At this moment, there is no need for Zhao Yun to continue to hide his identity.

So he said directly: "Haha, the boy is very ambitious. Don't you want to know who I am?

Then I will tell you, I am the general of the Han Zhendong, Marquis Shunping, and Zhao Yun is also! "

Hearing this, Cheng Zi's complexion changed instantly, and he pointed at the other party in disbelief and said, "You, you are Changshan Zhao Zilong?"

"Haha, that's right!" Zhao Yun admitted generously, which made Cheng Zi's face even uglier.

You must know that Zhao Yun's fame is all based on his achievements, and he doesn't know how many famous generals he has defeated.

No wonder Cheng Zi reacted so strongly after hearing it.

As for talking and laughing with Zhao Yun just now, the face of the person who led him to see Zhou Yu was already pale.

He had a frightened expression on his face. If he really took him to see Zhou Yu, even Zhou Yu might not escape bad luck.

One must know that at this moment Zhao Yun still did not give up the idea of ​​capturing Zhou Yu, and was still rushing towards Zhou Yu's big tent.

If Cheng Zi hadn't tried his best to stop him, he would have already killed him.

The movement here finally alarmed Zhou Yu who was thinking about his next plan.

Zhou Yu came out dissatisfied, and was about to scold him, but he was horrified to find that the flames of war had already reached his tent.

"What happened? Why did General Cheng Pu lose so quickly?"

The subordinate hurriedly replied: "Governor, it was not General Cheng who attracted the enemy army. It was a reinforcement pretending to come down from the mountain.

Intended to attack the big account of the Chinese army, but fortunately was dismantled by General Cheng Zi in time, and he is still fighting at this moment. "

When Zhou Yu heard this, his expression became even uglier.

He had calculated thousands of times, but he did not expect that the two armies of the opponent were all tricks to lure the enemy.

They even arranged for a third team to attack Zheshan.

Judging by the other party's appearance, it seems that Zheshan has already changed hands.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu felt irritated: This must be Zhuge Liang's plan!Am I really inferior to him?

While Zhou Yu was thinking, he had already made a decision.

"Order to go down, mobilize all the soldiers and horses who have not participated in the battle, and together capture this daring enemy general alive!"

Hearing that, the man dared to hurry up and make arrangements.

Zhou Yu, under the protection of the guards, slowly stepped forward to observe the battle situation in the formation.

However, when Zhou Yu saw the identity of the enemy army, he couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"Zhao, Zhao Yun?"

Zhou Yu was unbelievable, unexpectedly, the enemy sent a brave general Zhao Yun to carry out this task himself.

Therefore, Zhou Yu hurriedly dispatched troops and generals, vowing to take down the opponent.

Zhao Yun also caught sight of Zhou Yu who had just arrived, and saw that he suddenly exploded in momentum and knocked Cheng Zi back.

Then he rode his horse and rushed towards Zhou Yu with such momentum, like a tiger descending a mountain or a dragon going out to sea.

Even Zhou Yu, who was so angry, couldn't help turning pale.

However, the surrounding guards responded immediately and gathered in front of Zhou Yu to block Zhao Yun's arrival.

I saw Zhao Yun waving the silver spear in his hand, the stars were dotted, and he would die if he blocked it. After a while, he harvested a large area.

In this way, Zhao Yun kept approaching Zhou Yu with an unstoppable momentum.

Although Zhou Yu's guards and other troops who rushed over tried their best to stop him.

But it still couldn't stop Zhao Yun and the army behind him completely.

As a result, Zhou Yu could only retreat steadily under the cover of his subordinates, very embarrassed.

Especially after Zhao Yun eliminated all the guards in front of Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu's situation became even worse.

The other generals also stepped forward to block Zhao Yun, but none of them were his opponents.

Seeing this, Cheng Zi said anxiously: "Governor, Zhao Yun's target is you! For your safety, let's retreat into the city first!"

The pride in Zhou Yu's heart naturally wouldn't allow him to do decarbonization before the battle.

But the situation in front of him is getting more and more serious. If he doesn't escape, Zhou Yu really has no chance.

Seeing that Zhou Yu was still hesitating, Cheng Zi simply helped him onto the horse, and then patted the horse, causing the excited horse to neigh instantly.

Then he carried Zhou Yu on his back and fled to Wancheng like flying.

Zhou Yu's departure also made these soldiers no longer have to worry about the future.

But at the same time, it also made it lose the will to fight against the enemy, and on the contrary, it was even more unable to stop Zhao Yun's attack.

The battle on Zhao Yun's side also produced a more serious consequence.

That was Cheng Pu's army who were still fighting the enemy on the front line.

From the very beginning, Zhang Liao had been paying attention to the situation there, and when he saw Zhao Yun showing his might, he became more and more excited.

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