Even Sun Ce and Zhou Yu chased after him on horseback, and chased Zhao Yun together with the army.

At the same time, Zhang Liao finally led his soldiers to the Anle Ferry that he had agreed with Zhao Yun.

After breaking out of the encirclement, Zhang Liao immediately counted the number of people.

Then he found out with distress that less than half of the [-] troops he originally brought out were now left.

Such a loss made him extremely distressed, and he knew that he had no face to face His Majesty Liu Ke.

However, this moment is not the time for Zhang Liao to take responsibility for the crime, because he still has to pick up the dead Zhao Yun.

At this moment, the army arrived at Anle Ferry, and hurried across the pontoon bridge under Zhang Liao's command.

This Anle Ferry is located between Feiyang and Xinye. Both cities are built along the Feishui, but Feiyang is on the west bank of the Feishui, while Xinye is on the east bank.

Although the Feishui is not like the water of the Jianghan River, it is also turbulent and difficult to pass through.

Only in the Anle area, the river channel becomes slightly gentle because of its wideness, and it becomes a ferry for crossing the river.

Before Zhang Liao's army came, they built a pontoon bridge here to facilitate passage.

He commanded his troops to cross the pontoon bridge to the east bank of the Feishui, looking for a place to rest, while he led two thousand elite soldiers to wait by the pontoon bridge.

Not long after, Zhang Liao finally heard the sound of horseshoes coming from ahead.

However, the sound sounded hurried, but there seemed to be the same sound of horseshoes in the distance.

Zhang Liao hurriedly made preparations, guarded the pontoon bridge, and watched anxiously.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Yun's figure finally appeared, and Zhang Liao hurriedly waved his hand to attract him.

However, not long after Zhao Yun's cavalry appeared, another group of cavalry chased them from afar.

Seeing this, Zhang Liao hurriedly prepared to fight.

He got out of the way first and let Zhao Yun's cavalry cross the pontoon bridge, while he immediately began to destroy it.

Sun Ben's cavalry was about to arrive. Seeing Zhang Liao's behavior, they urged their horses desperately, trying to rush up to stop them.

However, Zhang Liao's speed was not slow, and he ordered his men to act together, and finally completely destroyed the pontoon bridge before Sun Ben's cavalry caught up.

Fortunately, Sun Ben stopped his horse from the cliff, otherwise he would have rushed into the Taotao clear water.

Watching the wooden boats that were originally used as pontoon bridges scattered on the river, and then washed away by the current.

Sun Ben was very anxious, and couldn't help shouting: "You Zhang Liao, don't leave if you have the ability, and fight with me!"

Zhang Liao has been on the battlefield for a long time, how could he fall into the opponent's plan of aggressive generals.

He immediately replied with a smile: "Hahahaha! Sun Ben, come here if you have the ability! I was afraid that you would not dare to come."

Sun Ben was even more angry when he heard the words.

But seeing the river several miles wide in front of him, he finally restrained the impulse in his heart.

During this delay, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's army finally arrived.

When they saw the wide river in front of them, they lost the will to continue fighting.

Although the other generals were very unwilling to see Zhang Liao escape, especially Sun Ce frowned and stared at the opposite bank.

But Zhou Yu, the planner of this strategy, is very content.

He came to Sun Ce, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, today we were able to successfully siege Zhang Liao's [-] soldiers and horses, which severely dampened the enemy's morale.

Such a result is already very rare.Don't worry about the rest of these snacks anymore.

I believe that it won't be long before all the enemy troops will be wiped out by the king! "

Under Zhou Yu's enlightenment, Sun Ce finally figured it out.

He suddenly laughed and said: "Gongjin is right, Gu is too greedy! Hahahaha, go back to the city to celebrate!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Zhang Liao destroyed the pontoon bridge, he finally blocked the pursuit of Sun Ce's army.

He was also able to escape the dangerous situation together with Zhao Yun, retreating in the direction of Xinye.

Liu Ke has taken over all of Xinye, and the damaged city walls have also been repaired, ready to be used as a base for the next advance.

He was just about to take the next step when he heard the news that Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun were defeated and returned to the city.

Liu Ke immediately summoned the two of them and asked what happened.

Zhang Liao quickly told what happened to him in Fuyang.

After listening, Liu Ke frowned for a long time and remained silent.

This time Zhang Liao came back in a big defeat, feeling uneasy in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the last general underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, resulting in a big defeat. Please come down!"

Only then did Liu Ke come back to his senses, and he said flatly: "Wen Yuan, you don't have to do this, this failure is not a crime of war.

I don't even know about Zhou Gongjin's sudden return. It's not your fault that you fell for the other party's trick.

Alright, you go to the military doctor to deal with the injury first, and I will leave the rest to you!

I also want to learn Zhou Gongjin's methods! "

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