Dian Wei had been impatient for a long time, and finally got Liu Ke's permission, so there was no hesitation.

Holding a huge ax in his hand, he rushed up directly.

He shouted loudly: "Zumao rat, Dian Wei is here!"

Zu Mao's expression froze instantly when he saw that the person came calling himself Dian Wei.

Because he has heard of the other party's reputation, this person has followed Liu Ke since he raised his army, fought for hegemony in the world, and made illustrious military exploits.

Being able to get to this point is enough to show his combat effectiveness.

However, although Zu Mao was shocked, he was not afraid, because he knew that even if he was afraid, he could not show his feet under the eyes of everyone.

Dian Wei's power is stronger than Gan Ning's, and that huge battle ax is also full of terrifying threats.

After less than ten rounds, Zu Mao couldn't hold on any longer.

He saw Dian Wei slashing with each move, and thought that if he continued to entangle, he might not escape bad luck.

Zu Mao also made a decisive decision, turned his head and walked away with a flicker, no longer entangled with him any longer.

Seeing this, Dian Wei didn't chase after him, but stood where he was and laughed loudly.

He stared disdainfully at the Jingzhou army in front of him, and shouted: "It's really a wine bag and a rice bag, vulnerable to a blow!

Hey, is there really no one in Jingzhou who dares to come out and fight with me? "

Dian Wei's words angered Jingzhou Yingjie instantly, and before Sun Ce could order, one of them rushed out immediately.

This man's name was Zu Lang, he was originally a bandit, he was entrenched in Jingzhou, and he fought with Sun Ce many times, winning and losing each other.

Later, he was overwhelmed by Sun Ce's demeanor and voluntarily surrendered, and now he is a fierce general under his command.

Zu Lang yelled and rushed forward, colliding with Dian Wei in an instant.

Dian Wei saw that his bravery should not be underestimated, so he tried his best to fight with him.

Speaking of which, how could a person who can compete with the little overlord Sun Ce be so weak in strength?

It's just that what he met today was Dian Wei, who was known as the ancient evil.

The huge ax in Dian Wei's hand was heavy, Zu Lang was a little unprepared, and was directly chopped off by his horse, and he died with regret.

"Hahahaha! I've already said that Jingzhou is a bunch of rats. When I saw you today, it's just as it should be!"

The people under Sun Ce were even more angry, but with Zu Lang's lessons learned here, no one dared to act rashly again.

Sun Ce couldn't bear it and was about to rush out, but was stopped by Zhang Zhao beside him.

"Your Majesty, you are a man of gold, you must not put yourself in danger! Dian Wei is no more than the bravery of a man, and the army passes by, how can you resist it?

Rather than single-handedly, they fell into their trap! "

After hearing this, Sun Ce rolled his eyes a few times, and finally approved of Zhang Zhao's words.

In fact, he had to admit in his heart that Liu Ke's powerful generals were like clouds, and they were indeed far superior to those in Jingzhou.

For example, Tai Shici, Lu Bu and others I met before, none of them are weaker than me.

If it is really a battle against the opponent, Sun Ce really can't do it.

In this way, repeated battles and repeated defeats will naturally greatly damage the morale of the army.

So Sun Ce took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "Zi Bu is right! How could Gu fall into the enemy's tricks?

After passing the order, the vanguard army is fully deployed. I want to see if Dian Wei can fight against an army alone? "

The drums and horns sounded together, and the vanguard army immediately marched forward.

Liu Ke looked at it and said with a smile: "It seems that Sun Ce finally couldn't bear to send out the army for a decisive battle!

That being the case, I will fight with him again! "

Immediately afterwards, Liu Ke also dispatched an evenly matched force, and immediately fought with Sun Ce's forward army.

Although the number of troops sent by Liu Ke is almost the same as that of the opponent, the individual strength and joint combat capabilities here far exceed the Jingzhou Army.

So just after a while of the battle, Sun Ce was horrified to find that the vanguard army had already shown its defeat.

"This, how is this possible? Obviously, the two sides have about the same number of people, why is Liu Kejun so strong?"

Sun Ce had an unbelievable expression. After all, he was invincible in Jingzhou, and he always thought that even if he fought Liu Ke, he would have stronger troops than the opponent.

Today's comparison made Sun Ce see the strength gap between the two sides with his own eyes.

Sun Ce was anxious, knowing that if he continued to fight, the loss would be even greater.

Therefore, he could only urgently order Ming Jin to withdraw his troops, summoned back the vanguard army that was about to be defeated, and temporarily suspended the fight with Liu Ke.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce hurriedly withdrew the forward army, which avoided his fate of being wiped out by Liu Ke's entire army.

Then Sun Ce didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately led his troops back to the camp to stand firm, and today's battle finally came to an end.

Liu Ke won the first battle and finally got rid of the slump in which the pioneer Huang Zu was killed, so that the soldiers regained their confidence.

Although Sun Ce was not wiped out in one fell swoop in this battle, it was considered a remarkable result.

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