Cheng Pu and Huang Gaijun, who had just been penetrated, were also led by the second general, and they clung to Zhang Liao and others.

In order to keep them completely, Zhou Yu mobilized two more armies, one of which was the few cavalry troops in Jingzhou, led by Sun Ce's cousin, fierce general Sun Ben.

When Zhou Yu's army was exhausted, Zhang Liao finally broke out of the encirclement under the cover of Zhao Yun Baima Yicong.

But when they saw the movement behind them, their faces changed drastically at the same time.

Zhao Yun hurriedly said: "Wen Yuan, hurry up, I'm here to hold back the enemy!"

"How can I do that? Am I, Zhang Liao, a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? How can I leave you here alone?

If you want to fight, fight together, and let them see how powerful I am! "

Zhang Liao is a man of righteousness, how could he ignore Zhao Yun's life-saving grace and leave Zhao Yun?

So he insisted on staying, and refused to retreat no matter what.

Zhao Yun persuaded again: "Wen Yuan, I have always known what you are like. But now is not the time to be arrogant.

Most of your hands are infantry, and you have been fighting for so long, and you are already exhausted.

Even if you fight hard here, you won't last long.

But I am not, because I have all cavalry in my hands, and I have just joined the battle when the morale is at its strongest.

In addition, the mobility of the cavalry should be stronger, even if they face an enemy army several times their own, they can still find a way to get away.

So Wen Yuan don't worry about me anymore, let's leave as soon as possible!If it's too late, we'll all be stranded here! "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Zhang Liao heard Zhao Yun's words, even if he didn't want to, he had to admit that what the other party said was the truth.

Although he is loyal, he is by no means disregarding the overall situation.

Seeing more and more enemy troops behind him, he finally nodded heavily.

"Okay! Zilong, it's up to you! I'll wait for you at Anle Ferry, so be careful!"

After speaking, Zhang Liao immediately led the rest of the soldiers to flee far away, leaving only Zhao Yun's Baima Yicong staying in place.

Seeing that Zhang Liao had gone far away and the enemy was about to catch up, Zhao Yun immediately ordered the soldiers to take out their bows and arrows and shoot at the enemy.

Baimayi originated from the land of Youzhou. When Gongsun Zan was founded at the beginning, it was to fight against Wuhuan and Xiongnu cavalry outside the Great Wall.

So they have also absorbed many strengths from each other, one of which is this riding and archery skill.

Under Zhao Yun's command, Bai Ma Yicong shot towards the enemy behind him, his archery skills were very precise.

All the enemy troops rushing to the front cannot escape the fate of being shot and killed.

Even Cheng Pu, unable to dodge in time, was shot in the shoulder by an arrow.

Under the threat of bows and arrows, Jingzhou soldiers and horses hesitated for a moment, not daring to charge too far, lest they become human targets for the opponent.

Although Zhao Yun was the first to grab everyone's attention, Zhang Liao's soldiers and horses had not yet retreated, so he could not leave immediately.

So he had to retreat and shoot at the same time, constantly slowing down the speed of the enemy's pursuit, buying time for Zhang Liao to retreat.

It was not until the figures of Zhang Liao's army had disappeared below the ground level that Zhao Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He no longer hesitated, and prepared to withdraw quickly to prevent being trapped by the opponent.

However, at this moment, there was a loud cry from behind, shouting: "The thief will stop and go, and Sun Ben is here!"

It turned out that Sun Ben led the Jingzhou cavalry and finally caught up from the side.

Jingzhou had no horse land, and the number of cavalry was very small.

Even these were purchased by Sun Ce from Cao Cao's hands by using the technique of combining vertical and horizontal.

There are less than [-] people in total, but under Sun Ce's reasonable use, he has made great contributions to the battle of Jingzhou.

On weekdays, Sun Ce looked at the baby very much. If it wasn't for dealing with Zhao Yun, he would have sent it so easily.

Sun Ben's ability is also high, and his leadership is first-rate. Under his training, this cavalry is invincible.

It's just that today I met an opponent, and I was hit head-on by Zhao Yun as soon as I made contact.

You know, although Sun Ben's cavalry troops are brave, they are limited to a corner of Jingzhou.

But Zhao Yun's Baima Yicong fought south and north, conquering east and west.

Their opponents included the Xiongnu, Wuhuan, Qianghu, and tiger and leopard cavalry. Even when they fought against the Guishuang Empire, they all showed their prowess.

Under the tempering of these most powerful opponents in the world, Baima Yicong has long since become one of the best cavalry troops in the world.

How can Sun Ben's cavalry, who can only rule the roost in Jingzhou, be an opponent?

They are still only at the level of lining up and charging, while Baima Yicong has already learned how to ride and shoot.

Therefore, before Sun Ben's cavalry rushed to the front, they were shot to the ground by Zhao Yun's army.

Seeing soldiers falling to the ground one after another beside him, Sun Ben was both distressed and angry, and even more anxiously yelled.

Zhao Yun ran and shot all the way, leaving countless enemy corpses along the way.

But the other party is still chasing after him, unwilling to give up easily.

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