Dian Wei, the leader of the siege army, had already arrived at the base of the city, and was just about to follow Zhao Yun's routine.

Unexpectedly, the enemy troops on the city wall reacted instantly, and the rolling stones and trees fell together, pouring down from Dian Wei's head.

One of the stones, which was the size of a millstone, smashed straight at Dian Wei.

When he reacted, it was too late.

At the critical moment, Dian Wei pushed the soldiers beside him away.

With a loud shout, he raised his hands up and caught the boulder before it hit the top of his head.

Then Dian Wei threw his arms again, and the boulder was thrown aside like rotten grass.

His performance not only shocked the soldiers around him, but also frightened the defenders on the top of the city.

Because such a boulder requires at least a few people to carry it and throw it down.

The force carried by it when it falls is even more powerful.

However, if Dian Wei can block him in this way, how terrifying will the opponent's power be?

Dian Wei's performance was also regarded by the surrounding soldiers as a god descending from the earth, which instantly aroused morale.

Under his leadership, the soldiers climbed desperately to the top of the city.

In the hearts of the soldiers, Dian Wei is now possessed by a god, so this battle will definitely be won.

In that case, what are people worried about?Just follow Dian Wei Chong.

Dian Wei used both hands and feet, and in the blink of an eye he had already arrived at the top of the city.

The defenders inside wanted to push it down, but as soon as they stretched out their hands, Dian Wei grabbed it.

Dian Wei stabilized his body with one hand, and suddenly exerted force with the other hand, even lifting the defender who weighed more than a hundred catties, and threw it off the city wall.

When the people around saw it, their faces were all pale with fright, and no one dared to step forward to obstruct it.

In this way, Dian Wei finally climbed onto the city wall, swiping a huge ax in his hand, cutting a way for the other soldiers.

In a blink of an eye, the city was filled with Dian Wei's army.

Sun Ce couldn't sit still any longer, and immediately took his sword and rushed forward.

"How dare the thief be so rampant? Look at the sword!"

Sun Ce stabbed Dian Wei with a sword, and Dian Wei quickly blocked it with his battle axe.

The two weapons collided together, and there was a crisp and high-pitched cry in an instant.

The power from the tomahawk also made Dian Wei understand the strength of this person.

However, this aroused Dian Wei's fighting power even more. Dian Wei licked his lips, gripped his battle ax tightly and charged forward again.

When Sun Ce fought against him, he instantly realized Dian Wei's amazing power.

Fortunately, he has a unique unloading technique, so he was not affected too much.

But the other party still left a deep impression on him.

Such a powerful opponent was never encountered by Sun Ce when he conquered Jingzhou.

None of those famous generals in the past became Sun Ce's ghost.

This also caused Sun Ce to have an illusion that he is a hero in the world, but he is nothing more than mediocre.

Just when his self-confidence reached its peak and was about to burst, the appearance of Liu Ke's army suddenly shattered Sun Ce's thoughts.

First, they met Tai Shici, and the two sides were evenly matched in a short time.

Then there was Lu Bu, who was so powerful that he had to take a detour, and Zhang Liao, who should not be underestimated either.

Now that another Dian Wei appeared, Sun Ce had already begun to have doubts in his heart.

"Liu Ke is as fierce as a cloud, could it be that he is so powerful if he sends out just one random person?"

Sun Ce didn't want to believe it, so he took a deep breath and fought Dian Wei again.

During the battle on his side, the battle on the outer city wall was also intense.

But it is still Zhao Yun who has the upper hand.

Under Zhao Yun's charge, Han Dang retreated steadily, but still lost his fighting spirit.

It seems that the entire city wall will belong to Zhao Yun.

Sun Ce saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do to change it.

Because under Dian Wei's entanglement, Sun Ce was also overwhelmed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The battle at the head of Xinye City is still going on, and it has lasted from morning to evening.

Although Liu Ke had the upper hand here, fortunately, Sun Ce resisted desperately, so he didn't completely lose the city.

The two sides have been fighting for so long, and they are all extremely exhausted, and they are both exhausted.

At this moment, the craftsmen behind Liu Ke finally assembled the boulder catapult and started the formal debugging.

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