In fact, without Jiang Qin's orders, the soldiers who were eager to survive had already entered the water to clean them up one after another.

But in this way, it is bound to waste a lot of time, seeing Gan Ning's army approaching quickly, blocking him here.

"Hahahaha! God help me, Jiang Qin, don't struggle anymore, surrender quickly, and you can avoid death!"

Jiang Qin was furious, and in order to buy time, he immediately rushed towards Gan Ning with a big knife.

However, Gan Ning has an obvious advantage at this moment, so how can he continue to engage in unnecessary fights.

He directly ordered people to shoot random arrows, and countless arrows rained down on Jiang Qin's head.

Jiang Qin was so anxious that he had to rush up against the rain of arrows, but before he got halfway, most of his men had already lost.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jiang Qin said sadly: "Oh! Am I going to die here?"

Just when he was feeling desperate, he suddenly heard a movement beside him.

A large army suddenly emerged from the reeds, just in time to come to the side of Gan Ning's army, and launched an attack unceremoniously.

"General, Qin Lang is here!"

"General, Lu He is here to save you!"

Several voices came one after another, and Jiang Qin's eyes instantly shone.

In fact, Qin Lang and Lu He were lured away from Jiang Qin by Gan Ning's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

In the beginning, they really focused on chasing Gan Ning's men, and they suffered quite a blow.

But when the fire started on Jiang Qin's side, the two of them suddenly realized that they had been tricked.

So they quickly gave up Gan Ning's bait and rushed directly to the place where the smoke and fire were thick.

But in the end it was still a step too late, and all I saw was a mess.

The two discussed it and thought that Jiang Qin must flee in this direction, so they took a small road to come directly.

It happened that the two sides were fighting, so they immediately attacked from the side while taking advantage of the cover of the reeds.

The unexpected attack immediately shook the ground of Gan Ning's army.

Seeing reinforcements coming, Jiang Qin's morale was also greatly boosted, and he finally rushed to the front and fought with Gan Ning's army.

Jiang Qin himself had [-] troops in the navy, but Gan Ning only brought [-] troops this time.

Even after the opponent's consumption just now, the remaining troops are still no less than Gan Ning.

Just now, they just wanted to run for their lives, and had no fighting spirit to resist. This time, their morale finally recovered, and the battle between the two sides became anxious in an instant.

At this moment, a surprise voice sounded from the front: "General, the waterway is open!"

It turned out that under the cleaning of the soldiers, the debris that blocked the river was finally cleared and the waterway was dredged again.

Seeing this, Jiang Qin immediately ordered to retreat, not to continue entanglement with Gan Ning.

And after Jiang Qin's navy retreated, it could be regarded as completely leaving this complex water area and entering the river with a wide view.

In this way, the two sides have no cards to hide, and can only fight with real swords and guns.

Jiang Qin retreated while fighting, and headed towards Xinye along the river.

Gan Ning pursued for a while, seeing that he was getting deeper and deeper into the enemy's hinterland.

Fearing that he would encounter an ambush and fall into the opponent's pincer attack, Jiang Qin gradually recovered his combat power.

So he had no choice but to abandon Jiang Qin and return to his teacher to return to his order.

And Jiang Qin suffered heavy losses, so it was naturally impossible to catch up.

So he took the rest of the navy and headed straight to Xinye to plead guilty to Sun Ce.

Gan Ning was traveling against the current when he returned, so his marching speed was not fast.

It was not until that night that they came to the waters where the battle took place again.

When he arrived, he happened to see Liu Ke's main force arriving and camping in the open space outside the water area.

So Gan Ning immediately went to report to Liu Ke.

When Liu Ke heard about today's tragic water battle from his mouth, he couldn't help admiring.

"Sure enough, Xingba is the tiger minister of Jiangbiao! I didn't misunderstand you. After defeating Sun Ce, I will naturally reward you heavily!"

In fact, when Liu Ke arrived at this water area today, he had already seen the danger here.

He learned from the scouts that if he wanted to pass here, there was only one winding path.

The other areas are full of water nets and swamps, and reeds are overgrown. If the enemy army ambushed here, he would really have to spend a lot of effort.

Now hearing that Gan Ning actually repelled Jiang Qin's navy entrenched here, how could he be unhappy?

All the soldiers were also full of praise for Gan Ning's achievements.

Dian Wei said boldly: "Xingba is really powerful. On land you are no match for me, but in water, I am willing to bow down!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu next to him jokingly said, "You really know how to put gold on your face.

You can't beat Xingba on water, but are you sure you can win on land? "

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