Because there is really no trace of Zhang Liao's existence around here.

Not to mention Zhang Liao, even Liu Ke's army has disappeared, which is really strange.

Sun Ce searched for a long time, and finally set his sights on Xinye City not far in front of him.

It would be understandable if Zhang Liao fled into the city.

But the gates of the city are all open, such a scene has to make people suspicious.

"Could it be that Zhang Liao fled into the city desperately, but because he fled too impatiently, he didn't even have time to close the city gate?"

Cheng Pu next to him gave such a view.

But before Sun Ce could say anything, he quickly shook his head and vetoed it.

Because Zhang Liao is not a young boy entering the battlefield, even if he is a young boy, he would definitely not be able to do such an idiotic thing.

So Sun Ce naturally didn't listen to Cheng Pu's analysis, he frowned, thought for a while, and then spoke.

"No matter what, go up and check it out and you'll understand everything!"

"Your Majesty, there is absolutely no way, in case Zhang Liao hides in the city, he lures himself back and forth to appear in an instant, firing all arrows.

Then everything is dangerous! "

"Hahaha! How could Gu go into danger so easily, wouldn't he become Zhang Liao who was trapped in the city the day before yesterday?

You only need to send a dozen or so dead soldiers to walk around the city, wouldn't you understand everything? "

When Cheng Pu heard that Sun Ce was not going by himself, he felt relieved, and immediately selected a few people from the army to check.

As for Sun Ce and the others, they all paid close attention to the situation of those few people from behind.

Those people came to the city cautiously, feeling very apprehensive.

Especially when entering the range of the bow and arrow, he became more and more careful, fearing that the other party would suddenly come out and kill them all.

But when he looked back and saw the king Sun Ce behind him, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to move forward.

While beating drums in their hearts, they moved forward and finally reached the bottom of the city wall.

The worried enemy army has not appeared so far, as if there is no one there.

One of the soldiers suddenly showed great courage and walked towards the city gate on his own initiative.

The person behind hurriedly reminded in a low voice: "Hey, come back quickly, it's dangerous!"

But the man remained unmoved, continued to move forward boldly, and finally walked into the city, while the others remained outside the city, anxiously calling him out.

But when the man looked around the city, a burst of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

"No one! There's no one in town!"

Under his call, everyone finally walked in boldly.

Everyone checked the city carefully, and found that it was indeed empty, not to mention the enemy army, and even the ordinary people no longer existed.

Several people checked for a while, and finally went out of the city and returned to report the situation to Sun Ce.

At first, when Sun Ce and others saw them enter the city, there was no movement for a long time, and they thought they were ambushed by the enemy, and they were in danger.

Unexpectedly, it would appear again at this moment, and a gleam of joy appeared on his face.

After several people returned to explain the situation, Sun Ce was a little puzzled.

"Empty city? How could it be an empty city?" He didn't believe it at all, but the facts were beyond doubt.

The generals beside him were also puzzled: "Your Majesty, could it be Zhuge Liang's empty city plan?"

"Hmph! It doesn't matter whether he is empty or not, since the city is not fortified, then Gu will occupy it first.

Anyway, Xinye is an isolated place, maybe Liu Ke will retreat after plundering it!

But Zhang Liao fled here and couldn't find anyone, so he hurriedly continued to flee far away. "

When the generals heard what Sun Ce said, they could only believe it for the time being.

Because the reason in his mouth is also the only explanation for the scene in front of him.

Therefore, under the leadership of Sun Ce, all the soldiers finally walked into the city mightily.

When Sun Ce came to the city, he saw the city gate was wide open, but there was no movement on the city.

He finally couldn't wait any longer, and waved his hand: "Enter the city!"

As a result, all the soldiers entered the city one after another, and then quickly took over the various strongholds in the city to prevent the opponent from coming back again.

However, when Sun Ce's soldiers and horses all entered the city and took over all the city walls, no enemy appeared.

In fact, what Sun Ce was more puzzled about was how Zhang Liao's soldiers and horses suddenly disappeared.

If he knew, he would understand that all of this was a trick.

Because Zhang Liao did have a large number of people at the beginning, but when he attracted Sun Ce, he also secretly reduced his staff.

Order those soldiers to leave quietly, and detour from other directions to meet Liu Ke's large army.

So although Sun Ce seemed to have a large number of opponents, in fact, in the end, only Zhang Liao's [-] troops remained.

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