Han Dang and Zu Mao's army was stationed ten li outside the city of Fuyang, with only [-] troops.

When Zhang Liao's scouts detected the opponent's situation, Zhang Liao couldn't help but sneer.

"Hmph, it seems that Sun Ce has really reached the end of his rope, and the two generals can only lead [-] troops to occupy the enemy.

The situation in the city can also be imagined! "

Therefore, Zhang Liao felt more relaxed, and directly ordered the pursuit to advance.

So the army quickly pursued Han Dang and Zu Mao's army.

Seeing this, the other party didn't dare to contact Zhang Liao at all, so he ran directly in the direction of Fuyang City.

Seeing the performance of the enemy army, Zhang Liao was even more determined that the enemy had reached the end of the road, so Zhang Liao went after him without any hesitation.

However, what he didn't know was that there were already two armies outflanking from the left and right sides, blocking Zhang Liao's way of retreating.

Zhang Liao pursued with all his heart, and finally saw the city wall of Fuyang City.

However, Han Dang and Zu Mao fled to the end, and they did not enter the city anymore, instead they leaned against the city wall and formed an array.

When Zhang Liao saw this, although he was suspicious but not afraid, he said with great interest: "Oh? It seems that you are still courageous?

If you don't enter the city and defend it, how dare you fight the general under the city?Alright, since you want to die, I will fulfill you! "

Han Dang and Zu Mao heard Zhang Liao speak so wildly, they couldn't beat it in their hearts.

Anyway, the soldiers and horses of the governor have arrived, so he no longer has to swallow his anger.

So Han Dang leaped forward directly, came to the front of the two armies, and shouted to Zhang Liao: "You man, how dare you underestimate my Jingzhou generals?

If you have the guts, come and fight me, Han Dang, for a hundred rounds! "

Hearing this, Zhang Liao raised his head and smiled, "Hahahaha, I thought the people in Jingzhou were all shrunken heads?

I didn't expect that there were still a few bloody ones!That being the case, I will live a few tricks with you! "

While he was speaking, he looked up at the city intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was alluding to Sun Ce who was looking down at the city.

Han Dang was even more enraged when he heard the words, and he rushed forward to Zhang Liao on his horse, fighting with him.

For a while, the two came and went, refusing to give in to each other, and the battle was so intense.

But after thirty or fifty rounds, Han Dang gradually showed his defeat.

In fact, his strength itself is not as good as Zhang Liao, and it is very rare to be able to persist until now.

Seeing that Han Dang was in danger, Zu Mao, who was rushing behind, immediately shouted: "Yi Gong, I will help you!"

So Han Dang and Zu Mao besieged Zhang Liao together.

However, Zhang Liao's strength is really good, and he still does not lose the wind under the siege of the two.

Seeing this, Sun Ce in the city couldn't help sighing, "I never thought that Zhang Liao would be so brave? He will surely become a disaster for our Jingzhou in the future!"

Zhou Yu behind him was not as worried as Sun Ce, he said calmly, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, this threat will be eliminated today!"

Zhou Yu looked into the distance, expecting that it was time to show his full face about his arrangement.

Zhang Liao was still fighting with the two of them, but suddenly he felt muffled noises behind him, and the ground trembled accordingly.

Taking advantage of the gap between the battles, he quickly looked back, but in an instant his entire body turned pale with shock.

Not far from the rear, two armies came from the left and right sides, blocking their back road tightly.

"Damn it! I've been tricked!"

Zhang Liao was shocked, he hurriedly abandoned Han Dang and Zu Mao, and hurried back to the formation.

Han Dang fled him back in embarrassment, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahahaha, Mrs. Zhang Liao, it's the plot of my family's governor.

If you don't get off your horse and surrender right now, when will you wait? "

Amid Han Dang's shouts, Zhou Yu finally flashed out from behind the city wall.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Liao really saw the figure of this person clearly.

He had only seen Sun Ce before, but he didn't expect Zhou Yu to come to the city.

In this way, his situation is much more dangerous.

There was a person standing behind Zhou Yu, holding a red and white flag, waving it continuously under Zhou Yu's command, sending signals to the army behind.

When the flag soldiers posed a posture, the two armies of Cheng Pu and Huang Gai accelerated their speed again.

As they marched down the city, they stretched the array and covered both sides, preparing to close it completely.

Seeing this, Zhang Liao was anxious, if he waited for the opponent to successfully encircle him, he would really be unable to escape.

So he immediately rushed to the end of the team, changed the rear team to the front team, and led the troops to rush to the rear.

But Han Dang and Zu Mao, who had been fighting with Zhang Liao from the beginning, would let him go easily.

They followed directly and attacked Zhang Liao's rear troops.

Han Dang's army was the closest to Zhang Liao's, so at the very beginning, Zhang Liao's rear army fell into turmoil.

Seeing this, Zhang Liao felt very anxious, so he had to gather his troops together, and then went out in unison to fight against the enemy troops appearing in all directions.

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