Others would not be so prodigal, because in this era, the value of archers is only to kill the enemy from a distance.

But Liu Ke has already brought in the experience of modern warfare.

Under his arrangement, in addition to killing, the greatest value of archers has become fire suppression, just like the modern Gatling gun.

However, such a design ultimately requires huge financial resources and advanced productivity.

It is precisely these two points that Liu Ke is far superior to other people in this era.

That's why he showed his invincible fighting power.

Even Sun Ce, the little overlord, showed a look of helplessness in the face of Liu Ke's arrows pouring down like raindrops one after another.

He wasn't afraid of a powerful enemy, but being beaten so unilaterally without any power to fight back really made him feel aggrieved.

Under the suppression of such powerful firepower, the siege troops continued to advance, and finally came under the city wall.

But all the rolling stones that Sun Ce had prepared were useless.

Therefore, whoever dares to come out will be instantly shot into a hedgehog by the arrow.

Without human operation, the adequate defensive equipment has all become decorations.

On the other hand, the siege army took advantage of those people being suppressed in the bunker, and quickly climbed to the city wall.

They also knew in their hearts that when they boarded the city wall, it was also when the suppression of firepower behind them stopped.

After all, if you shoot again, you will accidentally injure the friendly army.

For them, therefore, the fiercest battle is yet to come.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The first to rush under the city wall was the army led by Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun took the lead and led Baima Yicong to dismount and fight on foot. He still did not lose the wind and was the first to reach the top of the city.

The defender here is Han Dang, and upon seeing this, he rushed out of the bunker.

Because when Zhao Yun's army ascended the city, the arrows suppressed by the firepower from the rear finally stopped.

Without the threat of arrows above his head, Han Dang quickly summoned all the defenders to fight Zhao Yun together.

When Zhao Yun came to the city wall, he first set his sights on the storage places where the Rolling Stones, Trees, and Fierce Oil Bows and Arrows were stored.

Only by taking this place can the siege troops behind cover continue to ascend the city.

Otherwise, if the enemy defends with those weapons, it will be difficult for the subsequent siege troops to board.

There is currently no one guarding it, so Zhao Yun rushed over, ready to destroy it all.

As soon as Han Dang came out of the bunker, he saw Zhao Yun's movements, and his face became anxious in an instant.

"Soldiers, follow me to drive the enemy out of the city!"

Han Dang shouted, and rushed towards Zhao Yun with the defenders.

Led by him, all the defenders were finally dispatched, attacking from all directions.

Zhao Yun was only the first batch of troops to ascend the city, and the number was not large, so he was immediately surrounded by the opponent.

But Zhao Yun was not afraid, holding a bright silver gun, and directly charged at the enemy.

Every time his bright silver gun attacked, someone was killed.

And under his leadership, the morale of all his subordinates was high, but they gained the upper hand.

When Han Dang saw this, his heart became more and more anxious, and he immediately waved a big knife to meet Zhao Yun and block Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun also saw Han Dang's presence in an instant, abandoned those little soldiers, and went straight to him.

"When Han is here, the enemy will die!"

When Han Dang saw Zhao Yun rushing forward on his own initiative, he slashed at his head with his saber.

Zhao Yun swung the silver spear horizontally in his hand, blocked Han Dang's attack, and immediately stabbed him.

The two sides fought together in an instant, and the battle brought a strong wind, and no one dared to move forward in the area of ​​more than ten meters.

However, as Bai Mayi led by Zhao Yun climbed up the city to cover, other troops also climbed up from the bottom of the city one after another.

There are more and more Liu Kejun on the top of the city, and the morale of Sun Ce's army is also getting lower and lower.

Han Dang's original strength was not as good as Zhao Yun's. As a result, his performance became even more sluggish, and the situation plummeted.

Seeing that the situation on the east wall was becoming more and more unfavorable to him, Sun Ce quickly dispatched some troops from here to support.

However, he himself could not act rashly.

Therefore, the side of the city wall that Sun Ce was guarding was also undergoing a brutal fight.

Sun Ce learned the lesson of Zhao Yun's easy climbing of the city wall, and he did not want such a situation to happen again on his side.

So he desperately commanded the soldiers to resist the rain of arrows with shields, and desperately came to station in front of the city wall.

Some shields were not enough, and even the door panels were removed and replaced.

Under his arrangement, the defenders on this side of the city wall rarely broke through the suppression of Liu Ke's army's firepower, and returned to the front of the city wall again.

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