Lv Bu, Dian Wei, and Zhang Liao led the team to continuously charge and kill them, and soon wiped them out completely.

When Sun Ce, who left first, found that the situation had changed and hurried back to the army for support, it was already too late.

Sun Ce had no choice but to lead his troops to kill, and then snatched back Xu Kun's body.

As for the rest of the fight, nothing has changed.

In this battle, the rear army of [-] horses lost more than half, only a few thousand people.

Not only that, but he also lost a strong general like Xu Kun, which made Sun Ce most distressed.

Sun Ce stood in front of Xu Kunling, staring at the pain that hadn't disappeared on his face.

He couldn't help but said: "Cousin, I swear here alone that I will kill Lu Bu to avenge you.

Otherwise, the orphan will die under the random arrows! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone rushed forward and said: "Your Majesty, you must not swear such a poisonous oath!"

But Sun Ce said nonchalantly: "What's the problem? Xu Kun was killed in battle, Gu Ben should avenge him.

If it doesn't work, I'd rather die by random arrows, otherwise, how can I see him under the Nine Springs in the future? "

What Sun Ce said was the most emotional and reasonable, which moved all the soldiers.

Everyone immediately said in unison: "We are all willing to follow the king, avenge the fallen soldiers, and wipe out Liu Ke's army!"

"Okay! Soldiers, we will take revenge together in the future!"

Originally, Xu Kun's death in battle was a big blow to Sun Ce's army.

Unexpectedly, under the operation of Sun Ce, the morale was actually improved, making everyone feel the same hatred.

Liu Ke's army finally came to Xinye City, and in order to avenge Xu Kun, Sun Ce was ready to give him a head-on blow.

After continuous fighting, both sides had their own losses, and there was no room for change and politeness between them.

So, with a big wave of Liu Ke's hand, the siege battle finally began.

Originally, Liu Ke had already built several giant catapults, but the road was full of water nets and swamps.

Even if there is land, it is muddy and difficult.

So those large siege equipment can only be disassembled again, falling behind, and have not arrived yet.

However, Liu Ke's ability to rule the world is not only based on these, his greatest strength is his strong bow and crossbow, and the life of the three armies.

Under Liu Ke's command, several armies were dispatched together to attack Xinye City Wall from all directions.

Even the water army, under the leadership of Gan Ning, came to the west of the city on the water, and launched a fierce attack on the city wall with the catapults on board.

Sun Ce personally stationed in the south of the city to deal with Liu Ke's main force.

In addition, Jiang Qin, Han Dang, and Cheng Pu were sent to guard one direction each, blocking Liu Ke's army under the city.

Liu Kejun's equipment far exceeds that of Jingzhou soldiers and horses, especially the strong bows and crossbows in their hands.

When they came to the city, under the leadership of the general, they were not in a hurry to attack the city head immediately.

Instead, at a distance of a hundred steps from the top of the city, they started shooting at the city wall.

A hundred steps away is a distance that all archers may not be able to reach with all their strength.

And even if he could shoot, his whole body would be sore and weak after three rounds.

But Liu Kejun is not restricted by such conditions.

The foot crossbows they carry are opened by the power of their legs, and they work in groups of two to cooperate with each other.

Each arrow can shoot up to a hundred and twenty steps, and a hundred steps is also his best killing distance.

Therefore, with an order, the foot crossbow army was launched instantly, and the dense crossbow arrows were released to the top of the city.

The defenders on the city didn't believe that the opponent could shoot so far at first.

But when the crossbow arrows really hit, the faces of those people changed instantly, and they hurriedly looked for shelters to avoid.

But although hiding from the attack of bows and arrows, but in this way, the protection of the city head was instantly turned into nothingness.

So under the cover of crossbow arrows, the siege army finally started.

Seeing this, Sun Ce's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly ordered the soldiers to stop, and ordered the archers to shoot at the siege troops no matter the cost.

However, just as they got out of the bunker, another round of arrows rained down from the sky.

This time the losses were even more severe, especially those archers who suffered a lot of damage.

Such a situation made Sun Ce understand that the fall of Xinye was probably only a thought of the opponent.

He couldn't figure out how Liu Ke had such a powerful crossbow army.

You must know that the crossbow army is very precious.

It's not just an archer who has to go through years of training before he can get started.

Moreover, regardless of the crossbow or arrow, the cost is very high, especially consumables such as arrows, which are even more costly.

So shooting like this without money can only be done by Liu Ke with deep pockets.

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