Sure enough, when he led his troops to the foot of the hill and was about to go up, a figure suddenly appeared above his head.

"Hahahaha! Bandit army, with this general here, don't even think about passing through here!"

Dian Wei looked up when he heard the words, and saw a young general with an immature face standing on the hill holding a spear, but there were crowds of people behind him, and it seemed that many enemy troops were ambushed.

Dian Wei looked at the other side, hesitating for a while, and then suddenly laughed out loud.

Seeing this, the other party said angrily: "The thief general, why are you laughing if you haven't retreated yet? Could it be that you look down on this general?"

At this time, Dian Wei finally controlled it, and said with great interest: "I thought it was someone so loud, but it turned out to be a young child.

I will advise you, young people, don't be too arrogant! "

"Can you be called a young man if you are not aggressive? Don't think that you will look down on me because you have a few more years of military experience!"

The man retorted Dian Wei unceremoniously, which made Dian Wei laugh even louder.

"Hahahaha! Alright, alright! You are so young! But this general also passed here today, I don't care if the person blocking me is young or old!"

As he said that, Dian Wei also waved the double halberds in his hands, making a howling sound of piercing the air, trying to scare the opponent.

Unexpectedly, the other party was not moved at all, instead he waved the long spear in his hand, pulled out a gun flower, and looked at Dian Wei with even more air, as if in a demonstration.

That being the case, Dian Wei no longer hesitated, continued to step forward firmly, and finally forced the opponent to make a move.

"Look at the gun!"

The man let out a soft drink, and the silver spear rushed over, heading straight for Dianwei's throat.

In the beginning, Dian Wei really underestimated this person.

It wasn't until the other party made a move that he finally saw his strength, and Dian Wei couldn't help sighing: "This man's spear is fierce and his marksmanship is outstanding, he looks like an extraordinary person!"

So, he took the initiative to ask: "Looking at your young age, you are quite capable. Report your name quickly, so as not to become an unknown dead ghost!"

Although the young man was angry, he still called out his name aloud.

It turned out that he was the son of Han Dang, one of the four generals under Sun Ce, Han Zong.

Han Dangben was outstanding in marksmanship, and as his direct son, he was even more well-informed, even better than blue.

Now being able to get Dian Wei's secret admiration is the most obvious evidence.

It's just that although he has been praised by Dian Wei, it only shows that his strength is not bad.

It does not mean that this person has surpassed Dian Wei.

Every time Dianwei's attack was heavy, it was okay at first, but as the battle continued, Han Zong gradually began to feel exhausted.

The most obvious feature of the decline in physical strength is that his marksmanship has gradually become messy, not as fierce as before.

If nothing else happened, within ten rounds, Han Zong would definitely lose.

However, the movement here has alarmed the main general Han Dang who was taking a nap in the camp behind the hill.

He heard that Han Zong was resisting the enemy on the hill, but he wasn't worried at first, and even felt relieved for his growth.

However, when Han Dang saw the figure of the enemy general from a distance, he was frightened instantly.

Because Han Dang fought Liu Ke many times, he was very clear about the generals under Liu Ke's account.

Especially the person in front of him is Dian Wei, a powerful and powerful general under Liu Ke's command.

This person is so powerful that he is not even his opponent, let alone his son, especially Han Zong who has shown signs of being bankrupt.

So Han Dang quickly raised his spear and rushed forward.

He shouted: "The thief general, Han Dang is here!"

As soon as Han Dang arrived, he immediately shot Dian Wei, forcing Dian Wei to withdraw his attack on Han Zong and turn around to defend.

In this way, Han Zong was finally given a chance to breathe.

"Zong'er, you are not his opponent, step back quickly!"

However, Han Zong was unmoved and insisted on not retreating. In the end, Han Dang had no choice but to deal with Dian Wei with him.

Dian Wei is well versed in Zhuge Liang's command, and made the scene here as loud as possible.

So he naturally didn't worry about the big things, and singled out Han as father and son.

Driven by Dian Wei, the scene became bigger and bigger, and everyone's attention was attracted.

Even Zhou Yu, who was sitting outside the city, was alarmed.

Zhou Yu still has [-] reserve troops in his hand, but he heard that although the commotion over there was loud, he could still deal with it.

So he didn't come over directly, but paid attention to it all the time.

Cheng Pu who was stationed on Zheshan also heard the situation here.

But he didn't leave immediately, and kept paying attention like Zhou Yu.

But Dianwei said that there was a lot of commotion on Dianwei's side, but because he didn't have enough troops, he naturally didn't attract Zheshan's troops.

But when Dian Wei was fighting Han Dang and his son, Zhang Liao finally started to act.

According to Zhuge Liang's words, Zhang Liao pretended to be sneaking, and led his troops to march from the direction close to Zheshan.

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