With such a small number of people, if you want to leave without knowing it, the answer is much simpler.

Surrounded by earth slopes and dense forests, it is very easy to hide thousands of people.

At this moment, Sun Ce was standing on the top of the wall, full of thoughts in his heart.

At this moment, Cheng Pu finally completed the deployment of the city and ran up to report.

At the same time, he also brought a message.

"Your Majesty, the city has been inspected, and no one, no matter the enemy army or the people, has been found.

But when the general inspected, he found a very strange place, which he couldn't understand.Come here to report to His Majesty! "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Sun Ce heard that Cheng Pu had discovered some abnormalities, he immediately became energetic and motioned him to speak out quickly.

Cheng Pu said: "Your Majesty, the general has discovered two unusual problems, one of which is that only the gate of Xinye City that we entered before is intact.

The city gates in the other three directions were all blocked by bricks and stones. I don't know what the enemy's plan is. "

After hearing this, Sun Ce frowned and thought hard for a while, but he didn't understand the other party's thoughts.

In the end, he had no choice but to say: "Perhaps this Liu Ke was planning to use Xinye City to deal with our army.

Maybe after hearing that Gongjin and Gu merged later, his strength rose greatly.His general Zhang Liao was defeated, so he had to escape early in the end! "

However, although Sun Ce said this, he was completely uncertain in his heart, let alone persuade Cheng Pu.

Cheng Pu was more sensible, he didn't refute anymore, his expression changed, and finally he accepted this explanation.

He could only echo and say: "Looking at the current situation, maybe that's the case.

By the way, Your Majesty, there is one more question that the general can't figure out.

Liu Ke cleared out the people in the city, and those people carried out all their belongings.

However, during the inspection, the general found that there were still a lot of hay, firewood and other things piled up in all areas.

Although these things are worthless, they are extremely flammable, and it is dangerous if they catch fire. "

Having said this, Sun Ce's expression finally became more serious.

He frowned, and finally said after a long time: "Demou, what you said is a big hidden danger.

All of them should have been cleared out of the city, but now the sky is dark, if they leave the city rashly, they may be ambushed by enemy troops.

How about this, for the time being, arrange soldiers on your side to guard it strictly, and at dawn tomorrow, immediately transport it outside the city and burn it on fire! "

Hearing this, Cheng Pu immediately took orders and left, leaving Sun Ce alone in the room.

Sun Ce's decision was not considered indiscreet, but he was still one step short this time, and it finally turned into a lifelong regret.

Cheng Pu was a conscientious person, and he sent people to watch over all the areas where dry firewood he found were piled up, and the slightest influence of Mars was prohibited.

At the same time, he sternly told the leader in charge to guard all night, and no one was allowed to approach.

After so many urgings, after everything was arranged properly, I finally left with peace of mind.

After Cheng Pu personally inspected and arranged everything, it was completely dark.

And the enemy army ambushing outside the city finally started to move.

Seeing that Sun Ce had safely entered Xinye City, Zhang Liao's previously scattered troops gathered quietly again and waited ten miles away from the city.

According to Jia Xu's strategy, Zhang Liao can't act rashly now.

His task is to block the only gate in Xinye City, and lock all the enemy troops inside and not let them out.

As for the task of fire prevention, it was handed over to Gan Ning, the commander of the navy.

Gan Ning led [-] elite sailors on standby at the lower reaches of the Flo River, waiting patiently for Jia Xu's order to attack.

Xinye City was built along the water, and it was located on the east bank of the Feishui. Gan Ning's navy could reach the city from the Feishui quietly.

Jia Xu and Gan Ning are in the same big boat, and they are counting the time in their minds.

After a while, Jia Xu finally stood up.

His action immediately alarmed Gan Ning, who was dozing off, and Gan Ning looked at him nervously.

Jia Xu said firmly: "Xingba, you can go out now!"

As soon as these words came out, Gan Ning regained his energy instantly, and immediately arranged for the navy to start operations.

This time he dispatched a total of three ships, and a small catapult was placed on the deck of each ship.

However, although it is small, under Liu Ke's improvement, it can still throw a ten-jin heavy object three miles away.

This distance is enough to throw it out of the city center.

I saw three big boats paddling upriver silently taking advantage of the darkness.

Under Gan Ning's strict requirements, there was no light on the deck, so it was difficult to be found in the dark.

Although the paddling of the paddle will produce the sound of splashing water, under the cover of the waves, unless you are very experienced, you will not be able to distinguish it at all.

So the three ships finally arrived outside Xinye City after half an hour.

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