"Bo Fu, don't be in a daze, hurry up and stabilize the situation!"

Until now, Sun Ce finally raised his head slowly, and said with a blank expression:

"Oh, the former Gongjin, what did you say?"

Zhou Yu was helpless for a while, but he had no choice but to repeat what he had just said.

Sun Ce's expression remained unchanged after listening.

After a while, seeing that Zhou Yu was about to worry again, he finally sighed and spoke.

"Hey! Gongjin, it was Gu's fault this time, and he brought the soldiers into a desperate situation! I feel really sorry for Gu!

If it doesn't work, you will tie up Gu and give it to Liu Ke. I think Liu Ke will never embarrass you again! "

"Bo Fu, what are you talking about? Could it be that I, Zhou Yu, are greedy for life and afraid of death, betraying my master and seeking glory?

If you say that again, it will be a waste of my ten years of friendship with you! "

This time, Zhou Yu finally got angry and questioned loudly.

However, Sun Ce still didn't change at all, he was so calm.

In fact, speaking of it, it shouldn't be the case for someone as arrogant and confident as Sun Ce.

However, the more arrogant and arrogant a person is, the easier it is to suffer a major blow and become devastated.

It was because he was too blindly confident before, and once things went differently than expected, he naturally doubted himself, so that his belief was shaken.

Now Sun Ce is in such a state, everything that happened in the past few days flows in front of his eyes over and over again like a movie.

Every time he passed, his confidence was hit by a point, so the current situation came into being.

Seeing the situation, Zhou Yu was also very anxious.

He didn't want to see his best friend who grew up with him sinking like this.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce's still decadent performance made Zhou Yu heave a long sigh and was about to leave.

Before he left, he left a sentence: "Bo Fu, if you have the heart to watch all the soldiers who fought with you outside be wiped out, then continue to stay here in a daze!

Although I, Zhou Yu, am not talented, I will definitely not sit still and let the enemy's butcher's knife swing over me.

Victory or defeat is a common matter in military strategists, and one failure is unbearable, so how can we talk about competing for the top? "

After speaking, Zhou Yu ignored Sun Ce and walked away.

Although his words are a bit harsh, sometimes only strong medicine can cure stubborn illnesses.

But at this moment, Zhou Yu couldn't care whether his words would work or not. After he came out from Sun Ce, he immediately returned to the ruins of the city wall to supervise the battle.

After this delay, the battle at the city wall became fiercer.

The four generals Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, and Zu Mao led the soldiers to resist hard, but they were beaten back step by step by Liu Ke's attack.

Sun Ce saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

Because of the current situation, Xinye City may not last long before Liu Ke breaks through.

He hurriedly called Jiang Qin who was on standby at the rear: "Gongyi, Xinye City is about to be destroyed, we must not continue to sit here and wait for death.

Hurry up and remove all the barriers from the other city gates, I have other arrangements! "

Hearing this, Jiang Qin knew that the matter was of great importance, so he hurriedly brought someone to deal with it.

After Zhou Yu made the arrangements, he immediately ordered the four generals to be called back to order them one by one.

The four of them were struggling to resist the opponent's attack on the front line. Although they didn't know why Zhou Yu called them suddenly, they returned one by one.

The first one to come was Zu Mao, he didn't talk much, but the eagerness in his eyes was obvious.

Zhou Yu's expression was also very serious and he said: "General Zu Mao, I have a very important task to entrust to you, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Zu Mao only said one thing without hesitation, so he didn't have much to say.

After hearing this, Zhou Yu finally started to say: "Okay! General Zu Mao, please listen carefully. Liu Ke's army has been attacking for several hours.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, it was time for them to retreat.

I ask you to lead [-] warriors and take the initiative to go out of the city to attack when Liu Ke's army retreats! "

Although Zu Mao was not afraid of death, his face was full of doubts.

Zhou Yu knew that the other party was worried about why he would arrange such a near-death mission for him.

So he explained: "General Zu, please don't misunderstand, although this mission is close to death, it is to cover the retreat of the army.

You can also see the situation in Xinye, it is definitely not a place to stay for a long time, but if you retreat rashly, the enemy will inevitably catch up, and the casualties of our army will be even greater.

Therefore, there must be someone who is responsible for the post-break task.I wonder if General Zu Mao is up to the task? "

With such an explanation, Zu Mao finally understood.

He immediately said: "Commander, please rest assured, even if Zu Mao risked his life, it would be better than covering the army to retreat!

The battle on the front line is urgent, please forgive me for taking a step too early! "

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