiers were all panicked, running around like headless chickens, but they couldn't find a way out, and some even jumped into the water to avoid the scorching flames.

Seeing this, Jiang Qin had no choice but to abandon Gan Ning and go back there again.

As the chief general, he has the responsibility to rescue the trapped soldiers from danger, otherwise he will be in trouble in this life.

Since the exit was guarded by Gan Ning and he couldn't pass through, he had to fight his way out from other places.

Jiang Qin was not afraid in the face of danger, his mind changed sharply, he observed the surrounding environment, and looked for a way out.

Finally, he found that in the northeast direction, the fire was the weakest.

Because that direction is actually the upstream area of ​​this water area, and the water flows from there.

The boats that were originally staying there have also slowly drifted to other locations along the current, and instead, there was a gap here.

"That's it!"

Jiang Qin was overjoyed, and immediately ordered all the ships to row northeast.

Although there was still a wall of fire there, Jiang Qin still took the lead and got in desperately.

Seeing this, the soldiers knew that if they continued to spend time here, they must be waiting for death, so they simply rushed in with the general.

However, to Jiang Qin's surprise, after passing through a wall of fire, a cool breeze rushed across his face.

Excitedly, he opened his eyes and glanced around, only to find that he had passed through the encirclement of flames and came outside.

Jiang Qin was overjoyed, and was about to laugh out loud as he stroked his beard.

But when he put his hand under his chin, he froze suddenly.

Jiang Qin was shocked to find that his beard had been scorched by the fire when he just passed through the fire wall.

He could only embarrassingly touch his stubbled chin, expressing his affection.

But this time he narrowly escaped death, even though he lost his beard, he was satisfied.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Qin originally wanted to use a trick to lure the enemy, but in the end he fell into the same trick as Gan Ning and fell into the flames.

Fortunately, under the impact of his life and death, he finally broke out a way out and rushed out of the flames from another direction.

It's just that the fire not only burned off Jiang Qin's proud beard, but also burned half of his soldiers and horses.

After escaping from the fire, the remaining people were also panicked like bereaved dogs. Their morale had been greatly damaged and they couldn't lift up their spirits.

Although Gan Ning stood guard at the exit to block the attack, he also sent people to watch in the other direction.

As soon as he heard that Jiang Qin had escaped from another direction, he immediately led his troops to chase him.

Jiang Qin also knew that with the current situation in his army, he would definitely not be able to afford the follow-up battle.

So he didn't take chances at all, and was about to run away.

However, Gan Ning's pursuers finally caught up before he escaped from this water area.

"Jiang Qinpifu, don't run away, watch Gan Ning come to capture you!"

Gan Ning stood at the bow of the boat, pointing at the deserters in front and yelling, scaring them to speed up quickly, not daring to stop at all.

Seeing this, Gan Ning immediately ordered his men to shoot arrows at random, killing the slow-moving enemy soldiers.

The screams coming from behind continued to stimulate Jiang Qin's nerves, even so he did not dare to slow down a bit.

However, at this moment, the progress of escaping ahead suddenly stagnated and slowly stopped.

"What's going on? Why is it stagnant?"

Jiang Qin was in a hurry, and hurriedly reprimanded him to continue marching.

However, when he rushed over, he discovered that after the water network gradually gathered here, there was only one way out.

However, in order to prevent Gan Ning from easily passing through, Jiang Qin placed a lot of sundries here, making it difficult for ordinary ships to pass through.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but feel extremely regretful, now that the obstacle that restricts the opponent has become a stumbling block that affects his escape.

It can be said that they are shooting themselves in the foot.

"Quickly clean up the debris and open the way out!"

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