It was not until he saw that Sun Ce was about to speak out to urge him that he finally said: "Your Majesty, Liu Ke's commanding generals are like a cloud, and in addition to the recent consecutive victories, the morale is like a rainbow.

On the contrary, our army's momentum is sluggish, so now is not the time to fight the opponent immediately.

From my point of view, the first thing our army needs to solve is the morale problem, and then it is the best policy to find an opportunity to fight the opponent. "

"Don't you know? But how to solve it?" Sun Ce asked anxiously.

Zhou Yu continued: "Defend Fuyang and wait for Liu Ke. If there are many enemies, we will defend them, and if we have few enemies, we will destroy them. But we will never take the initiative to attack.

If Liu Ke can't attack for a long time, his morale will definitely be greatly affected.It will not be too late to fight back at that time.

Anyway, we are at home, so are we still afraid of spending time with Liu Ke? "

After hearing this, Sun Ce finally nodded slowly.

Now, under Zhou Yu's guidance, he suddenly realized.

It turned out that it was because I was too impatient.

If you are impatient, you will be chaotic. Instead, you can't calm down and make the best judgment based on the current situation.

As a result, Sun Ce has been led away by Liu Ke, caught in the rhythm of the opponent, and it is difficult to win at present.

It wasn't until Zhou Yu's return that he really saw through the key point and brought Sun Ce back from it.

Sun Ce thought about it for a moment, and finally said happily: "Okay! Let's do it according to Gongjin's intention. From now on, it's up to Gongjin to arrange the troops!"

Sun Ce had no doubts about employing people, and directly handed over the command of the entire army to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu did his part, and took orders directly without being too polite.All this is because of the tacit understanding accumulated by the two monarchs and ministers over the years.

So, Zhou Yu began to re-arrange according to what he thought in his heart.

"Cheng Pu, I order you to lead an army of [-] to garrison the southwest, and Huang Gai to lead an army of [-] to garrison the southeast.

The two armies sent out scouts every day to inspect the situation within a radius of [-] miles. If there was any disturbance, they must report it immediately.

Han Dang and Zu Mao led a total of [-] troops to station in the middle, and kept in touch with the other two troops at any time.

Jiang Qin and Zhu Ran, each of you will lead an army of [-] sailors to guard the Feishui ferry to prevent the enemy from attacking from the water.

The rest of the army was stationed in the city, waiting for orders.

In short, there is only one principle, the enemy must be detected as soon as possible when he comes, how many he comes, and where he comes from.

Whether it is a battle or a retreat, you must wait for the arrangement, no one is allowed to act without authorization! "

Everyone immediately claimed yes, and then split up and acted separately.

As for Zhou Yu, he will guard the city together with Sun Ce, and then carry out targeted treatment according to the situation of Liu Ke's invasion of soldiers and horses.

In the early morning of the second day, the scouts found out, Huang Gai did not dare to make a decision on his own, and immediately reported to the city.

Zhou Yu saw that it was Liu Ke who sent an army of [-] to the city of Fuyang first to check the reality of Sun Ce's army.

The other party didn't know Zhou Yu's arrival, and thought that Sun Ce was in the state when he fled.

So along the way, there was no intention of covering up his whereabouts, and he just went straight to Fuyang openly and aboveboard.

Zhou Yu sneered and said, "Hmph! It's just in time for you to come. Now that you're here, let's try the methods of the governor!

Pass my order, Cheng Pu and Huang Gai's army will circle around and outflank the two sides, Zu Mao Han Dang will slowly retreat to attract them.

After attracting the enemy army to the city, the three armies marched together to surround and annihilate them under the city!

Your Majesty, I invite you and my minister to watch a good show in the city later! "

After hearing Zhou Yu's arrangement, Sun Ce was very pleasantly surprised, and couldn't help but regret why he hadn't been recalled earlier.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have fought and failed repeatedly.

Therefore, Sun Ce happily climbed to the top of the city with Zhou Yu to see this good show with his own eyes.

This time under Liu Ke's order, it was General Zhang Liao who came to Fuyang first.

Liu Ke gathered his troops in the rear, and in order not to let Sun Ce have time to breathe, he sent another Zhang Liao to attack Fuyang first.

It is best to keep Sun Ce in a chaotic state, and it will be easier to win at that time.

So after Zhang Liao took the order, he went straight to Fuyang.

But he didn't know that Sun Ce had joined Zhou Yu's army, and his strength had skyrocketed.

The most important thing is that when he was thirty miles away from Fuyang, his movements had already been clearly detected by the enemy.

In fact, Zhang Liao also saw enemy scouts on the way.

It's just that in his heart, Sun Ce has nothing to fear.

Even if the army is reorganized, it is estimated that it will not pose much threat to itself.

From Zhang Liao's point of view, the passage of the opponent's scouts would at most make Sun Ce strengthen his guard in the city.

Other than that, it doesn't have any effect on myself.

So Zhang Liao didn't think much, and finally met Han Dang and Zu Mao outside the city.

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