Wouldn't it be a great achievement if Sun Ce's food and grass could be cut off and he would be forced to lose without a fight? "

After Huang Zu saw it clearly, he was very excited.

Under his infection, the other soldiers around him were also very excited.

The so-called soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. Which one of these people who join the army doesn't have their own ambitions?

Now that the opportunity to make meritorious service is in front of you, whose heart can not be touched?

Therefore, there was no need for Huang Zu to say anything, the soldiers under him took the initiative to speak.

"General, this is a golden opportunity, if you don't take it, you will be blamed! What should we do, just say it!"

Huang Zu pondered for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he finally had an idea.

He ordered: "The enemy's scouts have just discovered our figure, before they have time to alert the escort team.

You still pretend to continue marching, don't startle the snake.The general led the elite soldiers of the hundred cavalry to touch it quietly from the side.

After the general has wiped out all the scouts, he will issue a signal to attack the food escort team! "

When the soldiers heard that there was nothing wrong with Huang Zu's strategy, they immediately took orders in unison and started to act.

The scout was a little surprised at first when he saw the soldiers and horses in the distance, but he was relieved when he saw that the other party showed no signs of coming in his direction.

Because Cheng Pu wanted to maintain the greatest authenticity, the scouts he sent out had no idea that they were performing a decoy mission.

I thought I was just out to investigate and cover the transport team of food, grass and supplies.

So when they saw the enemy army in the distance, they rushed to the grain and grass transportation team to give an early warning.

At this moment, Huang Zu had already led a hundred cavalry to approach him quietly from other directions.

The scout was just about to turn around and set off, when suddenly a feathered arrow shot over with a whizzing sound, and it just pierced into the back of the man's heart.

The people brought by Huang Zu had been following Liu Biao since he was there, and all of them were skilled in archery.

The arrow just now was shot by Huang Zu himself, like the clarion call of a battle, the soldiers under him immediately started to act.

The scene where the scout was shot dead suddenly shocked the others.

They hurriedly looked in other directions, but were horrified to find that they were already surrounded.

This is not the scariest thing, what frightens these people even more is that there are countless bows and arrows shooting at themselves around them.

The scouts hurriedly waved their weapons to block, but how could they all block them.

As a result, scouts were killed by arrows one after another, and after a while, there was no one alive in the arena.

The scouts probably didn't know until their death that they were not killed by Huang Zu's tricks, but by Cheng Pu's tricks and became victims of attracting the enemy.

After Huang Zu dealt with the scouts, he no longer had any scruples in his heart, and immediately ordered someone to blow the predetermined signal.

When the subordinates heard the signal, they immediately turned around and turned to the enemy's grain transport team, and rushed there.

The grain transportation team transported real grain and grass, and those people were indeed the ones in charge of transporting grain and grass.

They were previously under the command of Cheng Pu, and they specially escorted the grain and grass through here, and transported them to the Valley of the Crouching Cow that Cheng Pu was looking for.

From Cheng Pu's mouth, those people only knew that Woniu Valley was an important food storage place for Sun Ce's army, and they didn't know about other plans.

Therefore, when Huang Zu's army rushed in, these escort troops saw the large number of opponents, and immediately fled in fright.

Huang Zu was quite cautious, so after those people escaped, he arranged a team of people to follow them.

He even went to the grain truck to check it, and randomly checked it from inside. After confirming that it was grain, Huang Zu had no hesitation in his heart.

"The direction in which these escorted soldiers fled must be the place where the enemy's food and grass are stored. The soldiers will kill them and seize the enemy's food and grass!"

Under the leadership of Huang Zu, all the soldiers responded together, followed him and chased after him.

The grain transport army fled in the direction of Wo Niu Valley, which Cheng Pu had explained to them long ago.

Huang Zu pursued him closely, and after a while he also came to the entrance of the valley.

Seeing the environment here, Huang Zu also hesitated in his heart, afraid that he would really be ambushed by the other party.

But at that time, he saw with his own eyes that the grain transport army got in and never came out again, so he finally couldn't hold back the temptation in his heart and rushed into the valley.

Huang Zu walked away and said to himself: "The terrain here is complicated, it will take some effort to ambush a team here.

However, Sun Ce's use of this place as a place to store grain and grass is indeed unexpected.

If it wasn't for Ben to discover it, maybe he really wouldn't be able to discover it! "

Thinking of this, Huang Zu became more and more wise for his behavior of being able to catch up here, and he should make contributions by himself!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Huang Zu went deep into the valley while thinking, there was nothing unusual along the way, only the howling mountain wind blowing past him.

But what surprised Huang Zu was that the valley was so quiet, not to mention human voices, not even the chirping of insects and birds.

This is very unusual in such a densely wooded place.

Therefore, the doubts in Huang Zu's heart became more and more serious. If he hadn't been supported by the desire to make meritorious service, Huang Zu might have retreated long ago.

"The order is passed on, the whole army is on alert, and if there is any trouble, don't act rashly."

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