Especially after Zhou Yu left, Zhang Liao shouted excitedly: "Hahahaha! Zhou Yu's son actually ran away and abandoned you all. Do you still want to work for such a boss?"

Zhang Liao's words were indeed murderous, and most of the soldiers fell into panic instantly after hearing his words.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu hurriedly yelled to stabilize the morale of the army.

But no matter how much he yelled, Zhang Liao simply stated the facts.

After all, everyone saw Zhou Yu's departure, and no one could deny it.

Therefore, the morale of Cheng Pu's army dropped rapidly, and it was evenly matched with Zhang Liao's army at first.

The more he fought, the more powerless he became.

On the contrary, the two armies of Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun all fought more and more bravely, and the enemy troops they killed were retreating steadily.

Finally, the two armies successfully merged and launched a general attack on Cheng Pu's defenders hand in hand. It didn't take long for Cheng Pu to be defeated.

The first thousand six hundred and forty-one chapters of the southern line

As Zhou Yu was forced by Zhao Yunjun to retreat helplessly.

Cheng Pu's morale plummeted when they saw that the governor had fled.

In the end, Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao jointly forced them to retreat, and finally fled in the direction of Wancheng.

At this moment, on the southern front, only Han Dang, who was fighting Dianwei, remained.

So the two immediately went to support Dian Wei.

Just as he was about to leave, Zhang Liao stopped Zhao Yun suddenly.

"Zilong, I can go alone. You should lead the troops and return to Zheshan to garrison.

I am worried that although Zhou Yu leaves, he will never let it go, and will definitely lead troops to fight for it.

If you also go to support Evil and lose Zheshan, then all our previous efforts will be in vain. "

Hearing this, Zhao Yun nodded in agreement, so he led his troops back to Zheshan to continue their garrison.

After Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun separated, they rushed eastward without stopping, and in a while they arrived at the place where Dian Wei and Han Dang were fighting.

The battle here is still in full swing, but overall, Han Dang has the upper hand with his large number of troops.

But Dian Wei fulfilled Zhuge Liang's arrangement very well and stood firm all the time. The purpose was to hold Han Dang back and prevent him from supporting Cheng Pu.

Therefore, Dian Wei's situation became more and more critical, and his soldiers continued to die in battle.

However, his persistence finally paid off. Zhang Liao finally defeated Cheng Pu's army and came to support him.

Seeing Zhang Liao's army arriving, Dian Wei finally let out a sigh of relief and shouted, "Wen Yuan, you are finally here!"

"Haha, evil, you are fighting hard here, I am here to save you. lest you be captured by the opponent."

"Hmph! If you are captured, I won't even know how to do it! Uncle has no enemy here, who can capture me?"

The two joked with each other, and the atmosphere instantly became more relaxed.

When Han Dang saw Zhang Liao's army arriving, he couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.

Because looking at the direction Zhang Liao came from, it was obvious that he came from Zheshan.

And just now I could hear the shouts of killing from over there, but now it has returned to peace.

Originally, Han Dang thought it was the Zheshan guard Cheng Pu who defeated the enemy.

But when he saw Zhang Liao, a bad idea suddenly appeared in his heart: "Could it be, could it be that Demou was defeated?"

However, before Han Dang could question him, Zhang Liao had already opened his mouth.

"The enemy generals over there, Zheshan guards Cheng Pu and Zhou Yu have all retreated. Now Zheshan is all in my hands. If you are wise, surrender quickly, and you can save yourself from death! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Hearing Zhang Liao's words, Han Dang's expression changed instantly.

Unexpectedly, the idea in his heart actually came true, but Cheng Pu had more troops than himself, plus the commanding officer was in the center.

How could he lose faster than himself?

Therefore, Han Dang only thought that the other party was playing tricks to shake his morale.

So he snorted coldly, no longer entangled with the other party, but directly led the soldiers and horses to charge over.

Seeing this, Zhang Liao was not in a hurry, anyway, Cheng Pu's army had already retreated, and Han Dang was the only one left here, so he could naturally entangle with him.

Therefore, under the joint attack of Zhang Liao and Dian Wei, Han Dang immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Han Dang was very anxious, and hurriedly sent someone to ask for help.

However, I also inquired about the news by the way, and it turned out that, as Zhang Liao said, the defenders of Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu were indeed repelled.

Now they are regrouping under Wancheng, preparing to recapture Zheshan.

In this way, naturally there will be no extra troops to support Han Dang.

Han Dang frowned when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, the defense line that was originally impregnable is now riddled with holes and will collapse at any time.

He sighed and said, "Oh! It seems that this general can only retreat!"

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