After speaking, Zu Mao strode away, but Zhou Yu understood that with the character of the other party, as long as he agreed, he would definitely do his best to complete it.

Afterwards, another person returned, and this person was Huang Gai.

It's just that when he first arrived, he complained with some dissatisfaction: "Gongjin, the situation is urgent at this time, why can't we talk about it later?"

Zhou Yu didn't care about Huang Gai's rudeness.

Because the other party was covered in blood, and there were many wounds on his body, which were bleeding, one could understand his mood at a glance.

Zhou Yu also knew that the matter was urgent, so to make a long story short.

"Old General Huang, don't worry, Gongjin has invited you, that's why the next strategy against the enemy is!

The city wall of Xinye has collapsed. Although our army has held on for a while, it is impossible to defend it for a long time.

I already have a countermeasure. As soon as Liu Ke just retreated today, Ru immediately led [-] troops out of the east gate.

Regardless of whether the opponent pursues or not, they must rush all the way to Huyang County before they can turn north and finally meet in Wancheng!

This matter is extremely confidential, and no one is allowed to disclose it, otherwise the three armies, the king, and Jingzhou will be in danger! "

Huang Gai was a little puzzled when he heard this, but it was out of his trust in Zhou Yu and the tightness of the frontline battle.

He didn't bother to ask for details, and immediately returned to the front line after expressing his approval.

Then Cheng Pu was replaced again, he was also anxious, but he didn't complain like Huang Gai.

Zhou Yu went straight to the point: "Demou, after General Huang left the city, you led [-] troops out of the west gate and went straight to Anzhong County.

Regardless of whether the enemy pursues or not, they must reach Anzhong before turning north. "

Hearing this, Cheng Pu nodded and returned again.

As for Han Dang who came last, he naturally followed Zhou Yu's order and led the remaining soldiers and horses to leave from the north gate and rush to Fuyang.

Zhou Yu's arrangement is to split up the action, so that the opponent can't tell which one is his main force.

In this case, they can only chase after them all, and none of them can be taken lightly, they must give their all.

As for why Zhou Yu had to ask them to go to the nearest city and then turn to Wancheng to meet up.

It was also to confuse Liu Ke, so that he could not guess the next move of his soldiers and horses.

If you want to find out your next location, it will inevitably take a lot of time, and all parties should investigate.

In this way, you can give yourself some time to readjust your measures against the enemy.

Although the strategy is good, the most dangerous thing in the whole link is naturally rushing towards Liu Ke's Zu Mao.

However, if the strategy is to be successful, there must be someone who undertakes this task, and Zu Mao, who is not afraid of hardships and dangers, is naturally the best candidate.

After everything was arranged properly, Sun Ce began to direct the army behind to pack up some important supplies.

At this time, Jiang Qin finally came running from a distance.

"Governor, the barriers at the other three city gates have all been removed!"

Zhou Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words. He looked up at the sky and said to himself, "Jingzhou will live or die tonight!"

Although Liu Ke's troops attacked fiercely, under Zhou Yu's command, Xinye's troops also defended impenetrably.

Until the sun set to the west, Liu Ke's soldiers and horses failed to break into Xinye City, and were blocked on the ruins of the city wall.

Seeing this, Jia Xu had no choice but to step forward and come to Liu Ke's side.

"Your Majesty, it's getting dark now, and the soldiers are tired and hungry after a day of fighting.

I hope that His Majesty will be merciful and able to take them down to rest for a while. "

"Otherwise, seeing that Xinye is about to be taken down, wouldn't it be a failure to withdraw now? Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

Before Liu Ke could speak, Xun Yu took up the conversation first.

Seeing this, other counselors also stepped forward to speak. For a while, everyone insisted on their own opinions and expressed many different opinions.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that the counselors were about to argue again, Liu Ke finally spoke to stop it.

"Everything you said is reasonable. But after fighting for so long, the soldiers are indeed tired.

Although I think I can take Xinye, but I can't bear to see the soldiers starving and exhausted.

According to Wenhe's opinion, first inform the frontline soldiers to retreat.

As for Xinye City, hum!I will take it down tomorrow! "

Liu Ke's words were both caring and domineering.

After hearing this, all the counselors dared not continue to refute.

So, under Liu Ke's order, he began to call for gold and withdraw his troops.

The soldiers fighting on the front line heard the sound, although they were a little surprised, they still started to retreat slowly.

After all, they were already tired from the physical exertion of fighting for such a long time.

Seeing that the enemy army began to retreat, the Jingzhou soldiers who were fighting against them on the ruins finally breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that the opponent finally left.

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