Seeing this, Cheng Pu immediately ordered the ambush soldiers in the valley to launch a general attack on Huang Zu.

He gave up the idea of ​​capturing the other party alive at the beginning, and went to Sun Jian's tomb to pay homage to him.

As for the battle at the beginning, Huang Zu could still persist.

When Cheng Pu finally made up his mind to launch a general offensive, he immediately fell into a bitter battle.

The soldiers around him fell one by one, Huang Zu saw it and was anxious.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally realized that he had really underestimated the enemy before.

It's just that it's too late now, for Huang Zu, now is not the time to regret, but how to escape from danger.

He loudly organized the soldiers to resist, but the tragic casualties made morale plummeted, and the situation became more and more unfavorable to him.

At this time, Cheng Pu's generals finally couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, many of these people are old people who followed Sun Jian.

Naturally, they all remembered the humiliation at that time, and now the chief general was hit by an arrow and couldn't continue to fight, but they were still there.

So these people rushed up and besieged Huang Zu.

Huang Zu was also seriously injured, and his soldiers naturally resisted desperately to protect the general.

Just because the momentum is sluggish under the current situation, the combat power will naturally be affected.

Huang Zu's subordinates were constantly besieged and killed by the opponent, and the number became smaller and smaller.

At this moment, a young general finally broke through the obstruction of those generals and rushed to Huang Zu.

"Don't leave Huang Zupi, Feng Ze will come!"

Although Huang Zu was injured, he was not scared and fled away by this unknown person.

So he took the initiative to greet him, wanting to teach him a lesson he will never forget.

Unexpectedly, although this Feng Ze is not well known, he is a fierce general with boundless strength, he knocked Huang Zu's weapon into the air with a single strike.

Although Huang Zu was injured because of this, his face still changed drastically.

What was even more astonishing was still behind, the young general Feng Ze's broadsword spun in the air, and once again slashed at Huang Zu's head aggressively.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The young general Feng Ze brandished the broadsword in his hand, making the sound of whistling wind continuously, stirring in front of Huang Zu's body.

Because of Huang Zu's injury, he was at a loss, and was in a very dangerous situation.

In the end, I gradually lost my strength, my reaction became slower and slower, and I got a few wounds on my body again.

The wound was bleeding profusely, and Huang Zu felt that all his strength had been drained.

Finally, he made a careless move and was cut off by the young general Feng Ze.

Feng Zexiao raised his head high and shouted: "Huang Zu has been beheaded by me, and the rest will not die if they surrender to evil!"

The main general was killed, and the already shaky morale of Huang Zu's army finally collapsed completely.

Under the leadership of the general, everyone dropped their helmets and armors one by one and surrendered on the spot.

In this battle, Cheng Pu won a complete victory.

When Cheng Pu came back victorious, Sun Ce had prepared a celebration banquet for him.

In order to show respect, Sun Ce even took the initiative to greet him outside the city.

"General Cheng has worked hard, for our army's first victory, I must reward the soldiers well!"

Cheng Pu was flattered, and hurriedly said politely: "Your Majesty has praised you, all this is due to the protection of the late Lord's spirit in heaven!"

Sun Ce was confused by what he said.

What did an ordinary ambush have to do with his late father? Why did Cheng Pu drag him out?

Cheng Pu said with a mysterious smile: "Your Majesty, the veteran has specially prepared a big gift for you, and I will present it to you at the banquet!"

Sun Ce became more and more confused, but since the revelation was about to be revealed, he stopped asking more questions and took the initiative to take Cheng Pu's hand and walked into the city.

The banquet hall was already overcrowded. In order to celebrate this rare victory, Sun Ce summoned all the officials above the middle level.

As soon as the two entered the hall, there was warm applause instantly, welcoming Cheng Pu's triumphant return.

Sun Ce came to the main seat, held up his wine glass and said: "All famous men and warriors, today I have specially prepared this banquet to celebrate General Cheng Pu's achievements.

General Cheng Pu's contribution to the annihilation of Liu Ke's vanguard this time is indispensable.

This is not only a hearty victory, but also shows that Liu Ke is not invincible.

This first glass of wine, let us respect General Cheng Pu together, please drink this glass to the full! "

Driven by Sun Ce, everyone was very excited and cheered together to celebrate.

After finishing the first glass of wine, Sun Ce brought Cheng Pu to him and said with a smile, "General Cheng Pu, you are the one who will take the second glass of wine. Please tell us about the battle situation!"

In fact, everyone was very curious, and they all stretched their necks to listen to Cheng Pu's next words.

Cheng Pu thanked Sun Ce first, and then gave a general description of the battle situation at that time.

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