On the one hand, they were desperately rushing towards the target, on the other hand, they were also constantly delaying the enemy troops chasing from behind.

The two sides are chasing after each other. Although the scale of the battle is not as good as that of the day, the degree of tragedy is not far behind.

Among them, the war on Zu Mao's side was the most serious.

After all, he originally had few soldiers and horses, and in addition to the fight with Dian Wei just now, many soldiers were killed or killed.

At this moment, under Dian Wei's hot pursuit, he finally couldn't hold on anymore.

Zu Mao stopped suddenly, turned his head and said: "The enemy army is chasing after him, we must teach them a lesson.

Five hundred people will be left to ambush here, and the others will continue to retreat! "

In the end, [-] people volunteered, gathered beside Zu Mao, and set up an ambush with him.

Dian Wei continued to chase, he was enraged by Zu Mao, and he swore in his heart that even if he couldn't take down Sun Ce, he would have to catch him!

Therefore, Dian Wei didn't pay attention to observe the surrounding situation at all, and rushed directly into Zu Mao's encirclement.

Zu Mao immediately mobilized and killed Dian Wei from the side, caught off guard.

However, the results he can achieve are only so far.

Because Zu Mao's strength is not as good as Dian Wei's, and he has fewer soldiers and horses, so he is no match for Dian Wei.

After less than thirty rounds of fighting, Zu Mao's men were killed, and even he himself was beaten back by Dian Wei.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zu Mao was beaten back by Dian Wei, and his soldiers also suffered heavy casualties.

He became more and more anxious, but he was still not Dian Wei's opponent.

Finally, due to carelessness, Dian Wei Yiji hooked his sword, and then took it from his hand with force.

Finally Dian Wei stepped forward with another short halberd and stabbed Zu Mao who was unarmed.

It was about to pierce the opponent's throat.

However, at the last critical moment, Dian Wei suddenly stopped, and the tip of the short halberd just landed on Zu Mao's heart.

Dian Wei snorted coldly: "Tied!"

Then he took Zu Mao who was captured alive, led his troops back to Xinye, and presented Liu Ke as a prisoner.

However, when Dian Wei arrived outside Xinye City, he was instantly dumbfounded.

Because he said that there was nothing here, and His Majesty was even missing.

But before Liu Ke left, he arranged for some people to clean the battlefield here.

Dian Wei hurried forward to inquire, only to find out that His Majesty also went after one of the troops.

Leaving aside the other soldiers and horses, it is said that after Cheng Pu left the city, according to Zhou Yu's arrangement, he went straight to Anzhong in the northwest.

It was Zhao Yun who chased them all the way, and he was most famous for his subordinate Bai Ma Yicong.

This time, Bai Mayi stepped on his horse, and it didn't take long before he finally caught up with the end of Cheng Pu's army.

Originally, Jingzhou soldiers and horses thought they had escaped, but they didn't expect the enemy to be so persistent and finally chased after them.

Zhao Yun had witnessed the changes in the city with his own eyes, so he believed that Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and others were definitely one of the teams, so he had to go all out.

Under his leadership, Cheng Pu, who was killed by soldiers and horses, threw away his helmet and armor, and was very embarrassed.

Cheng Pu had no choice but to lead his personal guards to join the battlefield. Naturally, he faced Zhao Yun, who was in the limelight.

Zhao Yun's white clothes and white armor, his outstanding demeanor, made Cheng Pu jealous.

He frowned and shouted: "Little Zhao Yun, watch me Cheng Pu come back to you!"

After speaking, Cheng Pu stretched out his sword and stood with Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun was not afraid of Cheng Pu at all, and the bright silver spear lightly protruded forward, just in time to block the opponent's attack.

"Hey, Cheng Pu, let's catch him quickly!"


Cheng Pu refuted it unceremoniously, and chopped it off again.

The two of you come and go, not giving in to each other.

However, although it seems that Cheng Pu has been the main attack on the whole, he seems to have the upper hand.

In fact, it was Zhao Yun who responded lightly and effortlessly, obviously trying to make fun of Cheng Pu.

But it wasn't because Zhao Yun looked down on the other party and wanted to tease him.

It was because Zhao Yun wanted to use this kind of battle to test whether there were others in Cheng Pu's formation.

If there were other people, seeing that he was molesting Cheng Pu, he couldn't sit still and stepped forward to help.

But the two fought for fifty rounds, but still no one stepped forward to help.

This time, Zhao Yun could finally confirm that there were no other important people in Cheng Pu's formation.

And in this case, Zhao Yun would not have to continue to show mercy.

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