I saw that the movements of his hands suddenly accelerated, only forcing the opponent to dodge in a hurry.

Cheng Pu never imagined that Zhao Yun's strength had suddenly increased so much.

In this way, it will be even more difficult for him to deal with it.

After another ten rounds, Cheng Pu already felt that his arms were so numb from the opponent's attack.

But he still gritted his teeth and persisted, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Zhao Yun said slowly: "Cheng Pu, you are not my opponent. Don't hold back, let's surrender!"

"Bah! Don't even think about it!"

This time, Cheng Pu finally angered Zhao Yun.

I saw Zhao Yun's movements and strength improved again.

In this way, Cheng Pu finally couldn't hold on anymore.

However, Zhao Yun's strength improvement also has a bad disadvantage.

That is, he can no longer control the weight in his hands at this moment, and if he is not careful, he will assassinate the opponent.

Originally, Zhao Yun was going to capture Cheng Pu alive, so he endured it, but now he can't take much care of it.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu's expression became even uglier.

The weapon in his hand was shot off by the opponent just now, and before Cheng Pu could react, Zhao Yun stabbed him in the chest again.

Cheng Pu only felt that there was a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and he was about to be assassinated by the opponent.

Cheng Pu, who had no weapon in his hand, had closed his eyes and was ready to die on the spot.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a crisp sound of ding, and suddenly a figure flashed out of the army.

The long spear in my hand collided with Zhao Yun's bright silver spear at this moment, helping Cheng Pu out of the encirclement.

After the crisp sound, Cheng Pu, who knew he didn't die on the spot, opened his eyes quickly.

When he saw the man's appearance, he was instantly stunned.

Therefore, this person turned out to be the king Sun Ce who wanted to cover the retreat.

It turned out that Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were mixed in Cheng Pu's team.

It's just that they deliberately concealed their identities, and even the few generals didn't know about it in advance.

So it's no wonder Cheng Pu is so shocking.

At the beginning, Sun Ce was still troubled by his previous defeats, and he was still listless.

But along the way, I saw the corpses left by the soldiers, and heard all the discussions and words of the soldiers from the most direct angle.

Especially at this moment when General Cheng Pu, who was covering himself, was forced into a corner by the opponent, Sun Ce finally could no longer just sit idly by.

Seeing that Zhao Yun's strength was rising, he immediately rushed forward with a spear in his hand, blocking the opponent's sure-kill blow at the very moment.

Afterwards, Sun Ce ignored the excited Cheng Pu, and had already made a mess with Zhao Yun.

The strength of the two is indistinguishable, and they have exchanged several moves in a row and still can't tell the difference.

At this moment, Zhou Yu no longer concealed his identity, and slowly came to Cheng Pu.

"De Mou, Your Majesty is in a stalemate with the enemy general, why don't you quickly step forward to support and assist your Majesty to capture the opponent together?"

Cheng Pu thought this way just now, but Sun Ce had already made it clear that no one should disturb him when he was duel with the enemy.

But Zhou Yu didn't care about these at all. He only knew that by defeating Zhao Yun, everyone could escape and ascend to heaven.

So with his encouragement, Cheng Pu finally rushed up again and joined forces with Sun Ce to attack.

The originally evenly matched situation, with Cheng Pu's joining, finally had a slight deviation.

Under the cooperation of the two, Zhao Yun's situation became worse and worse, and Zhou Yu also took the opportunity to quickly retreat with others.

In the end, Zhao Yun struggled to deal with it, and Sun Ce finally defeated Zhao Yun temporarily, and led his soldiers and horses to escape from this place.

However, although Zhao Yun was defeated, he had no intention of giving up at all.

On the contrary, he was very confident in catching Sun Ce alive, so after adjusting for a while, he chased after him again.

However, it was completely dark now. Under the cover of darkness, Zhao Yun chased around for a long time, but he never found Sun Ce's soldiers and horses again.

Zhao Yun was so angry that he could only order his subordinates to set up camp temporarily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce regained his heroic appearance, not only the rescued Cheng Pu, but also other soldiers were very excited.

Zhou Yu, in particular, came to Sun Ce with a smile on his face and said, "Your Majesty, I am very happy to see that you can regain your strength, and I will definitely help you!"

Under the leadership of Zhou Yu, all the soldiers shouted in unison to express their loyalty.

Seeing this, Sun Ce couldn't help but said guiltily: "I was alone and wrong before, and I shouldn't sink because of one failure.

On the contrary, the generals fought bravely to be the first, which made Gu feel even more ashamed.

This time I feel remorseful, I regret not at the beginning, I hope the soldiers will not blame me! "

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