This time, Sun Ce would not let the other party go easily, and directly chased after him.

Sun Ce thought to himself that with an army of [-] in his hands, even if he fell into the enemy's trap, he would surely be able to retreat unscathed.

In addition, the opportunity to capture Zhang Liao alive is once in a lifetime, and he is unwilling to miss it.

Therefore, Sun Ce pursued him closely, and disappeared at the head of Fuyang City in a blink of an eye.

Even Zhou Yu didn't have time to notify.

This time Zhang Liao saw him chasing him closely and refused to give up. Although he was anxious on the surface, he couldn't help laughing in his heart:

"If, as Dr. Jia Xu said, Sun Ce is brave and reckless, the opportunity for me, Zhang Liao, to make up for my mistakes has finally come!"

Therefore, Zhang Liao retreated and lured, although he could not be caught up by Sun Ce, he still showed the feeling of being at the end of his battle.

It made Sun Ce feel that as long as he worked harder, he could catch him, which made him feel itchy and unwilling to give up.

In this way, the two sides chased each other and ran for more than fifty miles.

In the end, it was dark, and it was about to rain heavily, so I had to set up camp in the same place temporarily, and prepare myself to take it down in one fell swoop tomorrow.

When Ye Zhouyu returned to Fuyang City, he was still a little puzzled seeing how quiet the city was.

He went out of the city early this morning to collect food and grass, and finally returned at this moment.

When he heard that Sun Ce had pursued Zhang Liao and hadn't returned yet, his expression changed instantly.

"Oops, the king is in danger this time! Quickly mobilize the army and set off."

Unexpectedly, just as Zhou Yu was about to go out, the weather was not good, and it started to rain heavily.

It was already night at this moment, coupled with the heavy rain, the road was difficult and dangerous, and it was impossible to go out.

Zhou Yu didn't dare to bet on the safety of the soldiers, so he could only wait for the weather to clear up before chasing them out.

At dawn on the second day, Zhou Yu, who had not had a good night's rest, led the remaining troops out of the city to chase Sun Ce.

Although the traces left by the army when they left yesterday have disappeared after a night of torrential rain.

But Zhou Yu believed that if it was an enemy army, they would eventually head towards the headquarters of Xinye, so he simply went straight to Xinye.

Besides Sun Ce, at dawn he broke out his camp and attacked, ready to kill Zhang Liao by surprise.

But it was discovered that Zhang Liao's army had just left, and there was still smoke rising from the ruins of the camp.

Sun Ce slumped his feet and stomped his chest, hating himself for being one step late.

Then immediately chase desperately and catch up with each other.

Just as Sun Ce hurried down, he finally spotted Zhang Liao's army again before noon.

He was delighted and wanted to speed up.

But Cheng Pu who was beside him hastily stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, if you chase after him, you will be in Xinye.

That's Liu Ke's base camp! "

When Sun Ce heard this, he couldn't help being stunned, and said to himself, "Have you chased this far?"

His face was uncertain, as if he was making a difficult decision.

In the end, I still couldn't restrain my inner thoughts, and said slowly: "Chasing for another fifteen miles, if you still can't catch up, then withdraw!"

Cheng Pu was anxious when he heard this, and wanted to persuade him again, but after seeing the determined expression on Sun Ce's face, he finally only opened his mouth and said nothing.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhang Liao was about to run to Xinye City, only one step away from Sun Ce's plan.

Seeing that Sun Ce was hesitating, he took the initiative to turn back and deliberately attract him.

Zhang Liao came not far away and shouted at Sun Ce: "Son Ce, why don't you come?

Ha ha ha ha!It seems that you are afraid, if you are afraid, go back quickly before it is too late! "

Sun Ce gritted his teeth angrily when he heard this.

If I don't give him some flair, I'm afraid not only Zhang Liao, but even his subordinates will despise him.

Sun Ce said bitterly: "The soldiers are dispatched to Xinye, no one can stop them!"

However, although he appeared to be extremely vicious on the surface, in fact, Sun Ce had already raised his vigilance in his heart.

He was also worried that he had been tricked and that he would end up like Zhang Liao did under the city of Fuyang. He didn't have Zhao Yun's Baimayi to save him.

Therefore, Sun Ce secretly sent out scouts to investigate the enemy's situation within a radius of more than ten miles. If there was any abnormality, he must sound the horn immediately.

In this way, you can avoid being outflanked by the enemy from the left and right.

Under such a proper arrangement, Sun Ce's soldiers and horses finally arrived at Xinye City after chasing for a while.

But what puzzled him was that Zhang Liao's men suddenly disappeared, as if they didn't exist at all.

There is only a lonely city left in front of my eyes.

Such a scene also made Sun Ce extremely suspicious, and he quickly told everyone to be careful, in case the enemy suddenly came out again.

However, with continuous investigation, Sun Ce's doubts became more and more serious.

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