So, Lu Bu directly drove Chituma to rush towards Xu Kun.

"Thief general, save your head before leaving!"

When Lu Bu was about to arrive in front of him, he suddenly yelled, and the faces of Xu Kun and the others changed greatly in fright.

He hurriedly turned his head and found that it was Lu Bu who came, and he broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

Hastily ordered his guards: "Quickly block it!"

Although the personal guards didn't recognize the identity of the person, they knew that this person was absolutely extraordinary just by looking at his attire.

As Xu Kun's personal guards, they naturally tried their best to stop Lu Bu.

It's just that although these people guessed that Lu Bu was extraordinary, they didn't know how powerful he was.

I saw Lu Bu waving Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, as if entering a land of no one, all the enemy troops standing in front of him were killed with one stroke, and few escaped this calamity.

Seeing Lu Bu's performance, Xu Kun's face became more and more ugly.

He had only heard that Lv Bu was unparalleled in the world, but he couldn't appreciate the powerful deterrent power emanating from him until he saw it with his own eyes.

Xu Kun also thought about taking advantage of his personal guards to stop him and escape quickly by himself.

But this idea was instantly rejected by him.

Because the red rabbit horse under Lu Bu's crotch is also a good horse in the world, and its speed is far faster than ordinary war horses.

I'm afraid Xu Kun will be caught up by Lu Bu if he can't escape very far.

Therefore, Xu Kun sighed and finally made up his mind.

He brandished the spear and rushed forward, besieging Lu Bu with his personal guards, hoping to force him back.

From Xu Kun's point of view, it's not shameful for him to fight more and fight less, after all, that's Lu Bu!

Seeing Xu Kun coming, Lu Bu was a little surprised, but at the same time he smiled and said: "You didn't leave the soldiers and escape, but you are a man.

Come on, sign up, I, Lu Bu, will not kill the unknown! "

Although Lu Bu's performance was very rampant, Xu Kun didn't care about it. On the contrary, he thought that it should be done with his strength and status.

Therefore, Xu Kun said: "I am General Pinglu, Xu Kun, Marquis of Guangde. If you want to kill me, use your strength!"

"Hahahaha, you are quite courageous, then I will be impolite!"

After Lv Bu laughed, he immediately waved Fang Tian's painted halberd to attack Xu Kun.

When Xu Kun's guards saw this, they immediately shouted: "Protect the general!"

For a moment, in front of Lu Bu, there were more than a dozen people waiting in formation.

Lu Bu showed no signs of fear, instead he shouted loudly, every time Fang Tian's painting halberd stabbed, one person would fall off the horse.

In the blink of an eye, these personal guards standing in front of them were killed in pieces.

Seeing this, Xu Kun frowned. He couldn't bear to see the soldiers sacrifice constantly to protect him.

Finally, he took the initiative to rush forward and stabbed Lu Bu in the chest.

"Lü Bu thief, Hugh is going crazy, shoot me!"

You know, apart from Xu Kun, Lu Bu was attacked by those personal guards in front of him.

However, he was happy and unafraid, Fang Tian's painted halberd suddenly swept across, and directly blocked all the weapons in front of him.

Even Xu Kun's long spear was swept away by Lu Bu, and almost fell out of his hand, and he could no longer pose a threat to him.

And this was also the first time Xu Kun and Lu Bu had fought against each other, and the power in his hands instantly horrified him.

"This, this Lu Bu is so terrifying!"

After Lu Bu blocked the attack of the crowd, he turned around and swept away the thousands of troops with one move.

Those personal guards had just been hit, and they were still numb all over, so there was no time to react.

Therefore, after this move, most of the guards standing in front of Xu Kun were killed or injured, only Xu Kun and three or five people survived.

Xu Kun's face was solemn, knowing that he might be doomed today.

However, he was unwilling to bow his knees and surrender, so he shouted loudly and rushed towards Lu Bu on his own initiative.

Lu Bu fixed his eyes on Xu Kun, and when the other party was about to arrive, he suddenly greeted him with a spear.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that Lu Bu didn't move at first, Xu Kun thought that the other party underestimated the enemy, and was still secretly happy.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Bu was in the nick of time, he turned sideways first, and then Fang Tian stabbed directly with his halberd.

Xu Kun hurriedly twisted his body to dodge, and finally dodged the thrust, Fang Tian missed it with the halberd under his arm.

Unexpectedly, before he had time to rejoice, Lu Bu turned his hand, and then pulled it back suddenly.

The side blade of Fang Tian's painted halberd pierced Xu Kun's back in an instant, bringing him off the horse.

Xu Kun struggled in the air for a while, and finally lost his breath.

The death of the main general Xu Kun finally caused the complete defeat of the nearly collapsed rear army.

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