This also saves a lot of trouble and time-consuming. "

His opinion has also been supported by many people. After these victories, everyone feels relieved, and naturally they don't take the enemy army to heart.

So for everyone, it is the same from any direction.

Since everyone had the same opinion, Liu Ke didn't need to say anything more, and nodded to express his approval of Xun Yu's opinion.

Zhuge Liang then explained: "Since Your Majesty has decided to march from the south, the most urgent task is to cross the Flood River and seize control of Zheshan Mountain.

Marching from the south, one side is close to the water, and the other side is Zheshan.

The enemy army is guarding Zheshan and is condescending, so they must not be able to pass easily.So the primary purpose can only be to seize Zheshan! "

Liu Ke heard the words and nodded: "What Kong Ming said is very true, you will be fully responsible for this matter, and the soldiers under the tent will be dispatched at will!"

When Zhuge Liang heard the words, his heart fluttered, and he immediately started to arrange.

"All the generals listened to the order: Dian Wei, you lead ten thousand soldiers and march towards Wancheng along the west bank of the Fhui River to attract the defenders in the south.

When you arrive at Longgang, you will definitely meet the opponent's full resistance, so you will use all your strength to shake him up! "

When Dian Wei heard this, an excited expression appeared on his face.

"Prime Minister, do you mean that I can do whatever I want?"

"Hahahaha! Come on, you are right, just toss around casually, the bigger the movement, the better!"

Hearing Zhuge Liang's assurance, Dian Wei finally had some confidence.

Immediately patted his chest and said: "I am relieved to have the words of the prime minister, and please rest assured, the prime minister, toss, I am a professional!"

Afterwards, Zhuge Liang continued: "Wen Yuan, you lead an army of [-], march from the south, and keep a certain distance from Elai.

But the marching speed does not need to be too fast, we must attract the defenders on Zheshan, but let them think that we did not mean it.Do you understand? "

Zhuge Liang's request was very strange. Almost all the generals were rough and rough, and everyone frowned when they heard it, not knowing why.

Only Zhang Liao said with some understanding: "Prime Minister, Wen Yuan knows!"

Zhuge Liang nodded in satisfaction, and then said again: "There is one last task, let... Zilong do it!

Zilong, you lead five thousand brave men, walk slowly from the southwest direction, don't show any signs.

Even if Wenyuan's side has already fought with the defenders on Zheshan, Ru can't expose it.

While the opponent is fighting, climb up the Zheshan Mountain from the southwest, take this place in one fell swoop, and then dive down to the enemy's rear from a condescending height.

Just work with Wen Yuan to repel the enemy!Before that, all actions must be done carefully, and there must be no leaks! "

Zhuge Liang's tone was very severe, and Zhao Yun immediately recognized his importance.

So, quickly nodded and accepted.

After everything was arranged, Zhuge Liang reported back to Liu Ke and said, "Your Majesty, as long as the three generals act according to your plan, our army will be able to rush to Wancheng tomorrow!"

Liu Ke was very happy when he heard this, and couldn't help but praise: "Kong Ming is really resourceful!"

While Zhuge Liang was arranging his troops, Zhou Yu was not idle either.

As soon as Liu Ke arrived in Nanjiu, he had already received the news, and immediately started making arrangements.

It goes without saying that Sun Ce was stationed in the center of Wancheng, but in order to defend it, he arranged for special personnel to be stationed on several surrounding hills.

Among them, the guard at Longgang was Han Dang, who led an army of [-] to guard.

Because Zhou Yu also judged that the opponent came from the south, and the primary target must be the south, so it is natural to send more people here.

In addition, [-] troops were also arranged on Zheshan, led by Cheng Pu.

Cheng Pu's task is to guard the southern gate into Wancheng.

Regardless of whether the opponent is from the south or the west, the opponent cannot pass easily.

In addition, Yangshan, Moshan, Dushan, Zishan and other places also have their own arrangements, but the number of troops is much smaller than that in the south.

But in general, it is not much different from what Zhuge Liang expected.

In fact, this is not to say that Zhuge Liang has clever calculations, and Zhou Yu has seen through all of Zhou Yu's plans.

It's because as long as you have learned the art of war, according to the actual situation outside Wancheng, anyone in this position must make such an arrangement.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Zhou Yu finished making arrangements, he left behind a [-]-strong brigade, led by himself.

The task of this army is to roam around and provide support wherever there is a need.

On the second day, according to Zhuge Liang's arrangement, the first team, Dian Wei, was finally dispatched.

He got the guarantee from Zhuge Liang that he could do whatever he wanted, and he was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night.

So as soon as the day dawned, they got up and marched in an instant.

Dian Wei crossed the river, and when he came to the west bank of the river, he began to go north along the bank to Wancheng.

After walking for a short time, I saw that the terrain directly in front of me continued to rise, forming a hill across the front in the distance.

Dian Wei gradually raised his vigilance, knowing that the enemy must be stationed on the hill.

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