If he can take the opportunity to capture him alive, he will definitely severely damage the morale of the opponent, and it is not even a delusion to win here.

Therefore, Zhao Yun hurriedly said: "Then trouble the general to guide you!"

The man didn't hesitate, and immediately took Zhao Yun to Zhou Yu's place.

In order to avoid being noticed by people along the way, Zhao Yun fell short, so he kept his head down.

However, even with such care, it still attracted the attention of interested people.

This person was covered in blood, and he had just retreated from the front line, and he seemed to be going to see Zhou Yu too.

But when he passed by Zhao Yun, he instantly showed a surprised expression.

Immediately asked curiously: "General Zhang, who is this person?"

Hearing the words, the man looked up, and immediately responded: "So it's General Cheng Zi, they are the troops left behind on Zheshan.

Hey, don't you know each other? "

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yun's nerves tensed instantly, and he didn't expect to meet the other person.

This person's name is Cheng Zi, but he is actually Cheng Pu's legitimate son, and he went out with his father this time.

Hearing the man's explanation, he fixed his eyes on Zhao Yun for an instant.

"Why haven't I seen you? Isn't the garrison on the mountain led by General Lu Xiu? What about others?"

Facing Cheng Zi's barrage of questioning, Zhao Yun was unflappable and responded quickly.

"Back to General, General Lu is suffering from heatstroke, so he ordered the younger one to come down first to help, and he arrived later.

The young one was originally a military marquis, but thanks to General Lu's attention, he was honored to take on this mission.

It is only natural that the general is in a high position and has never seen a small one. "

Although Zhao Yun's explanation was perfect, Cheng Zi still frowned and looked suspicious.

Because he found that this person was indescribably familiar, but he didn't know where he had seen him before.

But it's definitely not the little military officer he said.

However, the military situation was urgent at this moment, and Cheng Zi didn't have time to waste it any longer. He left first, and was ready to investigate after the big issue was settled.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun hurriedly saluted Cheng Zi respectfully.

At this moment, Cheng Zi suddenly remembered something, and he immediately said: "Mr. Jun, my father said before that he would bring those five hundred sharpshooters. I wonder if he brought them this time?"

Although Zhao Yun was a little hesitant, he still said: "Return to the general, I have brought them all!"

When Cheng Zi heard this, he suddenly burst out laughing.

When Zhao Yun and the other person were confused, Cheng Zi approached slowly, and suddenly drew out his sword and pointed it at Zhao Yun.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Yun also explained with an innocent expression: "General, I am Zhao Long, the military officer under General Lu."

"Hahahaha! You don't need to pretend. When you came here today, my father didn't say that. I deliberately lied to you.

However, you actually said that you brought them. There are no archers on the mountain. Where did you bring them?

Who are you, come here quickly! "

Hearing this, Zhao Yun couldn't help crying in his heart: "I didn't expect Cheng Zi to be so cunning at such a young age! He even exposed this general!"

But at this moment, Zhao Yun's army had penetrated deep into the enemy's rear, and he had no intention of continuing to pretend.

Therefore, Zhao Yun suddenly had a seizure, and the silver spear in his hand suddenly moved out, swung Cheng Zi's saber away, and then immediately returned to the main army.

This time, even the person who recommended him before knew that he had been duped, and hurriedly ordered everyone to come forward and encircle Zhao Yun together.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Zhao Yun was exposed by Cheng Zi, he immediately led his troops and began to attack the opponent.

At this moment, Zhao Yun had penetrated deep into the enemy's hinterland, and coupled with the sudden attack, the opponent had no time to react.

Even if the man shouted loudly, only two or three thousand people were mobilized.

Zhao Yun had found out where Zhou Yu was during the conversation just now, and now he was only a few hundred meters away from the other party's camp.

Therefore, Zhao Yun went directly to Zhou Yu's big tent regardless of the obstacles around him.

Seeing this, Cheng Zi hurriedly stepped forward to block it. Although he had just retreated from the front line and was exhausted physically and mentally, he still tried his best to block it.

You must know that if the enemy army advances further, it will endanger the governor, and Cheng Zi will never allow such a situation to happen.

Although Cheng Zi is young, he has fought with Cheng Pu since he was a child and has long been a veteran in the army.

Coupled with Cheng Pu's personal teaching, he has a good sword technique.

After ten rounds of fighting with Zhao Yun, he did not lose the wind.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun couldn't help sighing: "My boy, your saber skills are not bad!"

Facing Zhao Yun's praise, Cheng Zi didn't take it seriously at all, and even scolded: "Who are you? How dare you speak such wild words?

This is my Cheng's family's sword technique, and it's only from your mouth that it's not bad! "

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