As a result, they were immediately surrounded by fire.

Except for some people who reacted quickly and escaped from the house desperately, there were more people who were directly trapped in it.

Sun Ce lived in the county magistrate's mansion in the center of the city, so he naturally received a lot of attention.

There are such piles of firewood in the four corners of the mansion, and they have all been ignited at this moment, and have begun to spread to the house.

Sun Ce heard the commotion outside and opened his eyes to look, only to see that the windows were brightly lit, the voices of people were noisy, and it was very chaotic.

He hurriedly put on his clothes, opened the door and went out to check the situation.

The moment he opened the door, the whole person was stunned.

Looking around, the entire city has been engulfed in flames, and the fire soaring into the sky is even higher than the city wall.

Even the side room on his side has already started to burn.

Sun Ce was still in shock, but he saw Cheng Pu rushing forward with disheveled clothes and a dark face, which startled Sun Ce and almost drew his sword and stabbed him.

"My lord, my lord, it's me, Cheng Pu!"

Only then did Sun Ce settle down.

"Demou, what happened, why is there such a big fire in the city?"

Cheng Pu said sadly and indignantly: "Your Majesty, Liu Ke's treachery among us is like a thief who is throwing fireballs into the city.

The fire bombs ignited those firewood piles, and the fire in the city shot up to the sky in an instant, and it is now difficult to control.

Your Majesty, for the sake of safety, please rush out of the city as soon as possible! "

After hearing Cheng Pu's description, Sun Ce's heart skipped a beat, and he froze for an instant. He didn't recover until Cheng Pu reminded him again.

Then he quickly picked up his belongings and rushed towards the only open city gate with Cheng Pu.

It wasn't until now that Sun Ce finally understood why when he took over the city, all other city gates had been sealed.

It turned out that it was to prepare myself for this move, but like a fool, I didn't react at all.

The more Sun Ce thought about it, the angrier he became, he chopped down the wood in front of him with a knife, and said fiercely: "Rush out with Gu and kill the people who set the fire!"

However, before Sun Ce reached the city gate, he heard a wailing sound from there.

I saw a group of soldiers suddenly returning from the direction of the city gate, as if they had encountered something terrible.

"What happened?"

Cheng Pu hurriedly stepped forward and asked about the situation.

One of the leading soldiers hurriedly said: "General, general, there are enemies blocking the door outside! Kill us all and come back!"

When Sun Ce heard this, he pulled out his saber furiously: "Hmph! Who dares to block Gu, and I'll see Gu smash his corpse into thousands of pieces!"

After speaking, he took the initiative to lead his troops to kill outside the city again.

The one blocking the gate outside the city was naturally Zhang Liao.

When the fireball was thrown, he immediately rushed to the city gate.

As soon as there was a fire in the city, someone wanted to open the city gate and escape.

However, as soon as he went out, he was wiped out by Zhang Liaojun who was waiting outside.

Although the troops in the city surpassed Zhang Liao, they were already in a mess, like a mob.

As many as they came out, they were killed by Zhang Liao.Under Zhang Liao's guard, no enemy troops could pass.

Sun Ce organized his soldiers, rushed out again, and collided with Zhang Liao's army in an instant.

"Hahahaha! Son Ce, it's His Majesty's trick! I'll catch you soon!"

Sun Ce didn't say a word, and directly slashed at him.


The attack was stopped by Zhang Liao in an instant, and before Sun Ce could take it back, dense gunpoints suddenly appeared behind Zhang Liao, stabbing at him.

Now that Zhang Liao had the upper hand, he wouldn't be so stupid as to challenge Sun Ce one-on-one.

Regardless of anyone, as long as they stand up, they will be attacked by countless soldiers in an instant.

Under the threat of so many spears, Sun Ce had no choice but to retreat.

However, he retreated in a timely manner, and some people were not so lucky, and were directly pierced by a few spears.

Even Cheng Pu was stabbed in the thigh by the other party because of his slow reaction, causing blood to flow.

"Your Majesty, this place is dangerous, why don't you return to the city first!"

Although he was extremely unwilling, Sun Ce still had to accept this reality, and brought people back to the city again.

However, during this period of time, the fire in the city rose again by three points, and even standing at the city gate, one could feel a burning aura.

Not only that, but many soldiers didn't have time to leave because of their slow response.

When he wanted to escape again, he looked up and saw that there was no way to escape, and in the end he was ruthlessly engulfed by the fire.

Some people were even covered in flames and fled in panic, but fell heavily after taking a few steps.

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