Fortunately, the thrown stone is huge, so as long as the direction is predicted, it will not be hit.

Therefore, in this way, Sun Ce's army did not suffer much loss in the first round of attacks.

Even the city wall, because it is extremely strong, only splashed stone chips, and the body did not have a big impact.

However, Liu Ke did not give up. The first round of attacks had just ended, and the second round immediately started.

Boulders were constantly being thrown into the city, and almost the entire city had been baptized by it.

It's just that under the other party's deliberate preparation, the impact caused by the boulder became less and less, until finally no one was affected.

Seeing this, the general in charge of manipulating the giant catapult rushed to report to Liu Ke.

"Your Majesty, the city is strong, and the impact of the giant catapults is getting smaller and smaller. It seems that there are no results now."

Liu Ke nodded noncommittally. He had been witnessing the whole process, so how could he not see it?

The current situation made him irritated for no reason. He didn't expect that the giant catapult, which was invincible before, would fail here.

16th Chapter [-] Deadlock

Liu Ke saw that the giant catapult had no effect, so he had to suspend and order the siege army to take the opportunity to move forward and start the next step.

Under the leadership of Dian Wei, Zhang Liao, Lu Bu and other generals, the army quickly approached Wancheng under the cover of catapults.

Not long after, the army came to the city and began to climb up the city wall.

But in this way, in order to avoid accidentally injuring friendly troops, the giant catapults have also stopped attacking.

As a result, the defenders who had been hiding in various corners quickly gathered at the city wall from all directions under Sun Ce's order.

Therefore, the siege army just put the ladder on the city wall, and before anyone could go up, they were overthrown by the defenders at the top of the city.

Some soldiers also fell down because they climbed too high.

And when Zhou Yu determined that the opponent's big killer, the giant catapult, was no longer effective, he began to use all kinds of defense methods.

Several large pots were set up on the top of the city, and under the raging flames, the strong oil in the pots had already begun to boil.

Then the defenders poured down the pot full of hot oil without hesitation.

Anyone who touches it will instantly be torn apart, and the flesh and blood will melt. At the least, a large piece of flesh will fall off, and at the worst, they will die on the spot.

Not only that, after the strong oil was poured, the defenders immediately pulled out a few burning firewood from under the pot and threw them down.

For a moment, the city instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the siege army was immediately submerged in it.

Compared with these, the opponent has a more sinister move, and that is the golden juice.

Boiling in the pot, the steaming hot golden juice exudes a stench all over the sky, and even the defenders have to cover their mouths and noses with towels.

And when it comes into contact with soldiers under the city, it is trivial to burn off a layer of skin. The most important thing is that the germs inside can quickly invade the human body.

Make it as short as one day, or as long as three to five days, and then the body will be infected with germs and completely lose its combat effectiveness.

In addition to this, there were regular attacks such as rolling stones, thunder wood, bows and arrows, and the city was devastated.

Seeing such a scene, and hearing the screams of the soldiers, Liu Ke was very anxious.

He urgently stopped the attack and withdrew the army from the city.

Back in the tent, Liu Ke said angrily, "I never imagined that Sun Ce and Zhou Yu would build Wancheng so solidly.

If this situation is followed, when will Wancheng be breached! "

Liu Ke's Longyan was furious, all the officers and men under his command naturally did not dare to vent their anger, they all held their breath and focused carefully, so as not to offend Long Wei.

However, Liu Ke has a good control over his temper.

After a brief moment of venting, he instantly returned to his previous peaceful state.

He said softly: "Hehe, but it's good to have such an opponent. If there is no difficulty, wouldn't I be lonely when I unify the world?

Even if one blow fails, I will never give up. This time, he, Sun Ce, cannot escape from my grasp! "

When all the ministers heard the words, they immediately shouted in unison: "Your Majesty's heavenly power has descended into the world, and the thief will not be able to last long. I will wait to die!"

Liu Ke heard everyone express their opinions in unison, and couldn't help but said happily: "Okay! Then I invite all the ministers to cooperate with me to wipe out all evil and revive the community!"

As Liu Ke spoke, his voice continued to rise, and when the last syllable fell, there was a deafening thunder outside the tent.

People in the world often say that the power of heaven is unpredictable, but Liu Ke is now the son of heaven.When his dragon face was furious, it caused a thunderous image to appear in the sky.

Such scenes further strengthened Liu Ke's belief in his destiny.

Therefore, everyone involuntarily fell to their knees and shouted long live in unison.

However, Liu Ke's eyes had shifted away from the ministers and extended outward through the tent door.

When he saw the dark cloud-covered sky in the distance, he unconsciously said, "The sky has changed!"

Immediately afterwards, the torrential rain finally poured down, sprinkled on the entire land amidst the continuous roar of thunder.

This heavy rain came very quickly, and the amount of rain was very heavy. After a while, it gathered in a low-lying place and formed a small stream, flowing into the distance.

The soldiers who had been resting outside also hurried back to their tents to hide from the rain, and they ran so slowly that they became drowned in a blink of an eye.

Under such heavy rain, it is unrealistic to think about attacking again.

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