At this moment, suddenly a soldier ran in: "Your Majesty, Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao is here again!"

Hearing this, Sun Ce stood up with a bang.

"Hmph! Last time he escaped by chance, how dare you provoke him now? Cheng Pu, Han Dang, go out of the city with Gu to meet him!"

The two generals immediately stepped forward, but Zhou Yu frowned, as if sensing a hint of conspiracy.

So he also hurried to catch up, and went out of the city with Sun Ce to check and make plans.

Sun Ce led his troops out, and sure enough, he saw Zhang Liao leading an army of [-], waiting at the gate of the city.

He couldn't help shouting: "Zhang Liao, could it be that you are here to voluntarily surrender this time?"

This remark instantly aroused the roar of laughter from the soldiers behind Sun Ce.

Zhang Liao was furious when he heard the words, and shouted loudly: "Hmph! You accidentally fell into your scheme last time, and now I'm here to save face!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Faced with Zhang Liao's rude words, Sun Ce was so annoyed that he finally couldn't help but rushed forward with his gun.

"Hmph, I'll let you see if it's your mouth or Gu's gun that's tough?"

Sun Ce was extremely fast, and before he finished speaking, he was already in front of Zhang Liao.

The spear aimed at Zhang Liao's chest with an indomitable momentum.

Zhang Liao's eyes widened suddenly, he hurriedly blocked with his sword, and finally stopped the opponent's weapon at the last moment.

But Sun Ce's strength is more than that, he suddenly retracted, and then drew a perfect arc in the air, stabbing again between the eyebrows.

The speed was so fast that it was too late for Zhang Liao's sword to be withdrawn.

His face changed, and he quickly bent down at the critical moment, thus avoiding the fate of being pierced through the head.

However, because Sun Ce was too fast, even though Zhang Liao had tried his best, he was still a beat behind.

The entire helmet was shot, and was instantly sent flying by the huge impact.

Even with Zhang Liao, his whole head felt buzzing, and there were gold stars in front of his eyes.

Zhang Liao was terrified and dared not continue to fight with him.

Anyway, he was here to perform the bait mission this time, even if he lost the battle, he didn't have the slightest psychological burden.

So Zhang Liao didn't bother to pick up his helmet, and turned around and ran away with his hair disheveled, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Seeing this, Sun Ce couldn't help laughing loudly: "Hahahaha! Zhang Liao, where are you running?"

As he said that, he immediately chased after them, and Cheng Pu and Han Dang quickly led the army to follow after seeing this.

Zhang Liao's men discarded their helmets and armor and were defeated for thirty miles before finally escaping Sun Ce's pursuit.

In fact, according to Sun Ce's temper, he originally planned to keep chasing him down and capture him alive in one fell swoop.

But Zhou Yu was worried about encountering an ambush by the enemy, so he persuaded Sun Ce with good words, and finally stopped Sun Ce.

"Gong Jin, Zhang Liao can be captured alive with only one eye, why do you want to stop him!"

Even when he returned to Fuyang, Sun Ce couldn't help complaining.

Zhou Yu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, everyone in Liu Ke's tent is a fickle person, and Zhang Liao reappeared this time, which is very abnormal.

The minister thinks that this may be Zhuge Liang's trick. If he continues to chase, he is afraid that he will be ambushed by the other party. "

Even so, after chasing for a full thirty miles, there was still no enemy ambush.

Sun Ce didn't say anything, but he still felt extremely regretful in his heart.

He even made up his mind that the next time he meets Zhang Liao, he must take him down to relieve his hatred.

Although it is a pity, Sun Ce's camp is still very happy to repel the enemy twice.

Sun Ce himself took out his treasured wine to reward the three armies.

After Zhang Liao retreated another ten miles, he found that the opponent did not continue to pursue him, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

But thinking about what Jia Xu said before coming here, Zhou Gongjin was far-sighted, and this trick may not necessarily deceive him directly.

So it is not a pity to fail once, and it will succeed next time.

With Jia Xu's words, Zhang Liao's confidence surged again.

He didn't go back to Xinye at all, and set up camp directly on the spot, preparing to recharge his batteries and go to the city to provoke tomorrow.

Sure enough, in the early morning of the second day, the figures of Zhang Liao's army reappeared under the city of Fuyang.

Hearing this, Sun Ce took Cheng Pu out to greet him before he could notify the others.

As soon as he arrived at the base of the city, he saw Zhang Liao's figure, and his face was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, Zhang Liao, it seems that you really don't have a long memory. If so, let's stay today!"

Sun Ce stopped talking and rushed forward.

Same as yesterday's situation, the two fought for [-] rounds, and Zhang Liao was defeated again without any surprise.

Zhang Liao looked flustered, turned around and fled.

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