It was getting dark, and it would be unwise to attack Sun Ce's camp again, so Liu Ke had no choice but to return to the camp.

However, Sun Ce lost the first battle, and the confidence he had just established was hit again, which made him even more irritable.

All the officers and men had no other choice but to bow their heads and remain speechless.

At this moment, Jiang Qin finally spoke.

"Your Majesty, Liu Ke is extremely rampant, just because he has more soldiers than us.

Why not invite the governor back and join forces to resist Liu Ke! "

Before Sun Ce could speak, another person immediately stopped him and said, "No, the governor is currently fighting in the direction of Luyang and Ye County.

It is said that the vanguard has already entered Yingchuan County, and the soldiers are pointing directly at Yingyang.Withdrawing at this moment, wouldn't everything be wasted? "

"That's wrong! Although the governor's attack went smoothly and he conquered the city, he did have an outstanding record.

But Jingzhou is our base in the rear, and now there are changes in the rear, if we don't come back immediately.

If there is a mistake in Jingzhou, no matter how much territory the governor captures, it will be like water without roots, what is the pity like duckweed? "

Everyone has their own reasons, and they are arguing with each other, and no one can persuade the other.

After hearing this, Sun Ce, the chief executive, finally had an idea.

He waved his hand and said, "Okay, what everyone said makes sense, don't argue any longer, lest you hurt your peace!

Gu has already made a decision, Deshu, you will draft a letter on behalf of Gu, and send it to Gongjin Ye County immediately, asking him to return immediately! "

After listening to Sun Ce's words, everyone agreed again and again, and stopped arguing.

The letter was quickly drafted. Sun Ce took a quick look at it and found that there was no problem, so he stamped the king's seal and handed it to the envoy to send away.

At this moment, Zhou Yu is commanding an army of [-] troops, fighting at the junction of Jing and Henan in Ye County and Luyang.

At that time, he and Sun Cexing's two armies captured Guanzhong and the Central Plains respectively.

Sun Ce's army was stopped by Lu Meng from Wuguan, and Zhou Yu also encountered the natural danger of Funiu Mountain.

At the beginning, Zhou Yu set his strategic goal on the Luyang area.

Prepare to storm Luyang, cross Funiu Mountain, and threaten Luoyang.

However, the defenders in the area of ​​Funiu Mountain held their ground abnormally. After several battles, Zhou Yu failed to gain any benefits, and instead gradually became stalemate.

Zhou Yu understood that this was not a good thing. He originally raised his troops because Liu Ke was deeply trapped in the enemies of Liangzhou and Yizhou and had no time to take care of them.

If the stalemate persists and Liu Ke arrives after dealing with the matter there, then he will be in danger.

Therefore, Zhou Yu immediately changed his combat thinking, and instead of attacking Luoyang in the north, he marched in Yingchuan County in the east.

There are only some low hills and peaks between Yingchuan and Jingzhou, and there is a vast plain beyond that.

Moreover, Yingchuan is rich in products, and the war in those years was not affected very much, so now the things are rich and the people are rich, which can be called a piece of fat.

It's just that the Wangxun family and the Chen family of the two counties of Yingchuan had taken refuge in Liu Ke early, and they didn't accept Sun Ce's leadership at all.

So Jingzhou has long been extremely greedy, and this time Zhou Yu finally made a move.

However, Yingchuan is rich and prosperous, and its defensive strength should not be underestimated.

Liu Ke arranged for Xu Shu, Wenpin, Wen and Wu to guard here together.

As soon as Zhou Yu and he entered Yingchuan County, they were immediately counterattacked unceremoniously by the other party.

Now, Zhou Yu is confronting Xu Shu's army under Wuyang City.

In the past few days of fighting, both sides have their own winners and losers.

But Xu Shu used his troops cautiously and never took any risks. In this way, Zhou Yu had no chance to take advantage of him, and he still couldn't take Wuyang down.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu had no choice but to attack Kunyang, another city thirty miles north of Wuyang.

Kunyang City had few small soldiers, and it was garrisoned by General Lei Bo, Yuan Shu's old subordinate who later defected to Xu Shu.

When Lei Bo saw Yuan Shu's decline and made enemies on all sides, he voluntarily abandoned him and took refuge in Yingchuan Xu Shu's command.

Although Xu Shu despised his actions, seeing that the opponent's strength was acceptable, he appointed him to garrison Kunyang to fight against the enemy forces in the direction of Jingzhou.

For such a long time before, Jingzhou has been very stable and has never violated the border.

It wasn't until this time that Zhou Yu raised his troops that the flames of war ignited again outside Kunyang City.

Lei Bo was regarded as Yuan Shu's general at the time, and he was always proud and arrogant. Even after he was down and out, he always had his eyes above the top.

Especially look down on the generation of Jingzhou.

After all, the original Sun Ce was just Yuan Shu's subordinate, and his status was even inferior to his own.

Even though he occupies such a large area of ​​Jingzhou, Lei Bo still looks down on him.

Try to sigh, even if you change yourself, you can also achieve such a great cause.

This time when Zhou Yu came with troops, Lei Bo regained his spirits instantly, thinking that his chance to make contributions had finally come.

Zhou Yu had heard about Lei Bo's fame from Sun Ce before, so he still had some understanding of his character.

Therefore, on the first day of the battle, Lei Bo took the initiative to fight outside the city.

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