However, after a loud shock, a huge force surged along Cheng Pu's arms to his whole body.

Cheng Pu couldn't hold the weapon anymore, his hands softened, and the sword fell to the ground.

His expression changed drastically, and he turned his horse and fled without hesitation.

How could Gan Ning let him go so easily, and immediately chased after him.

Cheng Pu ran desperately, and the mount under his crotch even started to vomit blood.

This is also the damage caused after enduring so many attacks from Gan Ning.

Seeing this, other generals in the rear hurried forward to respond.

A few others took the initiative to surround Gan Ning, fought with him, and covered Cheng Pu's retreat.

Gan Ning didn't want his enemy to escape so easily, he kept waving the weapons in his hands, and those who blocked him fell off immediately.

After several rounds, Gan Ning finally broke free from the encirclement and chased Cheng Pu again.

Cheng Pu's mount couldn't hold on any longer. After spitting out so much blood all the way, its front hooves finally gave way, and it fell forward to the ground, lifeless.

This time, Cheng Pu fell to the ground along with him, and only recovered after rolling several times.

He was just busy with his hands and feet, ready to get up.

However, as soon as he stood up, he felt a cold wind hit the back of his head.

I only heard the people around anxiously shouting: "General, get out of here!"

It turned out that Gan Ning finally chased him to this place, he held up his big saber, and was about to strike Cheng Pu from behind.

Judging by the momentum of this knife, Cheng Puruo will be split into two parts, with his head in a different place.

Everyone was anxious, but since Cheng Pu fell suddenly just now, no one else could react, so there was no time to help.

Therefore, some people even closed their eyes, not daring to continue watching the next tragic scene.

The corner of Gan Ning's mouth was smiling, and the big knife in his hand fell down.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of piercing through the air, and before he could react, he suddenly rushed to the blade and there was a huge impact, and he almost lost his grip on the blade.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that Gan Ning was about to kill Huang Zu's enemy with his hand, an arrow shot out suddenly and hit the blade.

Gan Ning almost couldn't hold the knife because of the terrifying power carried on it.

His face changed drastically, and he hurriedly looked in the direction of the arrow.

Just in time, I saw Sun Ce holding a bow and just about to put away his shooting posture.

It seemed that the arrow was undoubtedly what he shot.

Sensing Gan Ning's gaze, Sun Ce looked back without hesitation.

He even compared his eyebrows with his hands, as if telling the other party that his next arrow was about to hit Gan Ning's eyebrows.

Recalling the arrow just now, Gan Ning was terrified.

Because the arrow was on his head, it really didn't look like he was shooting at himself, and it didn't hit the blade by accident.

It was Sun Ce who was absolutely sure that he could hit the blade and save Cheng Pu.

So Gan Ning knew in his heart that the other party's expression must not be a threat, but that Sun Ce is indeed capable of doing it.

During this delayed time, Cheng Pu had already run far away, took another horse from the soldiers who had come to meet him, and returned to the main formation.

Gan Ning saw that he had no chance, if he continued to delay, he would be surrounded by the enemy instead.

So after roaring, he had no choice but to return.

Sun Ce left him and stopped shooting.

You must know that the distance he shot just now was more than a hundred steps, and there is a [-]% chance of being able to hit the blade at this distance.

So the next arrow he threatened to shoot between the eyebrows was actually just a bluff.

Since Gan Ning left wisely, Sun Ce would naturally not overdraw his strength and continue shooting.

Although Cheng Pu was saved at a critical moment, he held his life.

However, Gan Ning's performance like a demon descending to earth still won warm cheers from the soldiers.

Before he returned, the cheers resounded through the sky.

Like welcoming a hero's triumphant return, welcome back Gan Ning.

Liu Ke also praised happily: "Xingba is really powerful!"

Gan Ning's victory boosted the morale of Liu Ke's army, and Sun Ce's side became much quieter.

However, this is only the first battle, and it has not affected the overall situation.

So Zu Mao quickly came to the battlefield again, provocative loudly, wanting to get back the face just now.

Liu Ke has many soldiers and generals, how could he be afraid of a little Zu Mao?

With a wave of his hand, he ordered: "When the evil comes, you will deal with it in this life!"

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