Zhou Yu was so anxious that he could only do it himself.

But when he stood on the top of the wall and saw the dense numbers of people on the other side, the orderly and solemn lineup, he was still worried.

Zhou Yu thought to himself: "Xinye is already under the city, and it has already been breached by the enemy once before.

This time, there was a fire just now, and all the facilities in the city had already been burned down, so it would definitely not last long.

Moreover, the king's mental state is not good now, which has a great impact on the morale of the army. It seems that this place is no longer a place to live for a long time.

Xinye should have been abandoned early, but because of Zhang Liao's obstruction, this did not happen.

It seems that the other party just wants to wait for Liu Ke's army to arrive! "

Zhou Yu's guess was probably close to ten, but now that the matter has come to this point, it is useless to regret it.

What should be considered now is how to deal with the immediate distress.

Surrounded by the crowd, Liu Ke came to the city and spoke again to persuade him to surrender.

However, he still didn't get any response, which he expected.

That being the case, Liu Ke no longer hesitated, and directly ordered to attack immediately.

The current situation in Xinye City is very bad. After the fire last night, many facilities have already been burned out.

Even the city gate was spliced ​​together with the few remaining door panels just found.

In addition, there is no such defensive equipment as Rolling Stone Wood. Fortunately, there are still some stones left by the ruined walls in the city.

All of these can be overcome, but the opponent's next actions made Zhou Yu completely helpless.

Because Xinye had been violently bombarded by boulder cannons before, the city walls were damaged and even collapsed.

It was Liu Ke's next restoration that restored it to its current state.

However, what Zhou Yu didn't know was that when Jia Xu proposed to set fire to Xinye, he also did some tricks in the city.

He was worried that Sun Ce would see through his prior arrangements, and if the fire plan failed, he would instead give him a city in vain.

Back doors were therefore left on several of the restored walls.

There is a small area where the masonry does not have any adhesion, and it is simply stacked on it.

In addition, the city wall above has just been built not long ago, and it has not yet dried out.

So as long as they attack the bricks and stones in those areas, the newly repaired city wall will inevitably collapse again.

Only a very few people know this secret, and Sun Ce only entered the city yesterday afternoon, so naturally he didn't have time to check it.

And Zhou Yu started to clean up the mess when he came, and dealt with Zhang Liao, but he didn't pay attention to these details.

But as soon as the battle started, Liu Ke finally took action against those areas.


The giant catapult roared again, throwing the boulder over.

The momentum was so huge that Zhou Yu, who was seeing him for the first time, jumped instantly.

However, he found that the accuracy of this thing was not good at all.

Not to mention hitting the inside of the city, it almost couldn't reach the city wall. In the end, it only hit the foot of the city wall, and the city wall was not damaged at all.

So Zhou Yu burst into laughter instantly, and could no longer look at this weapon.

In fact, this is because he underestimated the enemy too much. The first shot was just an initial adjustment, so it's not surprising even if it didn't hit?

However, this second shot, the situation is different.

This time, the gunner was also lucky, and even hit the left behind directly.

I saw bricks and stones flying in all directions, and a big hole was directly broken.

Zhou Yu, who was standing at the top of the wall, felt a sudden violent vibration under his feet. He hurriedly supported the parapet to stand firm.

The backhand area was smashed by huge boulders, and the bricks and stones that were originally built on top of it lost their foundation in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, another shot was fired, this time a little higher, and it hit the helpless bricks and stones.

First there was a loud noise from the impact, and then there was a rumbling muffled sound.

Zhou Yu suddenly noticed that the bricks under his feet were sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This, what happened?"

He hurriedly inquired about the situation, Huang Gai hurriedly said: "Great Governor, hurry down to the city wall, there is something urgent to report!"

Before Zhou Yu could react, another boulder hit him.

This time, the noise was louder and continuous.Even some wall tiles have begun to crack.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Because Liu Ke left behind in the middle position when repairing the damaged city wall of Xinye.

Under the fierce bombardment of the catapults, it was finally smashed again, and even the entire city wall was greatly affected.

I saw that the city wall had started to shake continuously. Fortunately, Huang Gai reacted in time and pulled Zhou Yu down the city wall in an emergency.

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