Asked in private, Tang Gu was stunned for a moment.

Because these people were in the same situation as I encountered, they were basically taken away by Liu Ke's men, and they didn't want to surrender to the enemy, so they had to flee to Wancheng.

Zhou Yu also understood everyone's situation one by one. He was worried that Sun Ce had just recovered, and if he said it directly, the other party would not be able to bear it.

So he silently wrote down the matter, temporarily arranged for these people to rest, and let him report alone.

Unexpectedly, before Zhou Yu had time to go, Dong Xi, who had retreated from Jiyang's defeat, went directly to Sun Ce and told about the enemy's attack on Jiyang.

Before he could finish speaking, General Chen Wu also rushed in with a look of embarrassment.

As soon as he entered the door, he cried out in tears.

After careful questioning, it turned out that on the way back from mobilizing troops from Pingshi County, he happened to meet Lu Bu who was leading the troops.

The two sides met on a narrow road, and a war broke out in an instant.

Although Chen Wu's strength is strong, but the person he met was Lu Bu, this is not something he can deal with.

In the end, not only the soldiers and horses in his hands were defeated by Lu Bu, but all the food and grass were also seized.

Even he himself barely escaped unharmed by jumping into Bishui.

Speaking of this, it will definitely greatly affect Chen Wu's face.

But it would be more difficult for him to have no soldiers and no food to deal with, so he had to say everything.

Hearing what the two said, Sun Ce could hardly suppress the anger in his heart.

His complexion also became very ugly, and he was about to run away at any time.

At this time, Zhou Yu finally came from outside and reported all the information he had learned.

"Your Majesty, after Liu Ke occupied Fuyang, he immediately ordered his soldiers to plunder everywhere.

Now Anzhong, Rangxian, Nieyang, Jiyang, Huyang, Pingshi, and Wuyin have all been captured by the opponent. "

Hearing this, Sun Ce's face turned red and white for a while, and finally couldn't control the anger in his heart, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Zhou Yu actually seemed to be a little more tactful, and he didn't expect Sun Ce to still have such a big reaction.

However, Sun Ce didn't scold everyone, but just took the handkerchief from Zhou Yu's mouth and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Then he frowned and said, "Liu Keyan dares to bully you like this? I promise to make the other party pay the price! Zilie, I have some top-secret tasks for you!"

As soon as Chen Wu heard this, he immediately took a step forward, and the others also consciously turned their heads away.

After Sun Ce whispered a few words in his ear, Chen Wu immediately assured: "Please rest assured, the king, I will risk my life to live up to the king's instructions!" After speaking, he strode away.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After more than ten days of recuperation, Sun Ce finally regained some vitality.

In addition, the food, grass and military resources of some surrounding counties were enriched into Wancheng, and now Sun Ce's strength has once again improved.

After Liu Ke's conquest for many days, all the cities south of Wancheng were taken into his hands.

Therefore, Liu Ke finally set his sights on Wancheng.

In fact, he had already learned about Sun Ce's whereabouts from Zhang Liao, so he directly joined the army and sent troops to Wancheng.

Nanyang County is known as the largest county in the world, with thirty-seven counties under its jurisdiction, it is extremely rich.

And Wancheng is the administrative seat of Nanyang County. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and close to the water on one side. The terrain is dangerous and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Liu Ke's army set out from Jiyang, and finally stationed at a small place called Nanjiu, twenty miles away from Wancheng.

Because of the dangerous terrain of Wancheng, even if Liu Ke was anxious, he could not act rashly.

So prepare to make a good plan here first, and then it will not be too late to march.

This time, although Liu Ke presided over the meeting, Zhuge Liang was the speaker.

You know, Zhuge Liang once worked in Nanyang and is very familiar with the terrain here.

I only heard Zhuge Liang say: "Your Majesty, colleagues, the terrain of Wancheng is slightly different from others.

Although he is located in the center of the Nanyang Plain, it radiates the entire Nanyang County.However, there are several hills around it, forming an outer line of defense.

There are several independent hills such as Dushan, Tashan, Moshan and Yangshan in the north, and there are Zheshan and Longgang in the southwest.

Although these hills are independent, they are basically the commanding heights around them.

Therefore, based on my understanding of Zhou Yu, the other party will definitely station troops on these hills, condescending, and occupy our army.

Although they are independent, the hills and hills are not far from each other. Instead, they can serve as horns for each other, choking all the main roads entering Wancheng.

To the east of Wancheng is the surging water, wide and turbulent, which cannot be easily passed.So in general, there is only a breakthrough from other directions.

In this case, there are three sides, south, west, and north. It is still necessary to think carefully about which direction to choose. "

Zhuge Liang's introduction was extremely detailed. After listening to his words, everyone basically had a general understanding of the surrounding environment of Wancheng in their minds.

Xun Yu stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, according to what Kongming said, Wancheng is indeed a dangerous place.

No matter from which direction to attack, it is not easy to think about it.

In this case, there is no need to make a special choice. Since our army is stationed in the south of Wancheng, we can simply attack from the south!

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