The opponent's momentum was like a rainbow, and it was the time when he was invincible. Sun Ce didn't want to continue to entangle with him, so he could only rush in other directions.

But now many siege troops have gathered in the city, and after seeing Sun Ce, they all gathered like flies smelling fishy smell.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, Sun Ce became more and more anxious.

In the end, he stopped hiding and fleeing, but rushed straight to the front.

Along the way, people blocked and killed people, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas, fully experiencing the prestige of the little overlord.

Under his leadership, the defenders finally made a way out and fled from the north gate.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun led Bai Ma Yi to chase and kill him.

Dian Wei, on the other hand, commanded the remaining guards, and cleaned up the remaining stubborn defenders in the city one by one.

In the end, Xinye City was completely accepted.

Dian Wei arranged for the lieutenant to be here, and he rushed out of the city immediately to report to Liu Ke.

"Report to Your Majesty, the thief Sun Ce has abandoned the city and fled, and now Xinye has all belonged to His Majesty!"

Liu Ke was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately praised the hard work of the siege soldiers.

After a while, Zhao Yun also returned.

He was similar to Dian Wei, all covered in blood, except that Zhao Yun's panting was more obvious.

"Return to Your Majesty, Sun Ce fled, and the general will chase after him.

But in the end, he escaped, please Your Majesty, come down! "

Liu Ke didn't blame the other party, but helped Zhao Yun up with both hands.

"Zilong, being able to win Xinye City is already a great achievement.

The fact that Sun Ce ran away can only show that he is fast, and you cannot be blamed for your failure.

So don't worry, come and go into the city with me! "

As he spoke, Liu Ke held Dian Wei and Zhao Yun with his left and right hands respectively, and walked towards Xinye together.

The two of them were treated extraordinarily by Liu Ke, and they were equally excited, as if they had received a great honor.

But Sun Ce was in a hurry like a bereaved dog, and fled for a long time before slowly stopping.

Along the way, other deserters had also been reorganized by the generals, and returned to Sun Ce one after another.

Regarding this defeat, Sun Ce rarely lost his temper, let alone blamed others, and just walked forward in silence.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce led his troops back to the north in the city of Fuyang in embarrassment.

In this count, he lost more than [-] people, and now he only has [-] horses left in his hands.

Fortunately, because Liu Ke wanted to take over Xinye, he was not in such a hurry to pursue.Otherwise, there would not even be this little army left.

Sun Ce reorganized his troops here, and finally he was able to catch his breath.

And he got the news that Zhou Yu's army had arrived in Wancheng after several days of continuous travel.

This news put Sun Ce in a good mood.

With Zhou Yu's joining, his strength will increase instantly, and he will not lose even in the face of Liu Ke.

So Sun Ce made up his mind to stand still for the time being and wait for Zhou Yu's rendezvous.

Two days later, with Sun Ce's eagerly looking forward to it, Zhou Yu's army finally arrived.

Sun Ce even went out of the city directly to respond, and entered the city hand in hand with Zhou Yu.

He and Zhou Yu were young children, fighting side by side over the years, and accumulated a profound friendship.

Especially after Sun Ce's repeated battles and defeats, he is more eager for Zhou Yu's arrival.

"Hahahaha, Gongjin, I've been looking forward to you!"

"Your Majesty, it's Gong Jin's fault for troubling you." Zhou Yu hurriedly replied politely.

However, Sun Ce couldn't take care of much anymore, so he directly dragged Zhou Yu into the city, and held a banquet for him to clean up the dust.

Zhou Yu understood Sun Ce's recent situation in his heart, and it was hard to break it out, so he had to accompany him for a while to exchange pleasantries.

It wasn't until after the banquet that the ministers dispersed that Zhou Yu found Sun Ce again in private.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the battle is not going well, and I hope your Majesty will not be hurt by it."

There was no outsider here, and Sun Ce finally stopped trying to hide it, and finally let out a long sigh.

"Ah! Gongjin didn't know something, and seeing the situation in front of him alone, he was very anxious. But he was afraid of affecting the morale of the soldiers.

I had no choice but to put on an expression of indifference.This time you can return, Gu's heart will finally feel better! "

With that said, Sun Ce told Zhou Yu about the current situation one by one, hoping that Zhou Yu could come up with a solution.

In Sun Ce's mind, Zhou Yu was resourceful and resourceful, so he would be able to deal with Liu Ke.

Zhou Yu frowned after listening, and remained silent for a long time.

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