After speaking, Huang Zu felt a little better.

But at this time Huang Zu had already reached the depths of the valley, and the situation became more and more dangerous.

At this moment, a loud noise was heard suddenly, and a group of people suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hahahaha, common man, it's my plan!"

Cheng Pu rode out and finally attracted the enemy, how could he not be proud?

It's just that the only regret is that not many people were lured this time, less than [-].

However, Cheng Pu frowned when he saw the enemy's general clearly.

Because this person's face is so familiar that he will never forget it, and even often appears in his dreams.

It's just not a good dream, but a nightmare.

Cheng Pu pointed at the other party with an ugly face and said, "You, are you Huang Zu?"

Huang Zufu's face also changed drastically when he was lying in ambush.

Especially when he heard that the other party called his own name, he felt even more puzzled.

Huang Zu was still thinking, is he already so famous?How did the enemy recognize him as soon as he came.

But when he saw each other, he finally understood.

Huang Zu suddenly laughed too.

"Hahaha, who is this general supposed to be? It turned out to be Cheng Pu. Back then, this general spared you from death. I never thought that you would be promising now, and dare to ambush this general!"

With Huang Zu's affirmation, Cheng Pu's face gradually turned cold.

He can vividly remember the First World War that year.

The protagonist, Sun Jian, died in the hands of Huang Zu, with arrows scattered in his body.

At that time, Cheng Pu was beside Sun Jian, but he had no choice but to watch the lord die.

This feeling is hopeless, but at the same time unforgettable.

So Cheng Pu will always remember this scene, especially the culprit Huang Zu.

So he finally got angry and laughed.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect God to be so open-eyed that I would meet you here.

Huang Zu, it's time for us to settle the hatred of those years! "

Huang Zu was ambushed and blocked by Cheng Pu in the valley, but he was still fearless in the face of danger, his expression did not change in any way.

Because in his heart, whether it is Sun Jian or the generals and soldiers under him, they are just a bunch of mobs.

It was able to defeat it back then, and naturally there is no major problem today.

So Huang Zu said with a little disdain: "Hmph! You are defeated, just let your horse come here, I am afraid that you will not be a good man!"

Huang Zu's words finally angered Cheng Pu.

Cheng Pu yelled, and rushed directly to kill him.

In Cheng Pu's plan before, he planned to use the terrain here to launch a long-range attack with rolling stone arrows.

But stimulated by Huang Zu's words one after another, Cheng Pu finally couldn't care less.

The hatred that had been suppressed in his heart for so many years finally broke through his reason and drove Cheng Pu crazy.

Seeing this, Huang Zu yelled: "Good time!" He immediately drew his gun and stabbed.

The two sides immediately fell into a fierce fight.

Although Huang Zu defeated Sun Jian's army in his early years, it was not because the opponent was too trashy and he was too strong.

It was due to various factors such as the right time, place and people, that resulted in such a record of killing the opponent's general.

When those conditions from back then no longer existed, and were even transferred to the enemy, Huang Zu finally saw the reality clearly.

After fighting Cheng Pu for thirty rounds, his heart was already shaken.

Because Huang Zu discovered that Cheng Pu's strength was so strong that even he was faintly defeated.

This discovery made Huang Zu's contempt gradually shaken, but his horror became more and more serious.

Instead, Cheng Pu fought more and more bravely, and gradually gained the upper hand.

He suddenly slashed at him with the knife, Huang Zu couldn't dodge in time, he was hit directly, creating a very deep wound.

Huang Zu couldn't help crying out in pain, he turned around and fled back to the formation.

When Cheng Pu saw this, how could he let him go so easily, and immediately patted his horse and chased after him.

Although Huang Zu retreated, he had other plans in mind.

Taking advantage of Cheng Pu's focus on chasing, he secretly bent his bow and set an arrow, and suddenly turned around, and a feathered arrow shot at the opponent.

Cheng Pu was caught off guard, and was shot in the shoulder by the arrow. The pain caused him to almost lose his grip on the knife.

At the moment Cheng Pu was delayed by the arrow, Huang Zu finally returned to the formation and was safe for the time being.

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