At the same time, Zhang Liao also came to wait three miles outside the city gate according to the agreed time, and rushed to block the gate as soon as the fire broke out in the city.

The boats anchored in the middle of the river, and after they lined up, Gan Ning and Jia Xu also walked onto the deck.

At this moment, the sergeants had already installed the small catapults, just waiting for the fireballs to be ignited and fired.

Seeing Gan Ning and Gan Ning, the soldiers in charge hurried forward and said, "General, Dr. Jia, the catapults are ready, please fire them!"

This first shot was also a signal for the other two ships to launch, which was no small matter.

Gan Ning looked at Jia Xu when he heard the words.

"Doctor Jia, this plan was offered by you, and you should be the one to fire the first shot!"

Jia Xu quickly waved his hands and said: "Xingba don't make things difficult for me, I am a frail scholar, how can I shoot a catapult?

It's better that you take full responsibility! "

Gan Ning insisted again, but Jia Xu still disagreed.

He had no choice but to retreat and said: "Then let Dr. Jia light the fire bomb, and it will be fired later.

Just light a fire, the doctor can no longer refuse! "After speaking, he stuffed the Huozhangzi into Jia Xu's hands.

That being the case, Jia Xu couldn't help but disagree.

So he slowly came to the end of the launching arm, opened the fire folder, and reached for the fire bomb.

Inside the firebomb was a stone ball, and outside it was tightly bound several layers of tinder and linen with wire, and then soaked in oil for three days before drying in the shade.

Then, a lot of explosives such as saltpeter and sulfur were poured into it, and the production process was very complicated.

The outermost oilcloth touched the flames, instantly ignited, and immediately turned into a big fireball.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Gan Ning activated the firing mechanism, and the fireball was thrown into the air with a flick.

At this time, on the head of Xinye City, there were still soldiers on duty at night who were still awake. When they saw a light on the river, they were immediately attracted to it.

"Eh? Look at what that is? Why is there fire on the river?"

A veteran beside him who disturbed his dream impatiently said: "I'm afraid it's Danhu on the water passing by, so there's nothing to make a fuss about!"

Even though he said that, the soldier just now was still staring there.

He saw the fireball flying into the air with a sudden sound, which aroused his interest even more.

"You mentioned Danhu, but why did the bright light suddenly fly into the sky? Could it be that the gods passed by?"

"What a mess, don't disturb my sleep!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The little soldier's question after question finally angered the veteran.

The other party scolded a few times, and then went to sleep.

And Xiao Bing didn't dare to say anything anymore, so he had to keep his eyes on the bright spot in the distance, following its tricks.

He just felt that this bright spot seemed to be getting closer and closer to him, and the doubts in his eyes grew bigger.

Within a few breaths, the bright light really became bigger and bigger, almost filling his pupils.

This time, Xiao Bing finally saw clearly, what kind of god is this, it is clearly a big fireball.

And the fireball was indeed coming towards him, and finally, under his gaze, it passed over his head and smashed into the city heavily.

As soon as the fireball hit the ground, it split open, and countless sparks burst out instantly, splashing everywhere.

He saw all this in his eyes, and he was completely stunned.

"Enemy attack?"

This was the only explanation that flashed in Xiao Bing's mind, and he was about to speak for warning.

In the direction where the fireball hit, three more fire lights lit up, and then flew towards this side again in a blink of an eye.

This is when several other ships received Gan Ning's signal and started the official launch together.

The little soldier rolled and crawled in fright, ran to the bronze bell on the city, and then rang the bell with all his strength.

But at this time, the three fireballs had already flown above his head, and under his terrified gaze, they fell into the city again, sparking sparks.

This time, a fireball finally fell into the pile of hay and firewood that Liu Ke had placed before.

There was a bang, and the pyre was instantly ignited, and in a blink of an eye it was blazing.

In fact, these firewood were also manipulated by Jia Xu as a special case.

Although nothing can be seen on the surface, there are several oil tanks buried in the deepest part.

The stone ball at the core of the fire bomb smashed into the firewood, and while igniting the firewood, it also smashed open the oil tank below.

The fire was cooking oil, and the fire became even more intense. Before the guards could react, it was already out of control.

They hurriedly shouted to put out the fire, but before anyone else arrived, more fireballs fell into the city, finally igniting other areas.

The fire soared into the sky, instantly spreading across the city, and spreading to the surrounding houses at a speed visible to the naked eye.

You must know that because the people moved away, all the soldiers chose a room at random and went in to rest.

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