In the end, he changed the subject and said suddenly: "The reason why this old man was able to achieve such a victory is actually the blessing of the old lord's spirit in heaven.

Today, the old man specially prepared a big gift for the king, and at the same time, I also invite all the soldiers to have a look at it together! "

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the young general Feng Ze walked in slowly with the wooden box in his hand.

Cheng Pu took the wooden box, handed it to Sun Ce, and motioned for it to open.

Sun Ce smiled and said, "Gu really wants to see General Cheng Pu's kindness!"

While talking, Sun Ce had already opened the wooden box, and when he saw the contents clearly, his face changed instantly.

Inside the wooden box turned out to be the head of a person.

The change in Sun Ce's face aroused everyone's curiosity even more.

Zu Mao and Han Dang were the closest to Sun Ce, and they also looked over curiously, and then their expressions also changed drastically.

"Huang Zu?!"

Han Dang finally yelled out loudly, which instantly startled everyone in the hall.

Because everyone knows that Jingzhou's enemy, Sun Ce's enemy, is currently Liu Ke.

But there is someone else who hates the most, and that person is naturally the chief culprit who shot and killed the former lord Sun Jian-Huang Zu.

So when Han Dang called out, everyone surrounded him, only Sun Ce still had a stunned expression.

When Sun Jian died in battle, Sun Ce was still young, and he was not with him at the time, so he couldn't recognize Huang Zu's appearance.

However, Han Dang and Cheng Pu protected Sun Jian's body and returned. Naturally, he has a deep memory of his enemy Huang Zu.

When Sun Ce looked at Cheng Pu again, Cheng Pu smiled and said, "Your Majesty, General Han is right, this person is Huang Zu!"

Sun Ce stared at the other party again for a moment, and finally looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Hahahaha! General Cheng Pu, you really gave me a huge gift!

Gu has long wished to eat the flesh of Huang Zu's thief alive, but he never thought that one day he would finally get what he wanted and avenge his father!

Come, please come to the throne of father and king, I must personally pay homage! "

Sun Ce did not forget Sun Jian's last will, and always carried Sun Jian's spiritual tablet with him, just wanting him to be with him.

After a while, the servant brought it back.

Sun Ce solemnly put it in the main position, and then put Huang Zu's head in front.

Then he led the crowd to worship respectfully.

Immediately, Sun Ce said loudly: "The revenge of this great revenge is enough to show the favor of the father and the king's spirit in heaven.

Soldiers must work together to inherit the will of the former kings, and fight across the world together with the solitary, to reorganize the rivers and mountains! "

"Across the world, reorganize the rivers and mountains! Across the world, reorganize the rivers and mountains!"

The voices of the crowd rose one after another, soaring into the sky.

Sun Ce saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

He just took advantage of this opportunity of memorial service to rekindle the fighting spirit of the soldiers.

The originally sluggish morale was rekindled, and Sun Ce was even more ambitious to completely defeat Liu Ke in Xinye.

But the news of Huang Zu Zhongfu's murder finally reached Liu Ke's camp.

When Liu Ke heard the news, Thunder was furious.

He was not only angry that Sun Ce was so rampant, beheading Huang Zu.

Huang Zu, who was even more angry, refused to listen to his own arrangements, and underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, which eventually led to this disaster.

Moreover, the vanguard's defeat is bound to greatly affect the morale of the army, but on the contrary, it will improve the morale of the opponent.

Therefore, Liu Ke immediately ordered: "The whole army slows down the pace of marching, and must not underestimate the enemy to advance rashly.

Although Huang Zu didn't listen to my arrangement and died on the battlefield, it was my punishment that he wanted to punish.When will it be Sun Ce's turn?

Since Sun Ce killed my general, I must avenge him! "

After Liu Ke finished speaking, he led the army straight to Xinye, intending to save face.

However, after this victory, Sun Ce's army finally regained confidence again.

When he found out that Liu Ke's army was about to rush to Xinye, Sun Ce also took the initiative to lead his troops to station outside the city, preparing for the battle.

Speaking of which, relying on city defense is the best choice.

However, Sun Ce still vividly remembers the fate of Feng County.

The collapsed city wall also illustrates the terrifying and destructive power of Liu Ke's army on the city.

Therefore, instead of sticking to the city, once the city is broken, there is no way out.

It's better to take the initiative to attack and fight the enemy in the wild. Even if you lose, you can return to the city to defend.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke's army marched towards Xinye. When it was [-] miles away from Xinye, scouts came to report that Sun Ce's army was stationed five miles away from Xinye County to guard.

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