Zhou Yu's face turned red suddenly, and then he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, all the generals rushed forward together.

"Great Governor, it's me who is incompetent and defeated by the enemy. Don't be angry!"

"That's right, Commander-in-Chief, if you want to be beaten or punished, you will be punished. If you are angry in your heart, vent it all on us!"

"Governor, take care! Huh, huh..."

However, after Zhou Yu spurted out this mouthful of blood, his complexion became slightly better.

He waved his hand to stop the words of the generals, and said slowly: "I don't mind, the failure of this plan is all my fault.

Don't blame yourself, generals, I will go to the king to plead guilty! "

With that said, Zhou Yu resolutely returned to Wancheng despite the dissuasion of the generals, and went directly to plead guilty to Sun Ce.

When Sun Ce heard that the plan to attack Zheshan at night had failed, his expression became very ugly.

But when he heard from the generals that Zhou Yu vomited blood because of this incident, he hurried to the front.

"Gongjin, it won't work, just come back later, don't hurt your body because of this!"

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu have been friends since childhood, and their relationship has long surpassed that of a monarch and minister. Therefore, Sun Ce is naturally more concerned about Zhou Yu's safety than his current battle situation.

Under everyone's unanimous persuasion, Zhou Yu's mood gradually improved.

However, he still couldn't let go of this from the bottom of his heart, and secretly made up his mind that he would definitely win back in the future.

Not long after the Zheshan battle ended, the sky finally dawned.

At this moment, Liu Ke finally led his army forward and arrived at the southern foot of Zheshan Mountain from the south, completely cutting off Zhou Yu's desire to take back Zheshan Mountain.

The arrival of Liu Ke's army immediately alarmed the defenders in Wancheng.

Now that the location outside the city has been occupied by Liu Ke, it would be unwise to go out of the city to attack, so Sun Ce can only step up the defense inside the city, preparing to fight against the opponent with the strong Wancheng.

Liu Ke stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. Except for a few small hills outside the city, there was no other shelter.

However, all the troops stationed on those hills had been recalled to the city by Sun Ce.

After all, now that the mountain cover has been lost, and the empty gate to the south is wide open, there is no point in guarding other key points.

On the contrary, they will be defeated by the opponent one by one, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Liu Ke said to the counselors beside him: "Now the barriers of Wancheng are gone, and there is only a lonely city left.

How can the family of the ministers break down the city? "

"Your Majesty, since it is an isolated city, everything will be easy to handle. I have two strategies, please Your Majesty!"

Liu Ke's eyes lit up when he heard it: "If Wen has any tricks, you can speak up."

"Your Majesty, Wancheng is strong and cannot be easily breached overnight, so a strong attack can only be regarded as a bad idea. If you kill a thousand enemies, you will also lose eight hundred.

The best strategy is to encircle and not attack. Even if the city has abundant reserves and Sun Ce has gathered so many troops, it will not last long.

Therefore, as long as a year, as little as half a year, after the city runs out of food, it will surrender without fighting! "

Liu Ke heard the words, nodded slowly and said: "The best strategy Wen Ruo said can indeed reduce the casualties of our army.

It's just that although this strategy of besieging the city is good, it is extremely time-consuming.Now that the world is not peaceful, how can I keep the army here for a long time?

So although it is the best policy, it cannot solve my urgent need! "

After hearing Liu Ke's words, Xun Yu had no choice but to back down.

His strategy is really good from a tactical point of view.

However, for Liu Ke's grand strategy of planning the world, it took a little more time, so it was not adopted by Liu Ke.

The others frowned and said nothing, as if they didn't think of any good way to break the city.

So Liu Ke could only sigh, and temporarily adopted the extremely costly bad strategy.

Therefore, after a day of recuperation, the army finally moved slowly and opened up its formation in Wancheng.

Sun Ce also quickly put his army on the top of the city, preparing for the next big battle.

The city of Wancheng is tall and solid, comparable to ordinary county towns, so Sun Ce's confidence is quite sufficient.

What's more, he has kept a backup player. As long as he can persist for a few more days, the situation will definitely change drastically.

After the army set up the array, following Liu Ke's order, they finally started to attack.

The first round of attack was still a giant catapult that was invincible.

A full five catapults were skillfully operated by the soldiers, and after a while, they roared and threw the boulder towards the top of the city.

However, this time, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu had already expected that the other party would make this move.

Therefore, the soldiers in the city took precautions early on.

Most of the troops hid behind the city wall. As long as the city wall did not fall, they would not be harmed at all.

Some people even sneaked into the underground fortifications dug before, and now there are not many people in the city.

As for the ones on the city wall, you can only rely on your eyesight and hands.

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