Sun Ce's words are sincere, how can everyone blame their own monarch?

On the contrary, they were all very happy to see him come back to power.

But they didn't dare to be too exaggerated, because they had just escaped from Zhao Yun's pursuit.

Moreover, the road is unclear at night, and now they can only rest in a dense forest for one night, and continue on their way after dawn.

But it is conceivable that Zhao Yun must also be looking for them, so it is better to keep quiet.

As Zhou Yu expected, after Sun Ce and others retreated, Zhao Yun immediately sent out scouts to search for them.

Vow to solve them completely tonight.

However, the location Zhou Yu chose was very secret, and the soldiers were required not to make any noise.

So Zhao Yun's scouts didn't find any trace of them at all.

In this way, Zhao Yun can only rest for one night, and look for it through various clues at dawn tomorrow.

As soon as it was dawn, Sun Ce's soldiers and horses began to set off.

When Zhao Yun arrived here, they had just left.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun had indescribable remorse on his face.

It turned out that the place where Sun Ce's soldiers camped was only less than five miles away from his own camp.

At this distance, as long as the sound is slightly louder, they can hear each other.

However, he didn't notice anything and missed this great opportunity.

Zhao Yun hurriedly led people to chase after him, but Zhou Yu also set up some misleading directions along the way, causing Zhao Yun to chase in the wrong direction several times.

In this way, the distance between them and Sun Ce's army continued to widen.

At noon, Sun Ce finally led his troops to Anzhong County.

Ma Mao, the county magistrate of Anzhong, heard the news that Wang Shang's army had arrived, and was frightened and ran out of the city to meet him.

"Your Majesty, my servant is late to greet you, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Ma Mao has a flattering attitude, although the soldiers despise him, they are still respectful to see him, and this place is also under his jurisdiction.

So everyone didn't say anything.

Sun Ce also comforted them with kind words before being led into the city by Ma Mao.

After everyone sat down in the county mansion, Zhou Yu immediately went straight to the topic.

"Mamao County Magistrate, how much food is there in the county treasury? This time there is not much military food, so I need you to come up with two hundred shi for emergency."

As the governor, Zhou Yu is naturally not polite, and he doesn't meander at all when he should say something.

However, as soon as these words came out, Ma Mao's face became very ugly.

Zhou Yu was alert to the change in his expression, and said involuntarily, "What? Could it be difficult?

Well, then, the governor will give you a discount, just take one hundred and fifty shi!That's all right, right? "

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Yu said this, instead of thanking Ma Mao, Ma Mao still had the embarrassed expression just now.

This time, Zhou Yu was completely dissatisfied.

I saw Zhou Yu's tone gradually turned cold: "Hmph, Ma Mao, I didn't expect you to be a money addict. How about reducing it to a hundred shi?"

Ma Mao still didn't answer, this behavior finally angered him.

"Ma Mao, could it be that you don't obey orders and delay the military plane?"

You must know that the crime of delaying the military plane is a crime without pardon. Such a serious crime finally frightened Ma Mao, and he collapsed on the ground with a plop.

In fact, it wasn't that Ma Mao didn't want to provide it, but that his treasury was empty.

Not to mention a hundred stones, even if he couldn't get a single stone out, how dare he answer?

Seeing the other party's performance, Zhou Yu snorted coldly: "Where is the treasurer?"

An old man with gray hair hurried forward: "Your servant, I am the next official."

"Quickly open the grain depot for inspection!"

"This... this..." He hesitated and looked at Ma Mao, the county magistrate, but Zhou Yu snorted coldly, so scared that he could only do it.

After the treasury was opened, a mildewy smell rushed over in an instant.

When everyone got used to the breath and looked inside again, they finally understood everything.

"Ma Mao, is this the treasury you manage?" Zhou Yu's tone was serious and beyond doubt.

"The governor may remember that last year was a rare and good year with good weather and good weather. At that time, your Anzhong County newspaper reported that there were five hundred shi for grain storage alone.

Why did it disappear in less than half a year?If you don't speak out today, let's see how the governor will deal with you! "

Ma Mao was finally scared, he couldn't stand up, and his speech was even more intermittent.

Zhou Yu immediately looked at the treasurer: "Treasurer, you are the direct manager, if you can't even tell, then you will be beheaded together with Ma Mao!"

This frightened the treasurer. For the sake of his own life, he told everything he knew like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

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