Zhou Yu called out three times, and Sun Cecai looked at Zhou Yu with his eyes wide open as if he had been awakened from sleep.

But there was no breath, and the eyes drooped again, no matter what Zhou Yu continued to say, there was no response.

Zhou Yu became more and more angry, and her voice became louder and louder. At this moment, she didn't care about the relationship between the principal and the minister.

It was only at this moment that Sun Ce finally made a weak and inaudible sound.

"I'm lonely and tired, I'm going to take a break. Leave everything to Gong Jin during this time!"

After finishing speaking, he completely lowered his eyelids, like an old monk in meditation, and there was no reaction anymore.

Zhou Yu couldn't do it after calling several times, and finally accepted Sun Ce's arrangement.

So he hurriedly led all the soldiers and horses, dozens of generals, and rushed out of the city together.

Because Zhou Yu was still not sure about Zhang Liao's purpose of returning, so he had to bluff and try to scare him away.

It's just that Zhang Liao wasn't intimidated, and with Liu Ke's army arriving soon, his heart was filled with infinite confidence.

"Zhou Yu, since you are all here, then surrender to His Majesty together. Your Majesty has the virtue of being good at life, and will definitely not harm you.

On the contrary, it will give the same kindness to the soldiers of Jingzhou, and officials of all sizes will also use it in other ways. "

This sentence was actually said by Zhou Yu to him when he was trapped under the city of Fuyang.

Now returning it to the other party as it is makes Zhang Liao feel unspeakably happy.

But Zhou Yu naturally couldn't accept it.

The other party said with a smile: "It seems that Wen Yuan still remembers what I said that day! At first I thought Wen Yuan really came to surrender!"

The two fought fiercely and refused to give in to each other. Finally, they did not speculate and formally fought.

Cheng Pu rushed out first before Zhou Yu ordered the general.

Therefore, he is the person who has the most experience in burning Xinye this time, and he also has the greatest hatred for Zhang Liao in his heart, so how can he stand the other party's provocation?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cheng Pu thought that the always majestic King is now so lonely, and the culprit of all this is Zhang Liao.

That made him even more angry, and rushed towards Zhang Liao recklessly.

Zhang Liao's strength is higher than that of Cheng Pu, so he can naturally deal with it with ease.

On the contrary, Cheng Pu, after the initial breath, became more and more at a loss what to do, and he might lose at any time.

Seeing Han Dang in the rear, he raised his sword and rushed forward to help, and the two of them besieged Zhang Liao together.

Seeing this situation, the soldiers in Zhang Liao's formation cursed unceremoniously: "Despicable, how can you bully the few with more!"

But the other party is a deadly enemy with himself, so how can he care so much!It's already very restrained without swarming up.

When the two attacked together, their strength naturally increased, surpassing Zhang Liao's tolerance level.

Seeing that Zhang Liao was at a disadvantage, Gan Ning finally couldn't sit still.

Originally, he didn't expect to reveal his identity so early, but now he has reached the point where he has to go.

Then Gan Ning shouted loudly and rushed into the formation.

"Jingzhou rats, only dare to bully the few with more, do you recognize me, Gan Xingba?"

As soon as Gan Ning joined, the situation on the court was reversed instantly, and finally regained the initiative again.

When Zu Mao saw him, he also joined the formation to help Cheng Pu and Han Dang.

Originally, the battle between the two of them turned into a melee in an instant, and because there were too many people, it was difficult for Huang Gai and Jiang Qin to charge forward.

So the two sides also reached a balance. After fighting for a long time, there was still no winner.

In the end, they had no choice but to withdraw their troops, and both sides returned to the formation.

To put it bluntly, Zhou Yu's military strength must exceed that of Zhang Liao.

But when he saw that Zhang Liao suddenly had so many people, he felt startled and doubtful, not sure if the opponent's army was waiting for him to make a move.

So I had no choice but to suppress the impulse in my heart and return to the city again.

Zhang Liao and Gan Ning had few troops, so they naturally wouldn't attack the city foolishly.

Their task is to contain each other and not let them leave.

Now that Zhou Yu returned to the city again, Zhang Liao stationed his army three miles away from the city gate, monitoring the enemy's movement at any time, waiting for Liu Ke's large army to arrive.

At the end of the day, a group of figures finally appeared in the distance, and then the number of people increased.

Liu Ke's army finally arrived.

Zhang Liao and Gan Ning hurried up to report the current battle situation to him.

After hearing this, Liu Ke said, "Okay! Since Sun Ce hasn't left yet, then don't leave this time!"

After speaking, he waved his big hand and led the army to the city.

A soldier had reported this matter a long time ago, Zhou Yu was shocked when he heard this, and hurried to report to Sun Ce.

However, Sun Ce is still in the same state as before, and has not changed at all.

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