Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this, and even Liu Ke couldn't hide his joy.

After a victory, the tent was full of laughter.

According to Gan Ning's investigation, after passing through this complex water area, there is no danger until the Xinye City, so Liu Ke's army went straight to Xinye!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke's momentum was so high that he went straight to Xinye, but Jiang Qin returned to the city dejectedly.

When he saw Sun Ce, he fell to his knees and pleaded guilty.

Sun Ce hurriedly helped him up to inquire about the situation of the battle. When he learned the details, his face became heavy and he let out a long sigh.

"Hey! Didn't expect Liu Ke to have such a strong navy general like Gan Ning under his command?

Now that the land battle is defeated and the water battle is defeated again, do the generals have a good way to defeat the enemy? "

Faced with Sun Ce's questioning, all the generals under his command looked at me and I looked at you, but they all lost their minds, so the hall fell into silence for an instant.

Sun Ce was already proud and arrogant, but he was repeatedly defeated. Coupled with the performance of everyone, he pushed the case away angrily.

When Sun Ce returned to his residence, he was still hurting himself for how to defeat the enemy.

His heart was full of doubts, it was obvious that his strength was astonishing, he was holding a heavy army, and he was still on Jingzhou's own territory.

How come he couldn't beat Liu, but he was chased around by him?

I think that Sun Ce was also a fierce general back then. After his father died, he led the remnants to flee eastward and westward. He must win battles and attack.

Finally, in just a few years, the vast territory of Jingzhou was laid down.

Why did the situation suddenly turn upside down after meeting Liu Ke?

His mind was full of doubts, and his mood became more and more restless.

At this moment, General Cheng Pu knocked on the door and came in.

Sun Ce looked at him, and said in a hoarse voice, "Demou, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, the old minister has something to say. I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"De Mou, you are father's veteran, highly respected, just speak up if you have something to say!"

"Your Majesty, the veteran's incompetence has led to repeated defeats. These are all our responsibilities. Your Majesty, you must not hurt yourself because of this.

Besides, who has achieved great things in ancient times, who didn't understand hardships and overcome obstacles?

Duke Wen of Jin went into exile for more than ten years, and finally became the hegemony. Gao Zu defeated Xiang Yu several times, and then defeated Xiang Yu in the next battle of Gai, and became the foundation of the Han Dynasty for four hundred years.

Your Majesty, you are talented and brave, and you will surely achieve great things in the future, so you don't need to worry about small defeats. "

Under Cheng Pu's comfort, Sun Ce's brows finally eased, and he was not as impatient as before.

Because Sun Ce was impatient, Sun Jian had specifically instructed Cheng Pu before his death.

So Cheng Pu can be regarded as a regulator, specially designed to ease Sun Ce's mood at critical moments.

So, Sun Ce said in a calm tone: "Demou, thank you for your enlightenment, I am in a hurry.

It's just that Liu Ke's morale has been greatly boosted now, our army has lost streak, and morale is very low.

If it goes on for a long time, it is definitely not a good phenomenon! "

Cheng Pu pondered for a while, and finally said: "Your Majesty, I have a plan, I wonder if it will work?"

Sun Ce hurriedly said excitedly: "It's okay to say, old general!"

"Your Majesty, it is not a good thing for Liu Ke to win successively.

Because continuous victories will inevitably make the enemy feel underestimated from top to bottom, and become more proud and complacent.

The so-called arrogant soldiers are bound to be defeated refers to the opponent.

According to the estimation of the old minister, our army is retreating again and again, even if Liu Ke can sit still, his soldiers will not be able to resist underestimating the enemy and rushing forward.

At that time, our army only needs to simply set up a tactic to lure the enemy, and it will definitely give the opponent a head-on blow.

In this way, Liu Ke's arrogance will inevitably be hit, and the morale of our army will be reinvigorated! "

"What De Mou said is true! Since that's the case, this plan was planned by the old general, and he will prepare a celebration banquet for you alone in the city!"

When Cheng Pu heard the words, he immediately took orders, ordered [-] soldiers and horses, and went out of the city.

In fact, on the way here, Cheng Pu had already surveyed the surrounding terrain.

There is a valley fifteen miles northwest of Xinye County, which the locals call the Valley of Woniu.

The terrain here is special, wide in the west and narrow in the east, in the shape of a trumpet, and there are cluttered rocks and trees in it, making it an excellent place to ambush.

So Cheng Pu decided to take advantage of the special geographical environment of the Valley of the Crouching Cow to deal a head-on blow to the enemy who underestimated the enemy and rushed forward.

After Liu Ke's army moved out, the general in charge of leading the way was named Huang Zu.

This person was originally under the account of Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou. During the battle between Liu Biao and Sun Jian, the rebels shot and killed Sun Jian.

Later, after Sun Ce established his career and became a hero in Jingzhou, Huang Zu, who had revenge for killing his father, fled in a hurry and defected to Liu Ke.

Huang Zu is good at both land and water warfare, and even Gan Ning once served under his command.

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